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Hi, I have wanted to get some new gear for a while but I do not know enough about pedals and amps to make a decision on what stuff I should get for the tone I want to produce.


First let me tell you what guitars and amps I currently own:



Gibson Les Paul Supreme

Paul Reed Smith CE 22

Fender SRV Stratocaster

Fender Telecaster

Dean Exotica Wood (Acoustic)



Pevey Renown 400

Crate Palomino V32 30W Class A Tube Combo Amp (not a huge fan of crate)


The tone I want is a bluesy Hendrix/Stevie Ray Vaughan type. I want to be able to produce a hendrix tone, a SRV tone, a John Mayer (Contiuum) type tone, and I want a Classic Rock tone.


I probably wont be able to buy alll the gear I want to get at the moment, but sometime soon I want to buy pedals to create these tones, and I would like to buy a new amp (a good one!)


Please Help Guys :D

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is anyone gonna help me?? lol I understand I need to get a good amp, thats why I made this thread.... I want to know what amps will go good with the music I play, because I dont know much about amps... and for the future (AFTER I get a good amp) what pedals I should get for the tone shaping. please help :D

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I love playing Jimi, he gets such a badass tone. I play a Fender Fat Strat through a Crate GFX-212T. The pedals I use are a Big Muff Pi Distortion/ Sustain pedal and a Dunlop Crybaby GCB-95 Wah. It's a fairly cheap setup, cause I am fairly often broke. But if you give it enough time and effort, the Big Muff can give you a wicked Jimi-esque tone with tons of sustain. The Wah-Wah probably needs to get modded cause it sounds very thin sometimes.
Can't help you much with Stevie or John Mayer, but thats how I like to play Jimi.

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Amp wise, well hendrix was a marshall man, SRV used Fenders and John Mayer uses Two Rocks, a Dumble and a Fender tonemaster. So maybe a fender bassman might cover all that ground. Pedal wise, get a Fuzzface for hendrix, a TS808 for SRV and Mayer. And a Vox wah pedal for blues solos. That setup would cover classic rock too. I would also get a good pedal tuner, like the Boss TU-2 or the Korg DT-10BK.

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I love playing Jimi, he gets such a badass tone. I play a Fender Fat Strat through a Crate GFX-212T. The pedals I use are a Big Muff Pi Distortion/ Sustain pedal and a Dunlop Crybaby GCB-95 Wah. It's a fairly cheap setup, cause I am fairly often broke. But if you give it enough time and effort, the Big Muff can give you a wicked Jimi-esque tone with tons of sustain. The Wah-Wah probably needs to get modded cause it sounds very thin sometimes.

Can't help you much with Stevie or John Mayer, but thats how I like to play Jimi.

Good first post!:thu:

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I think the reason why some folks are suspicious is because you have a really nice list of guitars (which cost a pretty penny) and yet you say you know little about pedals and amps - thus they suspect you're trolling.

As far as amps, Hendrix used a Marshall. SRV used various things - mostly Dumbles, Fenders and Marshalls.

Pedals? Start with a Fuzz Face or clone, and a Tube Screamer (or clone) and a good wah, and branch out from there. :)

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Go with the Marshall Handwired Plexi. Plenty of headroom there. I modded mine for 6550's even though some don't like it. It's a clean machine, not to mention extremely reliable. Otherwise I say Fender or Matchless. If you can't find somethin' killer for 3 grand you got bigger problems than me!


The visual sound jekyll and hyde is decent for the price. One side is an 808 the other is distortion. Has bass boost switch for 808 side that I find handy.

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