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show me your DIY home made pedal boards


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The pedal board is a scrap piece of wood I had and some scrap indoor/outdoor carpet. The only thing I really bought was a piece of aluminum edging and some spray glue.






by the way, the pic is old. I sold teh Digidelay and I am waiting for a Semaphore, etc...




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Could you tell me a bit about the top one?

I want to make my patch cables and stuff go under the board on my next one.



I made it out of some wood i had laying around. I basically cut the top to how i wanted it, then i made the side peices. I messed around with the angle a bit and then cut them out and screwed them on. Then i cut the front peice to fit and cut a peice for the back. The peice at the back has hinges on it on the top, so i can access the inside of it. Then i put a board on the bottom to cover make the whole thing enclosed. The i laid my pedals out and took a 1/2" drill bit and drilled holes everywhere i thought i may need wires to come though. I drilled some extra holes in random places just in case also. Then i cover it with carpet and put the aluminum on it. After the glue dried, i cut an x in the carpet where all the holes were. Then i put all the pedals on it and fed the wires through.


I think that covers it. If you have any specific questions let me know

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Hi, I see you have a Large Beaver and you seem to be a Pink Floyd fan as well

What do you think of the noise it produces? Is it very noisy combined with other pedals (like the Fulldrive and Boss CS-3 for instance) ?


i dont think its very noisy at all. when im playing some songs i'll run it with virtually everything-cs3, boosted fulldrive, beaver, eq, chorus, one or two delays. the only real noise i get comes from my amp's reverb and from my bad power supply...


its a freakin sweet pedal too!

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My most recent, though I'm not really using a pedalboard right now. I've been keeping them Wilbo-style. :eek: there's a few different pedals there, too.




And old one I made.. same tier on as the first one.




It's not crooked, that's just the picture.


And this one which I'm going to start using again as soon as it gets back from the painter.



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Going by memory.. a little over a 1/4".

We made it about 4 years ago.. I don't know remember/know anything about the aluminum itself. It was just some scrap in the machine shop. It's pretty heavy, I know..



:thu: It's a cool board.




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No cables as I'm playing with pedal order, but you get the idea. Ammo crate + foam + carpet + latches = $30 win. Looks rock-as-{censored} and is nigh-on-indestructible. Only downer is I'll never be allowed near a plane with it.



That looks pretty rad. Where'd you find the ammo crate?

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yeah, I know!:D I usually cover my pedalboards with a Black coloured vinyl

but this hologram stuff was all they had left, so I thought.....what the {censored}, go for it! Now I have a discotastic board which is a bit different from the norm:thu:

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That looks pretty rad. Where'd you find the ammo crate?

Army disposals store. They also had a couple of other sizes, shorter ones that would just do a single row of stompboxes, and shorter/wider ones that could do a wah but not two stomps.

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