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amp forum once again taken over


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Several Senior members have expressed this frustration, and I feel compelled to put in my $.02.

It would be great if this forum had more experienced builders to take over and share their expertise. I would love to hear more advice from the pros, and less OT threads.

But they must have left for a reason. When I joined this forum in July, there was a lot of petty bitching, fighting, and chest-beating going on here. From reading past years threads, it seems there has been a lot of that overall. At least the FX forum seems less caustic now.

The "kids" are here partly because they want to share their enthusiasm for their gear; but they're also here because they love effects and want to learn. If you have expertise, TEACH THEM!
But it seems that a lot of experts rarely have the desire to teach anymore. They prefer to have their elite gentlemen's club, and snub anyone who can't speak in their league. I'm all for seeing HCFX become a place to learn more about FX and DIY without getting my face chewed off for not being an engineer, for having an opinion, or for being excited about a new purchase.

I think there are people from that category but there are tons of other people that have been here for 5 years that love to talk gear and are willing to help anyone with a question.

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they didn't leave because they weren't interested in teaching, *they left because no one was interested in learning.*

and, yes, they really did want to teach. know how i know? because they love to talk about this {censored} and they're still doing it even now, just not on this messageboard. the minute they started to complain here they were labeled "elite" and consequently ignored. why talk when no one is listening.


Cool, silvrcrank :thu: Thanks for the clarification. I didn't intend to :poke: at you. Your quote was just an opportunity for me to express something.


I agree 100% that if new forumites join in and start bashing everyone disrespectfully, that would be frustrating and a just cause for veteran forumites like yourself to feel resentful. I hope I haven't behaved that way since my joining this forum, and if I ever do, then 1393802506_8044911951_o.gif me. Peace :cool:

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this effects forum is definitely the most insightful i've ever been on, and although i havent been a member for very long, i've learned a great deal from a lot of great people.


i've never really felt condescended towards here. and i agree with a post above about bringing all of my questions here. the posters here are serious about this {censored}. i love that.

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i understand where you're coming from and, again, this forum used to be what guys like you are asking for. not only were respected and established builders posting here but they were inspring forumites to become builders every other month.

look at my join date -i have been on this board for nearly 5 years. i've been here longer than Phil has been moderating. (in fact, i was banned long before phil started moderating.) the chest-beating and bitching you're talking about (from last year) were the death throes of this board. using that as a basis for judging what this board once was would be like assessing lou gehrig's stance in the last month of his life.

i can't speak for the "gentlemen's club" or the "elite" on this board, i never was one. i have no technical expertise. im a kid, just like you, that showed up to learn about effects. unlike you, however, i was here when the "elite" were interested in teaching and im still here now that they're gone. and i can tell you, they didn't leave because they weren't interested in teaching, *they left because no one was interested in learning.*

and, yes, they really did want to teach. know how i know? because they love to talk about this {censored} and they're still doing it even now, just not on this messageboard. the minute they started to complain here they were labeled "elite" and consequently ignored. why talk when no one is listening. the chest-beating began because, when the punks started to replace them, they had no expertise to fall back on. some of these "elite" hung around, hoping the new admins would solve the problem but, unfortunately (and unwittingly, imo), they ended up driving them off.

finally, do you know what my first thread here was? it was about how i might hook up two dirt boxes with nearly dimed gain and kill the squeal when i wasn't playing. stupid n00b question, right? that thread got nearly 3 pages long with dozens of suggestions from mute buttons to the feedback ferret to guitar mods. i wasn't an engineer and im still not. i do know, however, that if the "snobs" hadn't deigned to answer my question, i never would've stuck around.



This is a good post even though I pretty much loathe you more than anyone here for your past douchbaggery. It's painful to come back to these boards and look at what it has become. I used to help others when I felt I could but I kind of give up now.

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