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Boss BF3 vs. EH Flanger Hoax

Dannibal Corpse

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I haven't owned a flanger since the BF2 probably seven or eight years ago. I didn't like the BF2 all that much, but people seem to rave about the BF3. I thought the Hoax made some pretty sweet sounds; tell me the pros and cons of each that you have played, please. I can't seem to find a Hoax anywhere to try it.





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My friend has a BF3. It's not a bad flanger, but it isn't even in the same league with the Flanger Hoax. The Hoax is really an all-around modulation pedal, not just a flanger.


Here are some clips:





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As Fender&EHX4ever stated, the Boss, while decent, isn't even in the same league as the Hoax.


The Hoax will be a special order in most cases. Not many places carry them normally because it's a sort of oddball pedal. It has limitless control, simply because of the huge range on each knob, and the amount of knobs.


There IS a learning curve. It took me about a month before I really started to be able to switch from one effect to another quickly. However, once you get past this learning curve, you can do any sort of modulation you want with the pedal.


The Hoax will do any sort of modulation you can think of. Even a really nice sounding Ring Mod. Also, it's not like a multi-FX pedal where it does a lot of stuff, but none of it particularly well. Everything it does, it does VERY well. It's all analogue, so basically, you're getting an analogue chorus, vibrato, tremolo, phaser, flanger, and ring mod in one package. That's not even including all the bizarre sounding wobbles and swirls you can get that really can't even be classified in normal effect terms.


Some settings have volume drop, some have noise, but many have neither.


I highly, highly recommend it.

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the stoopid gtr center over here has a beat up hoax with no power sitting in the used section with no price tag...I ask them and the lowest they could go was $180...the dude tries to reel me in my stating the list price, not trying to tell me that the bitches go new for about $180...I found one used the same day at another small store for $125 with power and box.


I have both the hoax and bf3...If you want to easily dial in practical flange sounds, the bf3 will work, not to mention size.

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the stoopid gtr center over here has a beat up hoax with no power sitting in the used section with no price tag...I ask them and the lowest they could go was $180...the dude tries to reel me in my stating the list price, not trying to tell me that the bitches go new for about $180...I found one used the same day at another small store for $125 with power and box.

I have both the hoax and bf3...If you want to easily dial in practical flange sounds, the bf3 will work, not to mention size.


Right off the top of my head I Know of a few practical, normal flange sound setting on the Hoax. It's actually very easy to dial in flanger tones on it. From super subtle to jetplane to metallic.


$125 is a great price though! $180 at GC though is a ripoff. I think mine was only $190 brand new special ordered from a local mom&pop. :rolleyes:

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I started to fear someone {censored}ed with the trimpots or something on my hoax, because the settings posted in the lounge here when I tried them didn't sound as explained...i haven't been using it lately, I need to take a few hours with it and get to know it better.

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I started to fear someone {censored}ed with the trimpots or something on my hoax, because the settings posted in the lounge here when I tried them didn't sound as explained...i haven't been using it lately, I need to take a few hours with it and get to know it better.


That's odd. There were only a few settings in the Lounge that didn't sound quite right - mainly because settings were missing. For the most part, the Lounge settings were really good.


As for spending time on it, you absolutely have to for it to become a useful pedal. Once you get past that learning curve, the pedal becomes much more useful. Right now, I can easily switch between a few settings quickly - even mid-song in some cases. Earlier today I was going from a slow sweep, to a chorus-y wobble, to a ring mod throughout a song. Once you find some settings that are closely connected (for example, a swell effect and a chorus/vibrato/tremolo effect), it gets easy to switch between them just by adjusting one or two knobs. Something like a ring mod can be had on most settings with the rate knob nearly maxed. Switching delay modes helps too. :thu:

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Boss BF3 vs. EH Flanger Hoax???

are you joking?

thats like comparing a ford fiesta to a Ferrari

hoax is worth the money seeming all of the sounds that are easily availible, most say its hard to use and its not.



Exactly. A few knob twists and you have an entirely different effect. IMO, it's no different than adjusting delay time or distortion levels.

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Boss BF3 vs. EH Flanger Hoax???

are you joking?

thats like comparing a ford fiesta to a Ferrari

hoax is worth the money seeming all of the sounds that are easily availible, most say its hard to use and its not.



Well, if you had actually read the message in the thread rather than just the title, you would've seen that I'm not actually comparing the two, rather I just wanted to know the pros and cons of each... They are the two flangers I have been seeing the most talked about in this forum, that's all, sir.


Thanks for the help though boys, I think I have to persuade my lady to grab me a hoax for christmas this year.



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Well, if you had actually read the message in the thread rather than just the title, you would've seen that I'm not actually comparing the two, rather I just wanted to know the pros and cons of each... They are the two flangers I have been seeing the most talked about in this forum, that's all, sir.

Thanks for the help though boys, I think I have to persuade my lady to grab me a hoax for christmas this year.




yeah, i wasn't trying to insult, i apologize, you would be more than well to do with the hoax man, they are awesome.

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yeah, i wasn't trying to insult, i apologize, you would be more than well to do with the hoax man, they are awesome.




Cool, thanks for the input. I really didn't much care for the boss bf2 that I owned, so I guess I probably would have much more fun making all those ridiculous sounds with the hoax.

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If you can find a morley deluxe flanger from the 70's, I highly recommend them. I had one for years and regret selling it when money got tight.

They are cheap -100.

18 volt.

Sound Amazing.

Can be made true bypass super easy.





Best pic I could find. Sorry. They are a little hard to find though.

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The flanger hoax is finicky IMHO. I owned one for about 6 months, and sold it.


It's fun to play around with, but I'd hesitate to use live... just barely knocking one knob with your foot could take it from a barely audible effect to all out nasty noise oscillation madness.


I found it really hard to get good sounds out of it... It took quite a bit of fine tuning to really get it where you wanted it.

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i got the BF-3 lastnight, wow, totally wasn't expecting this. great sounds here, its kind of like the normal boss flanger but way smoother, like dimension D smoothness, just freakin awesome, and its main strength is the stereo, which really moves your sound around in a pleasant way not just in your face, great for soundscaping. there are four modes, but mainly just three since one of those is momentary i.e. retarded. but the three other modes all do very different sounds, so it was worth the price. and even the gated flange is like two modes in itself because it rotates in stereo and has like a square wave trem kind of sound in mono. but what surprised me the most was how well it sits in the mix, its just perfect i think, better/smoother than a chorus. i never was into the bf-2 for that reason, you turned it on it sounded like a bf-2 flanger no doubt. but with the bf-3 you could really just leave it on all the time just to add some space to your sound. really great pedal. oh

and compared to hoax, way different beasts, can't wait to use them together (my board is at a friends house), i'll report later

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the BF3 has to be on of the most underrated flangers..


people avoid it because it's digital and it's boss but I sold my mxr reissue , bf2, and Ibanez fl99 in favor of the boss..


it's actually not totally pedestrian either..the gated/chopper mode is kind of a neat option...



I think I just really like the swooshy , metallic sound that the boss puts out

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the BF3 has to be on of the most underrated flangers..

people avoid it because it's digital and it's boss but I sold my mxr reissue , bf2, and Ibanez fl99 in favor of the boss..

it's actually not totally pedestrian either..the gated/chopper mode is kind of a neat option...

I think I just really like the swooshy , metallic sound that the boss puts out



well i'm not a fan of the metallic sound, sorry, but that is what impressed me with the bf-3, is that you can dial that out, you can't on the bf-2. glad you like yours though. the gate mode is pretty wicked. too bad boss didn't also add an lfo knob as well, oh well, that is where the hoax comes in x10

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