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Recommend and Auto Wah/Envelop Filter


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I'm wondering what are the better ones out there. For a nice Funky sound/rythm.


I only tried the MXR's Auto Q which I think it just simply sucks! and Guyatone's Ultron is waaaay to expensive. may between 100-150 price range (if there is any).

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I assume you don't mean "auto wah" literally (an LFO controlled wah effect that sweeps up/down at a fixed rate)? If so, another vote for the AF-9, DOD440 or DOD FX25. If you want a very big sweep, almost on the nasty side, the FX25 will provide. The AF-9 is a lot smoother and less dramatic, which also makes it easier to set up (it doesn't respond as violently to differences in the input level). The 440 is somewhere in between those two.


The AF-9 has more options available, as it can be set up as low-pass (the "classic" envelope filter effect), high-pass (basically the reverse - the filter still "opens up" as you hit harder, but from a very trebly setting. Wen you play softly, the bass is reduced rather than the treble) and bandpass (your basic wah setting). The others are simpler, with range/sensitivity and level controls while the other parameters (filter type and such) are fixed.


Here are a few options for you: http://www.tonefactor.com/products.php?cat=75



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as you are going for an envelope filter you can exclude the worm and the flanger hoax, they don't have it.

I only know the boss aw-3. I'm getting rid of it cause the sound is not satisfying (maybe too digital?). it has a lot of features and possible settings, but I might go for a qtron or the af-9.

the emma thing has built an immaculate reputation.

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I play through a bassballs and that's a cool effect (even for guitar). With the distortion switch engaged you get some really nasty voice-like tones. Without the dist. you get a real sweet auto wah effect.


I was considering getting a Mini Q-tron. Any reason why I should go w/ the bigger versions? I don't plan on using the effects loop on it.

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same here, and yes, same here

tube zipper & hoax

best combo a man can ask for


Almost :p


How about this:


HOG/w expression -> Tube Zipper -> Flanger Hoax -> DMM :)


With this setup, I really don't feel a strong need for any other EHX pedals.

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