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Nord electro 2 users, why such a bad piano sound?

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Caution this might turn into a rant....I've owned and gigged with the Nord Electro 73 for a year now. I bought it to use as a B-3 and D-6 substitute on gigs. Part of me hoped that the reviews touting the dreadful nature of it's acoustic and electric grands was out of proportion.

It was'nt....

The ability to download and swap out instrument sounds is of no help since the format is proprietary and instrument sounds can only be obtained from Nord :(


I don't understand how Nord can consistantly deliver bad piano sounds one after the other, then release the STAGE line of instruments. Obviously the Nord Stage has better piano sounds than the Electro.



Hey Nord, just give us the application that compresses our samples into the Electros' format and we'll package our own sounds to fill the slot vacated by your dreadful pianos. :idea:


Maybe we could email this request enough times to get a response from Nord....



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Use some of the onboard EQ. A little bass and a lot more treble will work wonders. Also download the new pianos from the Clavia website. They're based on the Nord Stage samples. I have the Steinway loaded in mine right now. MUCH better.

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Originally posted by Reverend179

Well, I would NEVER use the electro as my 'piano' board. The whole point is electromechanical, and the 'real' pianos don't feel or sound right IMO. That being said, the new samples are a lot better than the old ones.



Clavia added an acoustic piano as a "bonus." It works just great in a full band live music mix. For recording or solo it leaves much to be desired of course.


Then again if you wanted a better piano sound with the Electro's features, you can always plonk down three grand for a Nord Stage...

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I only use the Nord Electro as a piano during practice. I normally use my Yamaha Motif ES8 as a piano on stage. Just recently I've substituted the Fusion 8HD as a stage piano. I've kept the Motif.


I've downloaded and tried all of the most recent sounds from Nord. I agree they are better.


As for the Electro, I love the B-3 and clavinet, and get fair use out of the wurly and rhodes....:thu:

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Originally posted by Henway_piano

I only use the Nord Electro as a piano during practice. I normally use my Yamaha Motif ES8 as a piano on stage. Just recently I've substituted the Fusion 8HD as a stage piano. I've kept the Motif.

I've downloaded and tried all of the most recent sounds from Nord. I agree they are better.

As for the Electro, I love the B-3 and clavinet, and get fair use out of the wurly and rhodes....


So it sounds to me like the Electro is fulfilling its stated purpose and you are happy with it. Therefore, I am confused by your original question. As a longtime Electro user myself, I've often wondered why they don't do a better job on the acoustic piano, but I'm so pleased by the Hammond, Clav, Wurly and Rhodes that I don't really care. I have other keyboards that handle that purpose. The Electro delivers its targeted sound in spades.


I'm betting it will be less than 2 hrs before Outkaster comes in and starts slamming the Electro. He loves to slam it! For the record, I am a card-carrying Electro Hero Worshipper! :D :D




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Originally posted by Henway_piano

Hey Nord, just give us the application that compresses our samples into the Electros' format and we'll package our own sounds to fill the slot vacated by your dreadful pianos.

Maybe we could email this request enough times to get a response from Nord....



I guess more than a piano sound, I was hoping someone else would join me in wanting the application that would allow us to package our own samples for the Electro. There's times when that might be a Vox, Farfisa, Solina, or an RMI....:wave:

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the pianos in V3 are exactly those of the nord stage, minus the note off samples (and sympathetic resonance)


here comes a politically incorrect little text


One: Acoustic pianos are a matter of taste. the new Electro ones are great. If you can't produce proper music with it, stick with a real piano only and show me recordings because I don't believe you're even worth the piano. Or forget about it alltogether


Two: put a little reverb over it. You yamaha and korg lovers are used to reverb drenched {censored}. So. Please buy a TC m300 and add a little reverb


Three: play the Electro (rack) via a FATAR SL880 or other weighted keyboard or buy a godd"

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I think that Roald's answer was a little harsh but I own the Electro 61 and the Rack. I have updated to V3.0 and have the new Steinway in both of them. I agree with everything he said!


EW (electro lover, cant help it.)

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Originally posted by eric

So it sounds to me like the Electro is fulfilling its stated purpose and you are happy with it. Therefore, I am confused by your original question. As a longtime Electro user myself, I've often wondered why they don't do a better job on the acoustic piano, but I'm so pleased by the Hammond, Clav, Wurly and Rhodes that I don't really care. I have other keyboards that handle that purpose. The Electro delivers its targeted sound in spades.

I'm betting it will be less than 2 hrs before Outkaster comes in and starts slamming the Electro. He loves to slam it! For the record, I am a card-carrying Electro Hero Worshipper!




HAHA! It is not a bad keyboard it is just a little overated and I guess I never could understand it? No one keybaord can be good at all things, that is my experience.

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Originally posted by Reverend179

Well, I would NEVER use the electro as my 'piano' board. The whole point is electromechanical, and the 'real' pianos don't feel or sound right IMO. That being said, the new samples are a lot better than the old ones.


:thu: I like the Waterfall keys, B-3 and Leslie simulations better than the instruments I had to go through to get to the Nord. Namely the VK-8, CX-3, XB-2, Voce. :wave:


Maybe I should just be satisfied with the parts of the Nord that I like, and ignore the rest.


:cool: I can't imagine how someone could view this post as a flame fest of the Nord Electro.


I suppose that I'm only Electro owner that would like to put his own samples in the board....


I'll be sure to email Nord to retract my request for a better piano sound, citing instead: "Roald likes his, I like it it too" and "Don't waste any more effort in providing additional samples because Roald can play the heck out of that new C-7 sample".


It's all good....;)

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Originally posted by Unfed

serious question (humor me...) -

how would the piano on the Electro compare to the piano samples on an Ensoniq ESQ-1/m?


what are your thoughts on the piano samples on the ESQ?



Maybe I can help ! I own a Nordstage 88 and had the Ensoniq ESQ1.

While I don't have the Electro, I'm sure the piano is really better in Nord Electro than ESQ1. I find the piano sound very crap in an ESQ1 now (8 bits resolutions samples, very short samples big looping, no layers, not many samples...) but at his period (1985) it wan't bad.

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Originally posted by Unfed

serious question (humor me...) -

how would the piano on the Electro compare to the piano samples on an Ensoniq ESQ-1/m?


what are your thoughts on the piano samples on the ESQ?

They're the same samples aren't they..

:D Those clever swedish devils purchased the samples from Ensoniq....:thu: Joking of course....It's interesting that you should ask such a question....I bought an ESQ-1 when they first hit the market. I loved the thing, and used it for everything including piano....


Back in 1986 the esq-1 piano sounded quite good compared to my DX-7. I sold my esq-1 in 1992 after I had replaced it with a Korg SG-1D which I also thought was great at the time.


I got nostalgic last year and bought an ESQM to revisit the sound. Somehow twenty years turned that once good sound to crap....

All instrument sounds are subject to the ears they fall upon. I'm sure that's why we have so many choices for instruments....



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Originally posted by Henway_piano

I like the Waterfall keys, B-3 and Leslie simulations better than the instruments I had to go through to get to the Nord. Namely the VK-8, CX-3, XB-2, Voce.

Maybe I should just be satisfied with the parts of the Nord that I like, and ignore the rest.

I can't imagine how someone could view this post as a flame fest of the Nord Electro.

I suppose that I'm only Electro owner that would like to put his own samples in the board....

I'll be sure to email Nord to retract my request for a better piano sound, citing instead: "Roald likes his, I like it it too" and "Don't waste any more effort in providing additional samples because Roald can play the heck out of that new C-7 sample".

It's all good....


;) I would LOVE to be able to resample and put my own in the board. Don't get me wrong. If I had a use for a portable piano sound, I would use something else (which I don't, most of my stuff is weird lo-fi rock stuff), but for the EM stuff, it's tits.

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I have the electro rack and i think the original mono grand piano works fine for Skee-nard etc. I had tried the C7- it is decent in stereo, awful in mono but not as good IMO as my old Yamaha P50m piano module. Also I thought the Steinway was a little thin but that might have been my amp's fault- thinking I might re-evaluate as it has better sustain than the ac. grand #1.

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sorry if I wasn't very friendly...but the post was intended so...there's been countless discussions on this, and I'd suggest to put further posts into those threads.


There's another factor in this: when you play on one instrument all the time, another brand will almost automatically sound 'wrong', until you've accustomed yourself with the feel of the other instrument.


IMHO, the differences between a Yam p250, Kawai MP8, Roland RD700 and Nord Stage(/electro) are very noticable but they are all great once you get used to them. Buy the one you like most and stick with it!


Nord has made some mistakes with the first piano. It was recorded at a distance and felt a bit weird. I guess it was their dumbest failure ever since it kind of ruined the Electro's image. The pianos that came after that were much better, and close mic-ed. Still, with the Nord you get a piano sound that has more ambience and more 'real life instrument' feel than the others, where the pianos sound very clean and polished. This can be a disadvantage live, agreed, as polished instruments punch through the mix better, but in a recording, character counts!


anyway, I'm uploading the track to myspace so you can hear for yourself.

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Originally posted by Roald

Still, with the Nord you get a piano sound that has more ambience and more 'real life instrument' feel than the others, where the pianos sound very clean and polished. This can be a disadvantage live, agreed, as polished instruments punch through the mix better, but in a recording, character counts!



Actually, I find the character of the Electro piano cuts great live and really sits in a mix well, better than some other dedicated pianos. I have grown used to a tweaked acoustic piano sound in my S90ES, but I had to do just as much eq'ing, adjustment of fx, etc, as you would have to do to the Electro piano sound to make it work in a band setting. It sounds fantastic playing alone though. I DO think the Electro piano sound isn't good for playing alone, but in an ensemble, it sits well and will definitely cut in a guitar band.

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Originally posted by dan88z

Actually, I find the character of the Electro piano cuts great live and really sits in a mix well, better than some other dedicated pianos. I have grown used to a tweaked acoustic piano sound in my S90ES, but I had to do just as much eq'ing, adjustment of fx, etc, as you would have to do to the Electro piano sound to make it work in a band setting. It sounds fantastic playing alone though. I DO think the Electro piano sound isn't good for playing alone, but in an ensemble, it sits well and will definitely cut in a guitar band.



Dan the S90- ES is really nice. I do not have one yet but I really love the S-90. By the way what Leslie amp do you have in your cabinet? I am picking up a 145 in a couple weeks with a 122 amp in it.

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I have the 147 in mine. I haven't used it for a while, we've been doing a lot of outdoor gigs and I hate bringing it when there are no walls for it to bounce off of. Contemplating using it this weekend but it's an up the fire escape 1 nighter.

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Originally posted by dan88z

I have the 147 in mine. I haven't used it for a while, we've been doing a lot of outdoor gigs and I hate bringing it when there are no walls for it to bounce off of. Contemplating using it this weekend but it's an up the fire escape 1 nighter.



Ok that's right. Do you have a case with casters? I would love to gig with the Leslie but transportaion is always an issue.

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