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OMG amp lust!!!!!


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A 1972 amp with a factory effects loop, they assumed it would only be used for echoplex and such, so it just has a picture of sound reflecting off mountains by the loop jacks! Goddamn I have to get one of these someday, they're only going to appreciate in value while I rock the hell out of the neighborhood on it! :love:


I'm assuming the fist knob is for gain? goddamn that's cool...

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I just spent an hour and a half reading the planet of the amps page and the electric amp page. Here's what I came up with:


Sell this stuff:


'81 JCM800 2204: $1000-1100

Avatar 4x12 w/webers: 550-650

76' Deluxe Reverb - $850


Total: Almost enough to get me a 120 watt electricamp master volume unit and an electric 2x12 cab.


The electric amps have to be the most drool-inducing things I've ever seen. This way I have one and still keep my SF vibrolux for all other amp duties. It would be a little hard to sell a couple vintage amps to pay $2100 for a brand new one, but that electric will be vintage too someday.

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I think you can pull two power tubes for 60w joy. They make non master-volume models, btw

Yeah, that's what I'm assuming, it being in the ad copy and all. I'm a "crank the clean channel" kind of guy, so I and Houston area sound technicians really don't need any more watts.

Non MV 120w Orange? :freak: Sweet jesus!

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Yeah, that's what I'm assuming, it being in the ad copy and all. I'm a "crank the clean channel" kind of guy, so I and Houston area sound technicians really don't need any more watts.

Non MV 120w Orange?
Sweet jesus!

Bingo! Have your cake, and eat it too! I'd be buying the electric amp with a master-volume too, and I bet it takes pedals like a champ at any volume.


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I emailed Electric last night asking about lead times, whether I could get an effects loop, and whether I can come pick the amp up. Their order page says shipping is included in the price. Consider the size and weight (the 2x12 is 75 lbs :eek:) I'm guessing it costs at least $150 to ship a head and cab. My cost to drive there from Portland would be quite a bit less, probably about $70 in gas round trip plus a day's worth of driving. Plus, I wouldn't mind meeting the people who had just built my $2800 custom guitar rig.

Their response:

"We do custom builds per order." I take it this means I can get a loop.

"Delivery time on your cab is under 40 days.
Delivery time on your amp would be 140 days." - Quicker than I thought, I wonder if they actually deliver on those numbers.

Here's the weird part:

"We do not have a "pick up" service as it slows down the production having
people stopping in. Also, everything is custom per order, and some of the
folks prefer their gear private built. We give your order that same
respect with nobody touching or seeing it except one of the 3 of us."

Um....ok. I can't imagine allowing people to do this would result in them having more than one person every week or two stopping by for 10 minutes to pick up their order. I'm guessing their total production numbers are pretty low, and being in Spokane, it's not like it's really practical for much of the country to come to their shop. Also, if there's really anyone out there concerned about having their stuff "private built", that's just friggin weird. Maybe this company is a bunch of paramilitary strange-o's that just don't want ANYONE coming to visit, ever. They do have a lot of stars and stripes, don't tread on me kinda stuff on the website :idk:

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Maybe they don't want visitors b/c the build room looks like their website. . . :rolleyes:


Sorry, I totally understand the uberlust generated by the Electric Amp products, but it's stuff like this that turns me off to them. You want to pay that much for an amp? Cool. They should be offering you a place to crash for the night and a bowl of 'the good stuff.'

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Yeah I'm kind of thinking the same thing. It seems crazy not to allow anyone to come to your shop when they're dropping that kind of cash. They website, er, sites, are pretty chaotic.


Honestly, I could do just as well with a regular turret board PTP stranded wire amp that cops the design and sound of an Electric, preferably with 80 watts. Unfortunately, nobody makes that. Even Orange doesn't make a regular OD series amp anymore.

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