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Fear or panic in public places?


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It certainly sounds like agoraphobia (literally "fear of the marketplace" or crowds, from the Greek). This is a type of anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are basically all treated the same: medication (SSRI's, such as Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac, Celexa, Lexapro) and/or psychotherapy (specifically, cognitive therapy). Cognitive therapy boils down to this: when your feeling anxious and crappy, what's the worse thing that could happen? When you intellectually realize, "nothing much" it helps diffuse the anxiety somewhat.


A psychiatrist would be very helpful to you, but a family doctor can treat this as well, and they're much more available (I should know, I'm a family doc). Don't be worried that a psychiatrist will delve into your childhood--psychologists are the docs that do "talk therapy." In fact, many of my patients have come back to me after seeing a psychiatrist, just to talk more about the emotional side of things. This is a very fixable condition.

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Originally posted by db123

It certainly sounds like agoraphobia (literally "fear of the marketplace" or crowds, from the Greek). This is a type of anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are basically all treated the same: medication (SSRI's, such as Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac, Celexa, Lexapro) and/or psychotherapy (specifically, cognitive therapy). Cognitive therapy boils down to this: when your feeling anxious and crappy, what's the worse thing that could happen? When you intellectually realize, "nothing much" it helps diffuse the anxiety somewhat.

A psychiatrist would be very helpful to you, but a family doctor can treat this as well, and they're much more available (I should know, I'm a family doc). Don't be worried that a psychiatrist will delve into your childhood--psychologists are the docs that do "talk therapy." In fact, many of my patients have come back to me after seeing a psychiatrist, just to talk more about the emotional side of things. This is a very fixable condition.




like i said before, it would have been agoraphobia, only this guy isn't afraid of going outside, he's afraid of being in large crowds... hence i believe he is suffering from ochlophobia, a condition which fits his fears perfectly...



oh, and Threm, just read An outline of Psycho analysis and Civilization & its Discontents.... GREAT books, and don't take that much to read... if you've read those, then you can confidently say you know freud :)

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Originally posted by GuyaGuy

about a year ago i watched a documentary on Ellis Island. the main reason i watched it was that i was interested in finding out if it was true about all of the name-changing.

the narrator/host/film-maker said that he went through tons of files and couldn't find a single case where the names were changed.

legend has it that a german would be asked, "what's yr name?" he'd say "Schmidt." the official wouldn't understand and would write down "Smith."

well, that doesn't make since cuz when you immigrate you have a passport where yr name is printed clear as day. PLUS Ellis Island employed translators for numerous languages to help immigrants who didn't speak english.

apparently most of the name changes happened by choice, after immigrating and settling--an attempt at americanizing/assimilation.


I'm not sure if all the folks who came through Ellis Island, running from cossacks and famines and such, had time to get a passport. :rolleyes:


Real life -


my wife's family name is Miller, but the records of her great grandparents list the name as Mlinisch. They came through Ellis Island, with a cardboard suitcase and the family Torah.

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my family name also changed. it was anglicized. my family never went through EI, they immigrated in the 18th century.


not everyone going through EI was running from the cossacks, apparently. and many people have a passport long before they move to a foreign country. and some planned their journey long in advance, or so they say...



if there's evidence contrary to what was presented in the film, let me know. i'm just presenting info gathered by someone who's actually seen the EI files as opposed to repeating a widely-held belief which is apparently nothing more than a legend.

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sounds like a panic attack. Lots of people get them, and they're very manageable. It's just your brain getting flooded with adrenaline and having an inappropriate fight-or-flight response.


I would see a doctor just to make sure that's all it is. The doc might suggest medication, but if you're not keen on taking drugs (and even if you are) you might want to check out non-drug alternatives. Such as: more excerise, breathing/relaxation exercises, and being attuned to things that set off panic attacks and avoiding them when you can.


And just try talking yourself down too, when the panic starts. Just tell yourself you're not in danger and it will pass. And it will.

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Originally posted by Effector 13

Wait... this is old skool... and he's banned... and I'm obviously way behind on the drama. :'/




didn't you notice my huge bump disclaimer? :p




zvex was doing image text for a while there. dunno why. i remember wondering how and why he did it at the time...

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I bet Robo is really cuddly as well.:wave:



I'm not scared of crowds, but they do make me feel uncomfortable...it could be the rampant BO, bad breath, poor clothing choices, hideous skin conditions or bad toupes, but mostly it's the overwhelming sense that this mindless herd is representative of humanity's imminent demise...


...I'd feel more comfortable if they just got on with it instead of continuing the pretence.



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i have social anxiety- all my life people just considered me to be extremely shy, but when it started to border on panic attacks, although i've never had a full blown debilitating panic attack, just hyperventilating and increased heartbeat, i sought professional help, especially because it was starting to affect my employment. I went through many of the SSRI's and while some helped, the side affects weren't worth the only little bit of relief they offered. My solution was just to concentrate on my feelings and what made me feel this way. I sort of embrace it, its been a while and I've kinda gotten used to it, and you can't let it snowball by being embarrassed or depressed about it- when pressed by something important, like a superior at work or a girl I'm attracted to, i wear it on my sleeve " Oh, yeah I'm a little weird, I'm pretty much socially retarded" and saying that has broken the ice quite a few times, remember every human being has their own hangups and problems- if they aren't a complete asshole they can relate.

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Originally posted by Seth Carmody

I really hate shopping centres (malls). I can amble down a shopping strip no problem, but if I have to go a shopping centre I just want to get out of there as quickly as possible.



im the same way.... some form of panic attack

so generally i just stay away...

ive wondered if something happened to me at a shopping centre when i was little....

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I used to have pretty bad social anxiety, starting at about the 6th grade. I think it was triggered by being the new kid in a very small town and being picked on by the cliqueish locals.


Pretty bad all through middle and high school.


It subsided when I made a profound spiritual breakthrough. I find that my anxiety levels now roughly follow my levels of physical and spiritual fitness. Regular exercise, Yoga, meditation, whatever spiritual and/or holistic practice that makes you feel connected and at peace and confident will counter the social anxiety.

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Originally posted by fuzzbox

I've recently noticed something I don't like. In biggger places with lots of people I get a strange feeling that is similar to panic attacks. I just got back from a stand up show at a symphony hall venue and we sat on the upper level and the place is huge. After a while I start getting these emotions that are hard to explain but you sort of cancel everything else out and your body feel like yello! I wanted to leave but I forced myself to stay (I paid $$$ for the ticket). And in my mind it's me against everybody else for some reason, that I'm singled out and everyone else is fine.

I hope it's not some {censored}ing mental phobia that will get worse and force me to avoid concerts and what not.

Anyone else with similar experience:confused:




get yourself an empty refrigerator box, cut a hole in the front, and arm holes on the side.

make marks on the sides of the hole on the front that makes it look like a TV, so the hole is the TV screen.


enjoy your concert footage from your own private room, far away from all those scary people.



you're welcome.

no charge.

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Those are definately panic attacks.

I've had that exact situation before.


It's kind of like a charley horse in your brain - the feelings come up, you notice and cling on them, then they build.


Accepting the feelings and turning your attention elsewhere is a big part of working it out. So you feel a little odd - no big deal, it'll pass.


If you keep having problems with it, go to a therapist. Panic attacks are one of the very curable problems.

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Maybe this is out of line, but: This an effects forum, not some friggin' self-help group. If you're digging for guidance or information on your agoraphobia / anxiety here, then maybe you ARE crazy. If it's vaguely effects-related, post it here. If not, save it for your shrink.:bor:

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Originally posted by Televator

Maybe this is out of line, but: This an effects forum, not some friggin' self-help group. If you're digging for guidance or information on your agoraphobia / anxiety here, then maybe you ARE crazy. If it's vaguely effects-related, post it here. If not, save it for your shrink.


well you see that 2003 in under his user name. That means how long he been posting here,contributing not lurking, and it means we know him.


and mister june 2006 we don't know you, so if you were to post something personal we would probably {censored} on your feelings like you just did his. in other words if you don't like, got {censored} yourself


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