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Ever wanted (or have) switched to Bass?


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i am seriously considering switching to playing bass in a band, i think its a really fun instrument just laying down the rockin groove. i would still use all my efects on bass as well as different ones, but guitar has kind of gotten boring to me lately. anyone switched to bass or anything like that?

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I sit in on bass every once in a while at jam nights or if someone needs a fill in for jazz bands(reading real book charts). It's a lot of fun and gives you a different perspective on guitar playing.

A couple of years ago MF had a washburn 5 string for $139 so I picked it up. It's great for what I have to do.

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I play bass on gigs on occasion. I have a Gibson Ripper bass and a Peavey Combo 300 that get the job done. My wife has a Univox Hi-Flyer bass. But I don't really enjoy playing bass alot. It is just another tool for me to make money with. What I do enjoy playing quite a bit is lap steel in C6 tuning.

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I have seriously considered moving over to bass, I love the Stanley Clarke and Victor Wooten stuff it amazes me the stuff they do on bass that actually sounds good. I have been playing guitar for a while and I wonder if I would have started out on bass how many more opporunities there'd of been.

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I have played both for 25 years. It's a two edge sword as (in my experience) you get way more gigs on bass and it can get frustrating. I enjoyed it a lot of the time but I 'retired' from playing bass out in 2004. However I havent done much guitar playing either.

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I switched over to bass when I was 19 and had been playing guitar for almost 10 years. It was a crisis of confidence. It worked out well enough: I got around on the bass quickly and my years of guitar training let me pick tunes up super fast. And for ten solid years I was never without a gig or a band. Capable bass players are always in demand. That said, I drifted back to guitar and have now re-established myself as a guitar player, much to the dismay of my pals who WANT me to be a bass player.:)
I just finally realized that guitar is my main instrument and now I refuse offers to play bass.
But why not do both? Doors to all sorts of opportunities can open up if you are out and playing.

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I started playing by playing bass 12 years ago. I did that for a year and then moved to guitar. I still have a bass to piddle around on when I need a break from guitar. I also try to stay fresh on it so I can play decent for recording purposes. It also helps me with new ways to approach the guitar.

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yeah, i am thinking i will still always play both, i just way too much invested into guitar not to do so. but bass is seeming like it might work better for me in songwriting and performing. but i will probably do both.

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I've been playing some 20+ years of guitar and one of the bands I play in has been without a bassplayer for some time now... luckily we cover soul and R&B and a lot of those tunes don't have much guitar, so I've had to play the bass for a couple of practice nights, just until we find a skilled bass player. I love it and I'm GAS'ing for a bass already for crying out loud!?! :eek:

I'm not considering NOT playing the guitar, but I do want to pick up the bass for real now.

I'm gonna go with a cheap OLP 5 string, perhaps their Tony Levin Signature which comes with active electronics. :cool:

Only effects I can imagine using would be my T-Rex Comp-Nova, BOSS DC-2 and possibly EMMA DiscumBOBulator.

But overdrive on bass?!? :confused:

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Originally posted by karmacowboy67

But overdrive on bass?!?

Overdrive, Distortion, Fuzz... It's all good in the right settings. I have a DS-1 on my bass board (with about 10 other effects).

For a good thick sound I used to use fuzz, chorus and phasing. Lately it's just distortion is some spots, chorus in others, and a couple of EQs.

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I've played bass longer than guitar by about a year, still play both, different beasts but they both have their places in music. I've found musicians are more impressed with the bass playing but laymen and in general women like the guitar playing better no surprises there really guitarists are always touted as the standouts in a band.

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I bought myself a bass last summer after having a friends sitting about in my house and playing with that for ages, and it was well worth the money

Similar to guitar, but completely different.

Currently I am waiting to find out whether i will end up being a bassist or guitarist in a band I am getting going, and to be honest, I can't decide which I would rather play, guitar to me has much more expression - full chords in all their varietys and lead playing and so on, but bass is just incredibly good fun to play, both in simple playing along with the root and just enjoying yourself and in the more 'busy' style of playing

I got a Fender standard Jazz in sunburst, plays really nicely and looks damn cool too ;)


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Originally posted by dZjupp

i am excited to use a tube zipper, graphic fuzz, get a moog bass murf, and finally a hoax flanger. straight up.

Limiters and EQs are good for subtle stuff. A lot of the other Bass pedals keep a bit of the un-effected signal in the low end so as not to rob the bass of its bottom. Pretty common for Wahs, distortion and the like.

That or you could run a parallel signal chain with effects and straight blended. Or a two amp setup with straight on one and effects on the other (like Tim C. from Audioslave)

what does a whammy sound like on bass?

Well with an octave up, it could sound like this:


It's kinda like playing bass and rhythm guitar at the same time. A completely massive sound. (although not as massive as a 12 string bass of course)

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I played bass in my buddies band a few years ago and it was a lot of fun. Then last week for New Years, I went to a party at his house and his current band was going to play with extra mikes for the crowd to come up and sing songs from the set list. Three songs into it, his current bass player, out of the blue, says he has to leave (what is it with bass players?). So I filled in for the rest of the set and it was a blast.

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Originally posted by dZjupp

i am seriously considering switching to playing bass in a band, i think its a really fun instrument just laying down the rockin groove. i would still use all my efects on bass as well as different ones, but guitar has kind of gotten boring to me lately. anyone switched to bass or anything like that?

Why switch?
Just bye a Bass and play both.
;) ;) ;) ;)
;) ;) ;)
;) ;)

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