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All hail great white barbies !


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Originally posted by ginnboonmiller

Yeah, done to death, but that photo with Metzger just sent chills down my spine. Somebody please kidnap those poor kids.



yeah, that {censored}er is a real hero in my hometown of portland... im pretty sure if he stepped foot in portland again he would be shot by gun hating hippies.... oh... i love it when bastards are killed in a cloud of irony.

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Guest Anonymous

Where is your Master Race now?!?!


(Edited to delete porn. That's aganst site rules. Please don't post something like that again. Thanks. - Phil O'Keefe)



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"We're proud of being white, we want to keep being white," said Lynx.

Look out! If you're not careful, you might get a TAN! :eek::rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yes, it IS sad... and IMO, the saddest thing is that if these kids had be raised by parents who were not a bunch of racist haters, they would probably have never had a racist thought in their lives. :(

IMO, the way to end racism is for every parent to teach their children that there are only two types of people - good people and bad people, and each come in every skin tone imagineable. And IMO, the parents of those kids fall into the second category. :mad:
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Guest Anonymous

Originally posted by Devi Ever

Where is your Master Race now?!?!

(Edited to delete porn. That's aganst site rules. Please don't post something like that again. Thanks. - Phil O'Keefe)




Dag yo. Twasn't even anything showing.


Oh vell.



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Originally posted by jcn37203

This thread is so 24 to 48 hours ago.


I`m sorry. I`ve always been late. Late for school, late for work. I was born late.

Probably why I`m a delay nut.

Delays are my friends, they`re always behind, like me.

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