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$126 - 3 delays - drunk

C Fuzz

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about 3 or 4 weeks ago I got rid of my tooob amp (royal 8) and recently picked up this old solid state beast for $100....


I am actually totally in love with all the dirty sounds I can get out of it. No doubt the best ss amp I have ever played. So I am currently without a delay, and all my delay pedal experience has been after dirt pedals into a tube amp. What if I want to use this amps dirty sounds? I should probably use this right?...


How do I hook this bitch up? Send --->delay-->delay-->return? Does that sound right?


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the peavey bandit is the stereotype horrible {censored}ty ss amp. when i was starting to play in the late 80s it was a staple among beginners and probably the reason most quit playing.

its bizarre that you like it. it sounds like total {censored}. enjoy.

argh....the reason I still wouldn't buy a peavey amp....the bandit :freak:

it really was enough to put you off for life.

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i actually quite liked the peavey bandits when i played them whence younger.. will never touch them again (i admit i snob ss amps), but they're good for ss...


pop yer pedals in the loop.


drunk decisions are the worst.. resulted in my first overdose. ah well

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Jesus, with all the delay freaks around here I thought I would get some good comments. Are you all so far up Zachs ass that it is blasphemy to sell a fuzz factory. And yeah, I agree tube amps sound far superior but holy {censored} if I actually dig some sounds out of an ss amp. Am I not cool enough for this forum anymore?


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Jesus, with all the delay freaks around here I thought I would get some good comments. Are you all so far up Zachs ass that it is blasphemy to sell a fuzz factory. And yeah, I agree tube amps sound far superior but holy {censored} if I actually dig some sounds out of an ss amp. Am I not cool enough for this forum anymore?


i don't think anybody's snobbing anyone here.. like i said bandits are pretty good stuff... and really the usual delay freaks haven't seemed to post..

to correct you a tad, this forum isn't cool anyway

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