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Prices on the Behringer DMM Clone

dangerous dan

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That LED behind the tube thing does sound embarassing, but most tubes don't need to cook that much for the task in hand

dont let facts and science get in the way of behr bashing.

kids dont have much to rally round these days, dont take away the one thing they've got left, please. :)

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It isn't even a matter of ethics for me. I used to play in a cover band for many years, and I displayed complete irreverance for ethics; so if that were my 'beef', I would be twice the hypocrite.

I just find it lame that Behringer hasn't created an original classic with all of the clout they've built up in the industry. They must be making millions as a corporation. Can't they afford a decent D&D team? Or is there a Behringer original out there that I don't know about?



They do have a good D and D team. That's how they roll. Their 20 sided dice.

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They've always announced products months and months ahead of release. Some of those pedals have been on there for close to a year. I think we'll eventually see all of them though.


Did behringer copy that usb guitar thing? I don't remember seeing anyone else making those

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is this plastic? or have they put effort into this one?

for those that think plastic is so fragile, please take a closer look at:

laptop enclosure
desktop monitor housing
desktop keyboard/buttons
strat, tele, LP, SG pickguards and almost all truss rod covers
clock radios
answering machines (vintage now?)
cordless telephone bases and handsets
auto stereo faceplates
television & plasma/lcd monitor enclosures
many lcd/dlp projector enclosures
remote controls
all cd & dvd media
vhs & beta tapes
airplane overhead storage bin doors
cassette tapes
sewage/plumbing lines
all the toys my kids have that are so tough to break i dont even bother trying
space heaters
atari 2600, as well as the joysticks & paddles

plastic aint all tic-tac boxes. :)

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I've been really impressed with the quality of every one of the berhingers I've tried. value per dollar is better than most of the real pedals.

gotta agree there, and it really kinda does really exploit a pretty big niche in the marketplace.

regardless of their circuits, there is a huge demand out there for effects that arent built for years of grueling abuse.

theres a demand for effects that arent using TB switching, as evinced by millions of boss/ibanez/etc sold.

theres a demand for things that arent using gourmet ingredients and a weary cook stirring the pot.

theres a demand for dano mini-level sounds and more, but with switching that feels more 'normal' for a pedal, and bigger controls.

theres a demand for certain stuff that has been disco'd for ages, stuff that if it was done by BYOC or AM or keeley releasing said disco'd effect, there'd be revelry in the streets. curious, that.

also a demand for stuff on a 'trial' basis: do i like or want phase(/flanger/delay/etc), and can i try screwing with the basics for less than $50 new (and in many/most cases
theres a demand for stuff that'll exist just fine in relatively protected/controlled environments, including but not limited to: bedroom/dorm room, boring apartments, down in that room (closet) for many dads, church gigs/rehearsals, protective pedalboards, all combined with no jumping/WWF moves performed on the pedals/board.

the specific demographic of the non-stomping stompbox user -- think jazz gigs, weddings, calm 60s/70s/country-lite covers bar gigs (like in casinos/etc), local cable soundtrack musicians, guys doing porn soundtracks, local gig hosted by the town at the So-an-So Statue to celebrate some local pol's cause celebre -- huge, huge numbers of musicians that dont need as much as has been offered, pretty much thought of as standard. a metal enclosure, at least.

but they're out there.

and now theres more than dano & arion getting in on it.

thats a good thing in many ways, and when the bigger picture is looked at, the whole scenario probably didnt go unnoticed by Mike Matthews (EHX).

now we got midget EHX.

total coincidence?

i think not :mad:

and for the record, i really wish behr had done something other than graphic/trade dress/etc 'borrowing' route, i just dont think we can can hold such a double standard (strat copy = boss copy sorta thing). would've been a great time for behr to come out with a look that defines their stuff forever (a la Vox' diamond grille-cloth, Kustom tuck-n-roll, etc), but they took the simple, and likely more profitable, way.

whatever, its bizness. {censored}s gonna keep changing, and in the instance that the next big thing might be truly terrible (ie: the abolition of 9v batteries), i gotta have enough strength left to get real angry then :mad:

just another strat copy, or something like that. :)

and thankfully, they;re quite good on a few levels :thu:

i'll be checking the time machine out when one hits the spam thread. then, if i dig it, get the EH, and do a shootout. but, if i dont dig the behr, i likely wont dig the ehx, through no fault of either companies -- i got my sonic tastes, and find 'em all over the map.

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for those that think plastic is so fragile, please take a closer look at:

laptop enclosure

desktop monitor housing

desktop keyboard/buttons


strat, tele, LP, SG pickguards and almost all truss rod covers

clock radios

answering machines (vintage now?)

cordless telephone bases and handsets

auto stereo faceplates

television & plasma/lcd monitor enclosures

many lcd/dlp projector enclosures

remote controls

all cd & dvd media

vhs & beta tapes

airplane overhead storage bin doors

cassette tapes

sewage/plumbing lines

all the toys my kids have that are so tough to break i dont even bother trying

space heaters

atari 2600, as well as the joysticks & paddles



How many of those do you step on? Most of the things you listed don't have to endure the sort of physical stress that stompboxes do, and those that do are probably made of much thicker plastic than stompboxes.


Also, the problem with plastic enclosures is poor shielding of the effect circuit.

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for those that think plastic is so fragile, please take a closer look at:

laptop enclosure

desktop monitor housing

desktop keyboard/buttons


strat, tele, LP, SG pickguards and almost all truss rod covers

clock radios

answering machines (vintage now?)

cordless telephone bases and handsets

auto stereo faceplates

television & plasma/lcd monitor enclosures

many lcd/dlp projector enclosures

remote controls

all cd & dvd media

vhs & beta tapes

airplane overhead storage bin doors

cassette tapes

sewage/plumbing lines

all the toys my kids have that are so tough to break i dont even bother trying

space heaters

atari 2600, as well as the joysticks & paddles

plastic aint all tic-tac boxes.

:rolleyes: you got me there!

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I'm defiantely going to demo it when it comes out. If it's analog, doesn't suck tone when bypassed and sounds halfway decent I'm pulling the trigger on it.

It would be useful for experimenting with multiple delays. I've already got a DMM, DD-3 and DE-7 (in lovely pink :) ) and two DMMs run in stereo with the loads of tweaking of the delay times could get prety interesting.

Plus if it's good I'll give with it and leave te DMM at home.

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lol i will even youtube the event!

(please make it digital

LOL!!!!! I can't wait :lol:

back on topic (kinda) I really with those behringers were around when I was a kid... I can remember saving for bloody ages to by a Distortion pedal, and even then it was just some crappy cheap thing.

Actually I think it might have been one of those plastic 'orion' things that people talk about and still use now or 'a loco box' that I've seen go for decent money on ebay "original 80's distortion mij' .....you know the things. I'm sure I had to pay about

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Also, the problem with plastic enclosures is poor shielding of the effect circuit



poor sheiding does not pose a problem for many. if the shelding is an issue for you, than stay away. otherwise, its a 'what if' game.



like, what if i weighed 474lbs, and insisted on jumping on top of my pedals cuz i'm so frickin rock?

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Some plastic pedals aren't likely to break. Danelectros if you have the protective cover are pretty secure.

But my Arion delay is falling apart.




while many arions are doing just fine.


Erskins, and my own have been doing just fine for ages.


and my ex-bandmate has been gigging several for 6+yrs now, no covers, never ever a problem.



teh stupid are guaranteed to have problems with plastic pedals; they should just stay away, and not have to put up with eventual disappointment.

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poor sheiding does not pose a problem for many. if the shelding is an issue for you, than stay away. otherwise, its a 'what if' game.


True. If you can use un-"shelded" plastic pedals without getting (more) noise, more power to you. Me, I can't afford buying stuff that might end up being unusable in a live situation, so I stay away.

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