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Appartment volume and Cab with Nano : 1x12@20w or 2x12@30w ?


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[i posted this on zvex forum, but zv is in hollydays]


Ok, does, lets say, a cab loaded with 2 Celestion Greenbacks rated 30w (G12H reissue) would make a Nano sound louder, and if yes how much louder, than a cab loaded with only one Greenback rated at 20w (T1121 reissue) ?


FYI, i'm talking about the new Marshall handwired cab loaded with "aged" Celestions


This would be to play in bedroom with single coils (strat) for classic 60s/70s mild rythm crunch (Stooges, Velvet), with very good chords definition (not AC/DC)


Thanks for your answers !

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Eric it's not the power rating that makes the difference as the amp remains the same ie 1/2w. It's the speaker sensitivety that makes the difference. The Greenback is rated 97db and the H version rated 100db. I think that having two speakers causes an increase of 3db. So my guess is that the volume increase will slight if any.


The Greenback is a very inefficient speaker. I think that some of the Jensons are as low as 94db. The Emininence Private Jack is 103db.


So take a look at speaker db ratings and decide what you want.

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Thanks Chris, so does that mean that there will be almost no more volume with the 2x12 ? (i'm sorry, i slept 4 hours last night, i'm at work and still drunk:eek: )


i was thinking about the aged greenbacks reissues, of the HW Marshall series


i didnt find the db rating on the web, just a drawing curve on celestion website, that seems to go until 110 db...

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the wattage of the cab makes no difference to the output, the wattage just states how much power you can put through the cab before it melts, so you could run a 30 watt head with a 30 watt cab, but try running the same head cranked through the 20 watt and it would melt the drivers in the speakers


you want to look at the sensitiity of the speakers, the higher the number, the more volume it will put out per watt, so a speaker with 90dB sensitivity is not going to be as loud as one with 97dB

also remember, even though the wattage and output is the same, more speakers = more air moving, so more percieved output



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Originally posted by newstrat60

Thanks Chris, so does that mean that there will be almost no more volume with the 2x12 ? (i'm sorry, i slept 4 hours last night, i'm at work and still drunk:eek: )

i was thinking about the aged greenbacks reissues, of the HW Marshall series

i didnt find the db rating on the web, just a drawing curve on celestion website, that seems to go until 110 db...

With drivers being the same,having two instead of one can give you up to about 3db of an increase due to coupling. It will probably be a little less,depending on how close the drivers are to each other. And coupling usually decreases as the frequency goes up. So,in a nutshell,it may be slightly noticeable,but,if anything,will probably sound a little fuller. And of course,this doesn't take differences in cab design into consideration.

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I don't know the technical answer to your question


But I play the nano everyday with my alder strat into either a 4x12 v30 cab or a 1x15 open back


They are both about the same volume... The nano gets really loud when you use the high gain settings... but if you keep it on the thin man and dark cloud setting it does a nice vox-like breakup at very reasonable volume... Low enough volume to play in the middle of the night no problemo... its about the same volume as your TV would be on at night


If you keep the thin man setting and dark cloud setting... simply add an OD pedal with a level control and you'll be able to play with higher gain and not piss off the neighbors or family

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Eric, the speakers wattage has no signification if you plug in a Nano.

Nano is a half watt amp...any cab will suit it in term of wattage.


Overall volume depends A LOT of the cab itself.

Actually, a Nano in a 4 12 Marshall is loud enough to bother your neighbourhood! Even if you plug a dirt box in front of it.

By the way, it's a nice little amp which needs to be pushed. But if you have some crazy neighbours, buy a pod and headphones...


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Originally posted by EL KABONG

i run my nano into a thd hotplate then into a marshall 1x10 celestion w closed back cab. I can run at any volume this way and get some great tones. I recomend the hotplate for making the nano .. even more bedroom slash apartment friendly



Great advice.


I couldn't crank my nano at home, into two Celestion Blues, without an attenuator....it's a loud sucker!


That being said, you can get some great jagged clean sounds and that wicked tube response at neighbour friendly volumes.

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Originally posted by Teahead

Great advice.

I couldn't crank my nano at home, into two Celestion Blues, without an attenuator....it's a loud sucker!

That being said, you can get some great jagged clean sounds and that wicked tube response at neighbour friendly volumes.



thanks teahead, but i dont necessarily want to "crank" it, just get tube OD ; that will do in bedroom right eitheir with 1x12 or 2x12 ?

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No effects, Tele into AC30's Normal Channel, which has no tone controls, just single preamp tube and four EL84s.


Will the Nano get you that sound? ...mmm... It will get you very similar shades of power tube grit for certain, but it still may prove a touch too loud for home use, where folks on the other side of a wall don't wanna rock.


There's only one way to find out! I honestly think you'd appreciate it, especially through such a nice cab. Worse case scenario, you have to splash out $100 on a weber mass.

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Originally posted by newstrat60

[i posted this on zvex forum, but zv is in hollydays]

Ok, does, lets say, a cab loaded with 2 Celestion Greenbacks rated 30w (G12H reissue) would make a Nano sound louder, and if yes how much louder, than a cab loaded with only one Greenback rated at 20w (T1121 reissue) ?

FYI, i'm talking about the new Marshall handwired cab loaded with "aged" Celestions

This would be to play in bedroom with single coils (strat) for classic 60s/70s mild rythm crunch (Stooges, Velvet), with very good chords definition (not AC/DC)

Thanks for your answers !



i think the biggest difference you'll find between a 1X12 and a 2X12 with similar speakers is the bass response. if you personally enjoy a deeper, thumpier tone, go for the 2X12. if you want something lighter and more portable, go for the 1X12.

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Originally posted by zachary vex

i think the biggest difference you'll find between a 1X12 and a 2X12 with similar speakers is the bass response. if you personally enjoy a deeper, thumpier tone, go for the 2X12. if you want something lighter and more portable, go for the 1X12.


thanks Zach :thu:

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