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The ULTRA High end rack stuff


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This kind of gear makes me think of rocket ship's controls, and all the things that can go wrong with them...this Bowie song that tell a story of failed space travel popped in my head...and the sentence "can you hear me major tom" seemed to me as an image of how bad such high tech gear can be if not used properly, for example a singer comes in with the wrong digitalized harmony, or the guitar player is silent all of a sudden due to a wrong connection... :idk:



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Sorry Zach but this OWNS everything else in this thread.

I wouldn't trade my Ultra for the world...'cept maybe a night with Jessica Alba


I can't believe that I forgot to post that but am happy someone did. It does rank very highly, but sorry... the other devices bring a particular sonic character, and features to the table that the Ultra doesn't, making it so cool that we have goodies to choose from, but just wait, I am not done posting goodies.



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Is there a point to this post?


Think of it as the exotic section of cars at a car show. It is what car enthusiast love to check out... Same for gear/tech heads.


I know that I LOVE seeing nice gear. They are, afterall, the tools that allow me to pursue my passion. Music... :thu:

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