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Using OD, confused.


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The situation is that I want to get metal (say, mesa type) sounds out of my classic rock voiced Tiny Terror. I don't want to have to use distortions because they don't retain the amps tone. So obviously I decided to go the Overdrive route.


Basically, do I just put the pedal with a clean sound or can I put it with for example the gain dimed and will this increase the amount of distortion/overdrive?



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Basically, do I just put the pedal with a clean sound or can I put it with for example the gain dimed and will this increase the amount of distortion/overdrive?



An overdrive pedal into a clean channel won't take you into metal territory by itself...use it to help boost the amp's gain.

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retain tiny terror tone and be metal? that might be impossible but if youre looking for a gain pedal that retains the sound of your actual amp id recommend the Fulltone OCD.


its gain, id say, is one the line between overdrive and distortion but your tone will still sound like your amp. the OCD also has a HUGE amount of volume on tap too, so you could turn the gain down and crank the volume and itd boost the {censored} out of your amp.:)

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So it can be used with the amps existing gain? Thanks.

So what's the most brutal OD pedal. I've been told the Metal Muff does wonders..

the metal muff is the opposite of a OD. it is a heavy metal distortion pedal, to be used with a clean amp.

most metal guys that use ODs as boosts start with a retarded amount of gain from their amp and use the OD as a boost for solos, not their main tone. most use ibanez or maxon tubescreamers.

sounds like you need to do some research about what does what and who uses what for what. :)

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I think you really need to try some stuff with your amp and see what you like. I know the guy who owns my local shop, so I can borrow stuff for an hour or two to try with my gear, I think by the sounds of it you would be better off with a high gain distortion, it really depends how 'metal' you want it to sound and what your amps tubes sound like when they are driven hard, if you like the sound of your amp but just want it more distorted then an overdrive might be the ticket....it's a really hard question to answer to be honest. Maybe go for something like a Rat, that's pretty good for drive and heavier distortion.

also what's the situation? Live, Bedroom, Recording?

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right, just read the original post again.....there is also the option of changing the tubes for ones that will break up earlier, that with a boost might get you there whilst still retaining the amps tone.

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Man, that must be pretty sweet. I wish I could do that.

yeah, it cool......but he doesn't stock any boutique or smaller brand stuff, just the usual Boss, digitech etc. He gets a few used bits in here and there though, but to be honest ebay has almost killed that off.....it was better 'back in the day' LOL! I used to be in a band with him, so he doesn't have a problem with anything like that.

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I've always thought Orange was good for any kind of present day Post-Hardcore type stuff (ATD-I, FoT, etc).



agreed, but the op want's it to sound like a mesa (don't ask me why!!) ...which I guess isn't really gonna happen unless you put a messa V-twin into it.

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I have been finding that "heavy tone" is less about distortion/od and more about volume and spinning the eq knobs combined with pickups/string size/tunings. I was never a big fan of anything but standard tuning but one day my buddy took my guitar and tuned it down a half step and did the drop d tuning on it so I could do the one finger chord thing (that I thought was silly) THAT totally changed the sound to scary heavy (to my ears)


A good overdrive with eq can do wonders, you don't have to have something that is marketed as "metal"


My Silver Kiss OD works incredibly well for heavy music It has a 3 band eq and careful tweaking of the pedal can get metal sounds out of my tweed blues jr:)

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Well when I said I wanted it to sound like mesa, what I'm getting at was basically I wanted a lot of overdrive. I always thought the metal muff was OD and not a distortion?! Well that's changed my mind completely. I'll do some research and see what I can come up with. I'll probably just get an OD and forget about sounding Br00talz because lets face it, Im far from it with a TT :D Besides its just for fun that I play metalcore...


So any good OD suggestions? Im expecting the Ibanez Tubescreamer TS808 but its hard to get so...


The OCD sounds good too I'll check it out.

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Think you can't really get the mesa kinda distortion from a tiny terror. It's like trying to make a JCM800 sound like a dual recitfier. Both of them have very different characters but do consider other kinds of metal tones that you squeeze out of the little monster. Listen to this clip. I think it belongs to someone on HCAF.

The tone IMO is really awesome and it makes me wanna get myself one of these babies.
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Im expecting the Ibanez Tubescreamer TS808 but its hard to get so...



why? they have a reissue version.... closest you'll get to metal is just get an overdrive (zakk od, yngwie od, tubescreamer) etc etc... turn everything wide open, get a noise gate and an EQ and go to town

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