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Need you guys to help beta test my site for new FX line.


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1] you shouldn't be relying on the opinions of people on the internet to determine how you run/market/design your product and business. do it however the {censored} you want without compromising your vision with the tasteless, bland ideas of normal people. if they were creative in the first place, they'd be making their own pedals and designs, not trying to attack and critique someone elses.


2] every single person who has replied with an "error" on your site is making notice of the most petty bull {censored} possible. moreso, if those are the kinds of things that they base their opinion of your company on, then it's obvious why they buy boutique effects pedals...IMAGE.


3] your site is great, products are unique and prices seem fair. {censored} whatever every single person has said in this thread, including myself.

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I can't place the DC adaptors on the Loop in any other place, the space just doesn't exist!



i'd rather a bigger box than power input there, it's just a no-no for me...

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Thanks Devi, that means alot coming from you!


Beardcom : Yes, when I'm completly finished with the designs all the modulators should be compatable with many other pedals, they obviously work better with some pedals that others but in my test so far they have worked ace!


Here's a quick youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkXzfqDTkO8 showing the Battle Sequencer modulating a Vox V847 Wah, sounds pretty cool.


Sorry for the crap quality video clips, I've had to use my phone for these. For the final site the videos will all be top quality shots of the actual pedals, not justmy prototype units.

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your site is great, products are unique and prices seem fair. {censored} whatever every single person has said in this thread, including myself.





Konsole you are doing some innovative stuff with your pedals, and I really like the look of the site. Don't fall into the trap of design by committee--do what seems right to you and stand out from the crowd.

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The site is good. Here's my top tips:

Font size:
Fine. One point bigger is best. You're using a good font so size isn't too much of an issue. Stick with any sans serif style font and you'll be fine.

Font colour:
never use pale green or
too hard to read y'see?
If you wanna highlight go with something bold and fairly dark. Red is great. Works well with white too.

Title banner should be a little bigger. The pedal titles are far bigger than the company name. Balance them out. As much as the product sells the company, the company name is what people have to remember. "I found this website with some cool pedals" "what's it called?" "umm...console or something?"
Not good.
My advice - double the size of "theconsole.net" and get rid of the subtag "welcome to....".
Change your menu link fonts too. A little (sometimes a lot) illegible. Imagine a non-English speaker searching for some cool pedals. They ain't gonna be navigating {censored}. By all means use a strange font. I suggest a form of Courier which will look all teletext-ish. Really blocky 8-bit style. Weird but entirely readable.

Finally, define the "pedals" and "modulators" sections better. Maybe change the font colour (use that red again). It'll break up the list a bit better.

Here endeth the lecture :)

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by the way this all comes not in the way of nitpicking but things I had to study.


Saying that, my best websites are the ones which involve a black marker pen, a piece of cardboard and a scanner.


Or the one I made with fuzzy felt (hospital and farm sets if you care) :D



Oh yeah.

It's good to see a codhead make some damn fine effects pedals :D


I still remember drunken nights in LA's. Oh, and that pub by the docks where apparently you can get your mate stripped naked and thrown in a cage for 50 quid. I think that's an urban myth tho..... :D

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Cheers Dano - I love your FKR, I've been playing with it on my breadboard for a while now. I'll definalty box this little bad boy up. I can't believe how versatile you've made the rat, I thought it was only good for heavy distortion! Top, top work.


Thanks for the advice Panda - I'm currently reworking the whole top banner, font size and type mainly but I'll increase the size of the main logo I think.


Codhead, ha! I never thought I'd hear anyone outside of Hull use that one! When did you spend time here? University I'm guessing. I've never found that pub but I have heard about the prison cell stuff - I wouldn't fancy going down the docks after dark!

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I'm from Goole. Yorkshire's armpit. Hull and Donny were my teenage stalking grounds. I can't remember much about them days tho....


I'm working my way through your clips. You've done some fine work. I like the modular design. Smart.


I remember checking your black site (had a danelectro housed in a wah pedak iirc???) It's bookmarked somewhere in my maze of pedal builders. Never knew you were based in Hull tho!! I'll give my England based buddies the heads up on you.


Keep up the good work my man!

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Goole! I was there the other weekend, playing a bit of rugby. If Goole is the armpit Hull is the groin.


My black site was starting to irritate me, I had all these ideas for new designs and that site wouldn't cut it. Started this new one so I had a more stable platform to jump off!


Cheers for the heads up! Sorry about the poor quality of the clips, I can't get my video camera working :(

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Ahaha no way!


I played mini rugby back in the day. Used to play out in Hull all the time.


Oh the memories.....


The video clips do what they are supposed to do just fine :)


I can imagine a coupla people on this site wanting a full collection of these pedals tho.


Maybe you could sell sets? A noisemaker and a modulator set would be great for some peeps.


Anyway. off to bed.


good luck with the site!

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The biggest improvement you could do to this site is convert the portion of the graphics with text to actual text. This would be far better than just changing the font size in the graphic itself, it allows the user to set their own preferred font size as well as to copy and paste the information.

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Updated version is up! I think it's much smoother. Menu is changed, the mini descriptions are now much clearer and hopefully the functional issues have been cleared up a bit.


jeve : I wish I had done that now. ahhhh, oh well! I'll have to stick it on the todo list, which is growing by the hour!


edit: fixed the rotating background. Is the contact page appearing for you guys? I've had some problems with it.

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I think with all these suggestions done and in combination with keeping prices LOW you might just make something of it!

I cant stress the 9v plug enough though man,i wouldnt use these only for that reason if i was on mains power.people are particular about pedals and how the set them up on their boards round these parts.

I would however use your effects as they are if i liked them cause i dont use mains,and its not an issue for me.

I would be perfectly happy if you used a 1590 instead.Others probably also,i mean its a {censored} choice but its the better of the two.

i think you could fit them in else where though if you rearrange the layout,youd be amazed at what you can fit in a 1290,look at the seektrem :eek:

I HAD to fit lots in a 1290 once because i never pre made a layout,i just started doin it and by the time i got to putting in the battery i had barely enough room for it.....i got it in nevertheless and I'm still going to find room for another 16mm pot for it cause i have a new idea.

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kustom amplifiers will probably email you soon and ask you to change your name.



I didn't realise I had 'Kustom' down there in my sig! It's been changed to 'Konsole' now. . .


cujiso : I'll probably have to go with the larger enclosure for the Battle Loop, I've looked at the layout and there is no viable way to get everything in and alter the DC jack position! Oh well, I'll put it in the next update I make. When I originally designed the layouts I pushed towards minimal size but I guess if it needs to be more functional then its a sacrifice I'll look at making.


Cheers for the comments mrmisse!


I'm looking at giving this little business a real good run. I'm currently a student with no cash doing a pretty mundane course, I'd love to get this thing running and generating some income so I can escape this boring world of exams and coursework I currently live in.

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I would make the font bigger, the background a different color. It is quite hard on my eyes and I stare at computers all day long without eye fatigue usually.
Also, everything you sell should have a pic.


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Yeah, I'm readjusting all the description fonts to a larger size now, they still need to be slightly larger. The background colour should change randomly from page to page. hmm. The pictures of all the products will be added as I slowly finish off the first ones, need to make sure everthing is working and correct!


Here's a quick youtube video of the Electronic Battle Weapon recreating those synth sounds from Pink Floyds - On The Run. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZVAW3PbOtQ


Made specially for Ificse!

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