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Looking to get a pedal board...


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I've been slowly incorporating effects pedals into my setup, and now after playing quite a few gigs and getting annoyed at how long it takes me to set up, I'd like to invest in a decent pedal board.


I'd just like a bit of advice on what I'm best getting. Here's my set up:


Behringer TU100 Tuner

Marshall RG-1 Modulator

Ibanez DE7 Delay/Echo

RAT Deucetone Distortion


I power all these with an AC-DC 9V think (except the RAT which I can't seem to connect but lives forever on a battery), so I could go for the option of a non-powered pedal board and somehow incorporate the power supply that I've got into it. OR I could ditch my power supply and get something powered... I don't really know which would be best - so any advice here would be great - as would any suggestions of recommended pedal boards.



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Hey, welcome to the forums.


Your best bet would probably be a Pedaltrain JR. It's small and fits all your pedals, and comes with a carrying case so you can bring it to your gigs. It's $100, which is a little expensive. Gator makes a case like that, but it's less expensive. Look on Zzounds.com.


You could always make your own! That's the cheapest way to go. Then you can have whatever size you need.


Keep the 9V, you don't need an isolated power thing like the DC brick. I use a 1-spot and it is great, and is about $30.

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Here's one from Warwick that I've been considering:





I'd really like one of these for band-practices where I can't be bothered to lug my big pedalboard around. And it'd work out for gigs too, if you're not of the type that needs 12 pedals for gig. But, if you get this one, there's not much room for expanding your board, I guess. There is a bigger version of the Warwick-case too tho :)

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i have a cool pedalboard i made for sale:


Its pretty good dimensions, room for lots of pedals but doesnt take up much floor space. Room for 2 volume/wah pedals on the right side and has a 2nd level that could be removed. Carpeted. Room for power supply/power strip under 2nd level. Has a raised bezel around the side. VERY sturdy.


$35 plus shipping





here it is loaded:



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thats a pretty impressive board, but i think i'll go for something smaller. that warwick one that Zoidberg suggested seems about right for what i need - it'll fit about 5 pedals on, its a hard case so it'll be good for gigging, and i can use my own power supply with it. and plus its only

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