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Gear Selections, and System Designs:


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Gear Selections, and System Designs:


Whether a simple guitar/amp setup, SS or Tube, preamps, combos, digital or analog, series or parallel, PTP or PCB, midi or not, True Bypass, to a few pedals, to enormous pedal boards, to W/D rigs, to stereo setups, to 3-way W/D/W setups, to huge Monster racks using a combination of pedals and rack processors w/ multiple amp heads and/or preamps, switching systems etc

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Bottom Line is that ALL gear are mere tools to get a job done, and choosing appropriately is a part of playing that can be as important as facility on the guitar, as a great guitarist with bad tone can really turn a listener off, while a mediocre guitarist with GREAT tone, can really captivate the listener.

Just Food for thought.



I had been thinking about this too recently. As a guitar player, our job/hobby is to create sound. Even if you are a mediocre player, great tone will improve the overall quality of the sounds you are making and make you more appealing to the listener. Granted if you suck bad, nobody's going to listen, but a good sound goes a long way. That's as much in the gear as in the player, and honestly more in the amp and pedals than in the guitar itself.


Like the Edge - his use of gear to create sounds makes him a much better player than he would be if he just played straight up. Some of the things he plays are simple and could be played by almost anyone but the tone he has makes them great.

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Way to call it Captain Obvious . . .



Obvious to you and me, yet... I have guys get totally freaked out in their own little minded world of SS vs tubes or pedals vs rack gear, or the idea that a suggestion for what is the best pitch shifter, or delay, or modeler when I suggest Eventide H8000FW or TC Electronic 2290, or Fractal Audio Axe-Fx, to whom it apparently isn't so obvious.


So... Your attitude is noted Seargent Shortsighted.

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playing simple lines/parts says a lot about his ear as a player, arranger, songsmith. the pedals help dress up what he does, but he could do the 'edge' thing with a stack of behringer stomps and a broken blue voodoo, and nobody'd really be the wiser. his touch/technique, and regard for the
, that is what does it.



You're probably right, but he doesn't... He chose the gear he chose, and odds are for a reason, and probably NOT because he thinks the Behringer, or broke blue voodoo gear is "BETTER", for what he is after. I would bet that he doesn't use the gear that he does so that anyone will be the wiser, I bet he uses what he does, because HE knows what HE wants for HIM, not so much the audience being the wiser.


The whole package is what does it, IMO Songwriting, Soundscape orchestration (The ability to know what tools to use and how to use them), performance, facility on the instrument, and the show (Hence the Custom switcher and huge monster rig, eliminating the need to tap dance through the show and freeing him up to perform).

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better gear can obviously make you sound better, and inspire you to keep playing, which in theory should make you better, but... i always think having crappier gear can make you a better guitarist in some situations. dealing with gear that is hard to get a good sound out of will really make you learn how to dial sounds in or improve the dexterity of your fingers etc, etc, rather than a plug and play kind of thing

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Nobody cares about your Eventide.

People get pissed off at you because of presentation.

Truly, it appears that you have missed the point entirely.

People that "get pissed off at you because of presentation", have argued amongst themselves over which is the best "this or that", then ended up angry with me for stating my opinion. It appears to me that they became embarrassed when I defended my opinion with actual experience, owning the gear with which I speak of, that they have no experience with, seems ridiculous, IMO. It seems to me that they want to believe that the gear that they have is the best, SO BADLY, that they act out against those who don't share their opinion, and who have experience with gear that they don't. It seems to me that arguing about some gear being better or not, with no experience with the gear one would argue against, is ignorance at it's peak.

The idea that no one cares about Eventide, also appears ridiculous, IMO- as Eventide is an Industry Benchmark Standard located in EVERY major studio around, presumably for GOOD reason, so apparently someone besides me cares about what these devices do.

It appears to me that those who "get pissed off", are just angry and immature in general, and have acted out to many more than just me. Never the less, truth is truth... The truth is gear are mere tools to get a job done, and choosing wisely is not something that someone who is serious would mock. ;)

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I didn't say no one cares about Eventide. I said no one cares about your Eventide.


Seriously, I don't know if you're just trying to start trouble or not, but this forum is and as long as I've lurked/participated has been primarily about pedals. People start asking about the "best" pitch-shifter and you come in with "Buy the Eventide!" And that's fine and all, but that's not what most people here are after, and you really seem to have an attitude about it sometimes.


I really don't have any issue with you, I'm just trying to illustrate what I can see as being valid complaints. If I could afford an H8000 or an Eclipse or whatever you could bet that I would own one.

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I didn't say no one cares about Eventide. I said no one cares about

Seriously, I don't know if you're just trying to start trouble or not, but this forum is and as long as I've lurked/participated has been primarily about pedals. People start asking about the "best" pitch-shifter and you come in with "Buy the Eventide!" And that's fine and all, but that's not what most people here are after, and you really seem to have an attitude about it sometimes.

I really don't have any issue with you, I'm just trying to illustrate what I can see as being valid complaints. If I could afford an H8000 or an Eclipse or whatever you could bet that I would own one.



I have been a member since 2001 and have lurked since long before, and this forum is: Effects Stomp boxes, multi-effects, and towering racks.


I am not trying to start trouble, and where stipulations regarding budget are concerned, or pedals are stipulated, I have NOT recommended Eventide rack processors, or the likes, though I have mentioned Eventide and TC Electronic pedals in those circumstances, again- unless budget was stipulated. In many cases I have posted regarding MXR pedals, Electro Harmonix, MArshall Bluesbreaker OD, Fulltone, HBE, Boss, Rocktron, Yamaha and countless others as well as signal routing alternatives to running huge amounts of pedals in series, midi foot controllers etc... On the occasions that I have Mentioned the H8000 TC 2290 Lexicon etc... NOTHING that I posted was untrue. IMO, those who would ignore the truth and would rather embrace ignorance, are like an ostrich with their head buried in the sand, thinking that if they ignore the truth, the ignorance that they subscribe to will become real. We know it won't, but I believe that is the true source of their hostility. The people that would have the POV that you seem to, about me, haven't really seemed to acknowledge the truth regarding my participation here. They rather, seem intent to subscribe to being angry jealous, and faithful to their ignorance.


I am sure that someone will misinterpret what I mean, which is not to say that everything but the Eventides of the world are useless or have no value, just that gear are tools and to turn one's self away from a good tool out of allegence to another, which is in SOME cases inferior, is only limiting them, NOT me.

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Zach, please know that I'm not trying to come off like a jerk and slam you or start something. That's truly not who I am. I will say that there is some truth in what collapse has to say. It's hard when there are a literally a TON of options even some comparable but not as complete as your rack gear but the $5k piece is the thing you suggest. Your rack is cool, whatever. Maybe just tone down a bit and people might be a little less confrontational?

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better gear can obviously make you sound better, and inspire you to keep playing, which in theory should make you better, but... i always think having crappier gear can make you a better guitarist in some situations. dealing with gear that is hard to get a good sound out of will really make you learn how to dial sounds in or improve the dexterity of your fingers etc, etc, rather than a plug and play kind of thing



I look at it like this: Sometimes an ULTRA lo-tech device may very well be the PERFECT choice for capturing a vibe, and SHOULD be selected over an ULTRA Hi-tech device, and vice versa is also true. Selecting wisely is KEY, along with that comes the need to realize what is available to choose from.

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Zach, please know that I'm not trying to come off like a jerk and slam you or start something. That's truly not who I am. I will say that there is some truth in what collapse has to say. It's hard when there are a literally a TON of options even some comparable but not as complete as your rack gear but the $5k piece is the thing you suggest. Your rack is cool, whatever. Maybe just tone down a bit and people might be a little less confrontational?



I understand, and appreciate your decorum... Though unprovoked attacks seem to follow from trolls, as is the case usually. Those who I recognize as trolls, I try to stay away from, when I can, but when they seek me out just to be obnoxious, even in threads where I am conversing with friends, it is taxing.


I can only think of 1 time, that was a long time ago, where I had an argument with someone, and I can't remember who with, but I think it was a pedals versus rack thing, that I took up a challenge and said that I'd bet money that if they put up their pedal board against my gear in a comparison, that the odds were good that the pedal board wouldn't fare well. This was, as I recall some punk who didn't realize they were talking to someone who had actually owned all the gear that they were touting as the greatest, nor did they realize what I actually do own. Yes, that was obnoxious of me, but the guy had it coming. Apparently that exchange hasn't been forgotten, nor is the willingness to forgive and forget, despite how many I have assisted over the years, nor how hypocritical their position is, as they have exhibited much higher levels of corksniffery, than I am accused.


There was another time regarding Zoom products, where I made it clear that I HATE Zoom products and was accosted as a result. Apparently the pedal Klan decided that only certain opinions were acceptable, and it resorted to me defending against personal attacks.

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I understand, and appreciate your decorum... Though unprovoked attacks seem to follow from trolls, as is the case usually. Those who I recognize as trolls, I try to stay away from, when I can, but when they seek me out just to be obnoxious, even in threads where I am conversing with friends, it is taxing.

I can only think of 1 time, that was a long time ago, where I had an argument with someone, and I can't remember who with, but I think it was a pedals versus rack thing, that I took up a challenge and said that I'd bet money that if they put up their pedal board against my gear in a comparison, that the odds were good that the pedal board wouldn't fare well. This was, as I recall some punk who didn't realize they were talking to someone who had actually owned all the gear that they were touting as the greatest, nor did they realize what I actually do own. Yes, that was obnoxious of me, but the guy had it coming. Apparently that exchange hasn't been forgotten, nor is the desire to forgive and forget, despite how many I have assisted over the years.



It also doesn't help that you play down to the trolling game at times. This sounds like a cheesy high school pep talk but be above reproach.

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It also doesn't help that you play down to the trolling game at times. This sounds like a cheesy high school pep talk but be above reproach.



I agree, and no I don't think it's cheesy, but I, like everyone, have good days and bad days. It seems like everyone is quick to allow the trolls to do what they do and have everyone, who tries to be a positive contributor just take it.


Too bad to, because there used to be MANY more knowledgable, experienced people here who would contribute to a wealth of knowledge from which everyone could benefit, who have moved on, as a result of the juvenile nonsense, and their unwillingness to put up with it. This place is much lesser of a place than it used to be, as a result.

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I agree, and no I don't think it's cheesy, but I, like everyone, have good days and bad days. It seems like everyone is quick to allow the trolls to do what they do and have everyone, who tries to be a positive contributor just take it.

Too bad to, because there used to be MANY more knowledgable, experienced people here who would contribute to a wealth of knowledge from which everyone could benefit, who have moved on, as a result of the juvenile nonsense, and their unwillingness to put up with it. This place is much lesser of a place than it used to be, as a result.



Maybe so... but I've found some answers, GAS and a good laugh here and there. That's all I ask for.

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Maybe so... but I've found some answers, GAS and a good laugh here and there. That's all I ask for.


The difficulty I have is this: The only thing that allows evil to grow, is for good people to stand by and do nothing in it's presence.

It does appear that my contributions here are mostly unappreciated, though there are many friends that I've made here and the PM's from guys who ask my opinion, away from the public forum, for fear of retribution.

How sad that is.

Perhaps my time here is coming to a close

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the fact that you spent all that time typing all this {censored} out in this thread speaks for itself:



What specifically do you take issue with and disagree with? Or was that just a sniper shot with a troll dart? hmmmmmmm icon_rate00.gif


Your comment is entirely useless, which is not unexpected, though is pathetically sad, and weak.

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You're probably right, but he doesn't... He chose the gear he chose, and odds are for a reason, and probably NOT because he thinks the Behringer, or broke blue voodoo gear is "BETTER", for what he is after. I would bet that he doesn't use the gear that he does so that anyone will be the wiser, I bet he uses what he does, because HE knows what HE wants for HIM, not so much the audience being the wiser....

that being said, do we know if he tried a bad bob boost or a dod fx10 in place of the boss fet thingy he uses?


so while its always good to think that everything is done for a (good, specific) reason, sometimes (always) it is still speculation on our part. sure, he wants a boost/driver with so&so specs. that doesnt by default mean that the boss was chosen because it was perfect for him, maybe it was what it was, and did the job. he may have compared it to another unit or even six. even 24. i dont think he hit everything. devi would've told us.

and perhaps edge aint the best example, because i'm sure somebody here has it scrawled on their left testicle exactly what Edge said in GP 3/02 regarding said boss pedal.


modulation and fuzz certainly have more 'flavor' factors involved, so to think that more play-time went into those choices may make more sense. or, it may have been an issue of: pedal dropped in Edge's lap, he writes riff around specific sound of that flanger/phaser/whatever, which then becomes somewhat crucial to the riff.

IE: not ever gonna get mxr flanger sounds from an FL9, so a pedal flavor-specific riff would be lost in translation between the two. mxr then becomes crucial to the song/rig. doesnt mean by default though that the mxr doesnt suck in many, many ways. in this example, that'd mean that he'd have a very sucky pedal in his rig that did that thing as it needed to be done.

added to the fact that what happens in studios (and live) after the guitarist's signal hits a mic (or 4 mics, or 7) is an extremely unknown thing even after the interviews and 'classic album' shows --- well who cares if Player X always uses a dyna-comp so thats what i must be hearing on the record. by the time we hear things, its been compressed 8 more friggin times. there are racks full of gear in studios for a reason, and its not all verbs for vocals.

point is: i kinda agree with your OP on a lot of points. every tool is a tool, and one should always use the right tool for the job (thing is though, theres a jillion tools that are right for every job, thanks to MF and spam threads).

a better guitarist will always make all the gear he touches sound like gold though. so in that regards, im with you: dont get down about gear, thats a waste of time/brainpower at best.

"It also had me motivated to figure out what devices could do, what they were doing, and learn what ACTUAL gear they were using, to get an effect I liked, EVEN IF I couldn't afford it. I wanted to educate myself as to what was out there and what was possible."
knowledge is power, not watts.


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that being said, do we know if he tried a bad bob boost or a dod fx10 in place of the boss fet thingy he uses?


so while its always good to think that
is done for a (good, specific) reason, sometimes (always) it is still speculation on our part. sure, he wants a boost/driver with so&so specs. that doesnt by default mean that the boss was chosen because it was
for him, maybe it was what it was, and did the job. he may have compared it to another unit or even six. even 24. i dont think he hit everything. devi would've told us.

and perhaps edge aint the best example, because i'm sure somebody here has it scrawled on their left testicle exactly what Edge said in GP 3/02 regarding said boss pedal.


modulation and fuzz certainly have more 'flavor' factors involved, so to think that more play-time went into those choices may make more sense. or, it may have been an issue of: pedal dropped in Edge's lap, he writes riff around specific sound of that flanger/phaser/whatever, which then becomes somewhat crucial to the riff.

IE: not ever gonna get mxr flanger sounds from an FL9, so a pedal flavor-specific riff would be lost in translation between the two. mxr then becomes crucial to the song/rig. doesnt mean by default though that the mxr doesnt suck in many, many ways. in this example, that'd mean that he'd have a very sucky pedal in his rig that did
thing as it needed to be done.

added to the fact that what happens in studios (and live) after the guitarist's signal hits a mic (or 4 mics, or 7) is an extremely unknown thing even
the interviews and 'classic album' shows --- well who cares if Player X
uses a dyna-comp so thats what i must be hearing on the record. by the time we hear things, its been compressed 8 more friggin times. there are racks full of gear in studios for a reason, and its not all verbs for vocals.

point is: i kinda agree with your OP on a lot of points. every tool is a tool, and one should always use the right tool for the job (thing is though, theres a jillion tools that are right for every job, thanks to MF and spam threads).

a better
will always make
the gear he touches sound like gold though. so in that regards, im with you: dont get
about gear, thats a waste of time/brainpower at

"It also had me motivated to figure out what devices could do, what they were doing, and learn what ACTUAL gear they were using, to get an effect I liked, EVEN IF I couldn't afford it. I wanted to educate myself as to what was out there and what was possible."

knowledge is power, not watts.




:thu: The only thing I may take issue with, is where you point out that no matter what there are always a jillion tools for a job. IMO, sometimes (admittedly the rare exception) there is only 1 specific tool, that will really hit the mark, like a perfect take in the studio. Which is why certain vocalists prefer to use Neuman U87's and others different mics. The match is just there or it isn't. While true that an SM-57 is a mic, and will work in that application, it doesn't really work as the most appropriate or BEST suited choice. That doesn't make it a bad mic by any stretch, just not the appropriate one, or "BEST" choice for that specific application. I know, I am rambling... But the main point I wanted to get across is that there are so many POSSIBLE solutions, as you pointed out... yet per the individual, usually a preferred solution making it their BEST solution.


I know that a lot of guys here feel that I am elitest, because I have suggested that Eventide or whatever be a contender for BEST this or that, but... Really like everyone elses "preferences" a lot of times it IS my preference, and I have also admitted that it isn't always the best selection, as sometimes to capture the right vibe, one may opt to select a (for lack of a better term) lower level device, that may be PERFECT to capture the vibe because the higher end device may be TOO pristine, or vice versa of course. ;)


However in terms of OVERALL flexibility, Eventide's H8000FW, as much as I don't wish to irritate the guys who hate me for saying so, IMO and I dare say, anyone with an ounce of honesty, it does stand on top of the mountain as the KING of flexibility with nearly 1800 presets and 8 Channels, and as the leader in it's field for decades. (well not the H8000 as it's onlt relatively new, but Eventide as a whole)


Is it overkill??? HELL ya, that makes it cooler IMO.

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zachman, your writings make sense to me, especially since you are suggesting the "right tools for the right job" which is something i agree. Yet, it also seems like you are trying to justify your rig to guys who dont know what you demand from your gear for your music. Hell, I dont know how often you perform/record/practice/etc and neither do the guys here. Most will assume you don't need that monsterrack of yours because they dont need one similar. Of course, this is where the problem lies and I'm sure neither side will convince the other (for the most part) that they are wrong so I say save yourself the time and trouble (since you do write a lot and it actually comes out quite articulately with proper grammar, mechanics, etc haha) and enjoy surfing the forums and posting your opinions. No one is forced to read or agree with your opinions so if they get uppity about something you wrote then let them deal with it. Also, don't feel unappreciated here. I read a lot of your other posts because you provide quality (key word here), indepth evaluations on gear from a musician and consumer standpoint (a similar position that most of us HCers are in). Not only that, you also provide resouces for others to consult in addition to your opinions. You have already built one hell of a rack and hopefully in the future I will ask advice from you when building my own (so dont leave/get banned from HC :thu:).

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