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big muff = EPIC


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while i have always loved my nyc big muff, i have recently been hard pressed to find context in any song that i have written.


i have no plans of ever taking it off my board, and i love the sound, i just didnt know how to apply it to the style of songs i was writing.


well today, my drummer and i jammed on an old song of mine and ended up restructuring it quite a bit and god damn, that big muff fit the bill so well. i was just amazed at how awesome it sounded.


this is kinda one of those "well, duh" threads, but i just feel like my eyes have been reopened to the big muff's awesomeness.


has anyone has a similar experience with a pedal?

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right on man. you just cant beat that "wall of sound" sometimes. its just an amazing pedal.


ive grown to like it alot more recently as well. it sounded cool through my old peavey classic 50 and my bassman 10, but it just sounds like absolute heaven through my ac30. we have a winning pair, it seems.

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Good timing.

Last night I couldn't be bothered dragging my board to practice so I used my NYC re-issue for the first time in about 4 years.

It sounded incredible. It won't replace my Gain {censored}er II, but it was really nice to use it again.

Stupid sustain.

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yeah, its a neat sounding pedal. when i used one i had to totally change the way i played.


coincidentally, or perhaps not coincidentally, when i was using my NYC muff i was on tons of pain meds for my back. after my surgery i stopped taking 50 percocets a week :eek: and decided it sounded terrible.


ultimately, i decided it wasnt for me.

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I found that a some of my favorite Muff uses is a background of fuzz under a delayed clean line or ambient noise. The wall of fuzz words so well when used as a wall of fuzz.

Also fast strumming of power chords with the sustain maxed and the tone at around 1:30 equals fun, especially through a cranked practice amp. For some reason my tiny Brownsville bedroom amp loves that pedal.

Not to say my Blues Deluxe doesn't but it sounds very different through each amp.

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I bought and sold this pedal twice, but now I find myself needing one so much that I'll probably get rid of a few pedals I have now to get that and an octave multiplexor.



that sounds like a plan!


ive thought about selling it and getting something else, but what else would i need?


i have two delays, a super shifter, two overdrives, a tuner, a volume/boost pedal, im pretty much set!


not to mention that when the wattson superfuzz is released im gonna have one of those on board. all i need is a muff. check. staying on my board.

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