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Noob effects?


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I definitely think that you should be the judge of what kinds of effects you want based on what kind of music you're going to be playing. As far as which delay to get or what overdrive best suits your needs, that we can help with. But I think it's up to you what effects you want to hear in your music. Judging by your user name, though, you probably won't really need much more than distortion, and maybe a chorus!

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We will get the amps when we need them but right now we don't.



buying a distortion pedal (many pedals, actually) for a beginner's amp is quite (/most) often a waste of both time and money.


just so its been said, and when you realize this after some years and a pile of gear, it wont come as a surprise:)

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First of all, how long have you and your friend been playing? This factors in ENORMOUSLY - did you just start playing?


Are you and your friend in lessons?


What kind of guitars are being used? If you're trying to play AC/DC and Linkin Park on stock Squier Strats, no matter what pedal you get you won't get the tone you want.


Once we know this stuff we can recommend stuff a lot more specifically. :thu:

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isn't the whole point of having line6 amps, so you dont have to use effects pedals?


i agree with everyone who said upgrade the amps before dishing out money for effects. If you have money for effects, then you have money for amps. Instead of buying 3 new pedals in 5 months, save up the money for 5 months and you will have enough for a nice, cheap tube amp or something. Hell the Epiphone 5w tube amps are like, $99 or something crazy like that. There MUCH better with effects than the crappy 'cheap' beginners amps. Every line6 spider i've played i've hated.

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I would recommend a podxt for you and your friend. It sounds like both of you are fairly new players and aren't going to be playing out soon.


A pod would be good because it would let you try out all the effects out there as well as approximate what a lot of 'classic' effects sound like. It would also be good because you and your friend can record yourselves easily on the pc. I think one of the best things any guitarist can do is record themselves regularly and listen to the recording critically.

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Every beginners I know (including me) started with a distortion and a wah. However when you'll get to know more on effects and gear in general you will learn how to use them properly and hopefuly find out what you really need.


Considering your actual gear and band vocation I would suggest to wait before buying any effects. As others said above, you might want to upgrade your amp someday and I'd suggest to start saving your money for it and focus on your playing and find out how you want to sound like.

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I would recommend one of two options:


1. I second the amp upgrade. A good amp really makes your guitar sing and brings out the characteristics of your effects.


2. Buy a multifx unit. The Zoom G2 seems to do well plus it has really fast switching between patches, something many multifx units lack. It's only $99, and the G21U has an expression pedal and I believe USB recording. I think it goes for a buck seventy.


Not only will these pedals (or other mutlifx units) let you try out lots of approximations of other classic pedals, but they also might have some amp simulators that will sound as good if not better than your current amp. Plus, if you get into a situation where you can't use your amps you can use the speaker sim to plug direct into a sound system. Every guitar player nowadays should be prepared with an option to go direct into a sound system.

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God, if I would have asked this question when I started playing...



...the sweeter gear I could have now with all that money I would have saved!


And to beat the dead horse, a good amp is the foundation of your sound. If you have to be stubborn, I second the cheap multi fx. If you get one of those mentioned above, you'll know exactly what kinds of pedals you want to get later and exactly what kinds to avoid. Plus, they have them sounding nice these days.

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