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Will you be reading HCEF a year from now?


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Originally posted by Thelonius

Some. Maybe not as much. I hope to be in a new career and of course I'll be a fulltime father. So I may end up in a career a little less friendly to my browsing habits.

We'll never hang out again. You'll be all responsible, dedicating your weekends to mowing grass and catching up on laundry. You'll start telling me it's time to start getting serious with my life and maybe consider some outlet covers and putting my cleaning goods in high cabinets.

Puke and {censored} will no longer be disgusting to you.

Yeah, you're totally gonna change.

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Originally posted by SorrowAblaze

{censored}, now I only have TWO stompboxes, and I never use those - unless you count a V-amp ...

I've come full circle myself, even built a couple. I'll hang on to all of 'em though. I've got some keepers :cool:

Where ya at in Columbia? I lived in Irmo and Lexington years ago. I used to work at Casey's Union 76 there on I-20 and 26, used to work with prisoner trustees from CCI and watch hookers go from rig to rig.

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Originally posted by Steverino

I've come full circle myself, even built a couple. I'll hang on to all of 'em though. I've got some keepers

Where ya at in Columbia? I lived in Irmo and Lexington years ago. I used to work at Casey's Union 76 there on I-20 and 26, used to work with prisoner trustees from CCI and watch hookers go from rig to rig.

LOL - I grew up in Friarsgate, spent 18 years there :D

Right now I stay off Broad River road, near the Greystone exit, off 26.

I almost forgot about that treble booster I made two years ago - it worked on the breadboard, when I soldered it up, it din't work! I checked and checked for problems, and could not find one - so I " took a break to cool off "

That was two years ago:eek:
Mabe its about time to break it back out, heh:D

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Originally posted by SorrowAblaze

LOL - I grew up in Friarsgate, spent 18 years there

Right now I stay off Broad River road, near the Greystone exit, off 26.

Awesome. I lived with my mom in either Friarsgate or New(?) Friarsgate! :cool:

Used to hang out at a place called Aun's Feed Stable in Lexington back in the 80s, also a place called Greenstreets.

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Originally posted by Steverino

Awesome. I lived with my mom in either Friarsgate or New(?) Friarsgate!

Used to hang out at a place called Aun's Feed Stable in Lexington back in the 80s, also a place called Greenstreets.

Greenstreet's is long gone. They closed it down when I was in college back in the early '90s.

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