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Why don't any of you SUPPORT THE TROOPS!?!?!?


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I disagree that supporting the troops requires supporting the war. I can not, and will not, agree with the actions of the Bush administration in Iraq. That said, I think the military is doing their job as well as they can, and give my best to all the men and women who are currently serving.
I don't agree with Bush
I do wish the very best for American troops and the future of Iraq.

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"Just observe the nation that is defended by devoted patriots. The patriots fall in bloody battle or in the fight with hunger and want; what does the nation care for that? By the manure of their corpses the nation comes to its 'bloom'! The individuals have died 'for the great cause of the nation', and the nation sends some words of thanks after them and - has the profit of it."

Max Stirner, The Ego and His Own

Max Stirner was one of the Young Hegelians along with Karl Marx, however, Marx opposed him through and though. Marx, of course, is correct about the alienation of laborers from their work, but wrong about his utopia; while Stirner is uncomfortably correct in his egoist rants.

It might interest you that this book was translated and published in a series called Roots of the Right. The Left has always been associated with socialism and antiwar sentiment. At the moment, the Right is on trial for lying about the war, and making weapons manufacturers billionaires, many times over. You might say that individuals from the Right may be coming to their 'bloom.'

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Originally posted by Kriegsemann

I disagree that supporting the troops requires supporting the war. I can not, and will not, agree with the actions of the Bush administration in Iraq. That said, I think the military is doing their job as well as they can, and give my best to all the men and women who are currently serving.

I don't agree with Bush

I do wish the very best for American troops and the future of Iraq.



read it again playa, he agrees with you.

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i found that in the net and quite interesting...


beside that picture and that i'm not american i don't agree with bush. i think he is a liar.
but it's the same here in germany except we don't fight anymore.. ok, now we have our new government don't know what comes next.. but i say no to lies and no to killing people for whatever reasons!!

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Originally posted by Kriegsemann

read his last line again... not so much.

And if he ment what I ment, then cool. If not, just as cool.



the whole thing is very funny and very sarcastic.


if he wrote it, ill be honest and say im impressed. but it seems too clever to be writting by someone who spends time on an internet forum.


but anyway, i found it to be very clever.

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Liberals think that nothin will ever happen to shake up their little worlds - they don't get the fact that what happens across that big ol ocean could also take place here. GET A FRICKIN GRIP boys & girls............


The REPUBELICANS weren't the first to start throwing this crazy IRAQ/WMD idea around............


I DARE YOU to read the quotes below - REALLY read them see who said them and when they said them and then talk some shiite..............




You can

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Support thr troops? Well HELL YEAH!! My brother did two tours in the first Gulf War. Back then he said all the Iraqis he saw were walking around with their hands up. The battle was like a turkey shoot.
This mess we're in now is a different shooting match that we are not prepared to win. We went there for the wrong reasons
but with thr right intensions.
I don't believe for a minute that GW and his buddies ( I voted for Gore and Kerry) committed our troops on a lie. They genuinely felt Iraq as a clear threat. This tinged by the sting of 9/11 (this changed everything).
It was then that we realized that those who would do us harm without remorse were no longer merely the cave men on camels we thought but intelegent sophisticated warriors.
we were let down by our intellegence community and our government as a whole big time.
Gw didn't start the gov. letdown he just expanded it.
The current White house is run by a cadre of incompetent baboons who hijacked our government ( Mabye a bit strong as they are there by our consent).
The US Military is designrd to win in an all out war. Not a selective war where the target is unclear and the rules of engagement are so strict. Remember Viet-Nam?
Take off the kid gloves let them kill, maim, and destroy everything in their path untill the enemy has either all been killed, or has no capacity or will to fight.

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