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Just wanted to let you know my latest experience with Angstrom Cases. I ordered a live in case for my VHT Ultralead head. They have never made one for that particular head so this was a first. I measured my head per their request form exactly how they wanted. The case came and the head is very loose in it. Not that you would do this, but if you turned it on it's face the head would fall out very easily. I the same style case for a Bogner XTC made by Barry's cases and it fit stuggly in it, as I think it should. They said they leave an 1/8 gap around the headshell "to let it breath". The VHT UL has no top vent so this doesn't make any sense. Anyway, that isn't the biggest problem. The outside feet on the case are mounted in such a way they won't rest on my VHT cab so the amp teeter-totters back and forth on the middle feet. They said that it is ment to rest on a cabinet which is also in a flight case. They said I should have told them this and they would have adjusted the outside feet. I think they should have asked some more specific questions. They suggested that I take the case to a local garage that should have a rivet gun and have them take the feet off and place them where I would like them. Yeah right! Anyway, I suggested that they send me (4) more feet and I would install them to make the case solid on top of my cab. They refused to do so. It got pretty heated, and in the end I guess they just don't mind losing customers. Sorry for my rant, but I just wanted to make everyone awhare of my experience.

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Hmm, sounds like a bit of miscommunication on both parts. Having said that, as someone who works in sales, if I were them I would have just sent a few extra feet. They can't cost the company more than a few dollars to send (probably more in postage than in the cost of the parts), and a little thing like that says the company is willing to go the extra mile. I know companies that have done that for me (my local music store, my local bike shop, and Visual Sound) have made me a lifelong customer.

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  • 2 years later...
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Hmm, sounds like a bit of miscommunication on both parts. Having said that,
as someone who works in sales, if I were them I would have just sent a few extra feet. They can't cost the company more than a few dollars to send (probably more in postage than in the cost of the parts),
and a little thing like that says the company is willing to go the extra mile. I know companies that have done that for me (my local music store,
my local bike shop, and Visual Sound) have made me a lifelong customer.



It's really awesome post.Thanks for sharing

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