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What's the Best DD series Delay?


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What do you guys think is the best DD pedal put out there by Boss?






DD-7 (probably not a whole lot of feedback on this one)



If you have any experience with any of these models or would like to comment on their pros and cons please do so.

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DD-20 is the workhorse of the series and is likely the clear winner here thanks to its load of features ... but its classification as a Twin Pedal, IMO, kinda disqualifies it, being that all the others are single pedals.


I've owned all of these except the DD-2 & DD-7 and IMO, the DD-3 had the best tone ... but the DD-5 was the most usable thanks to external Tap Tempo.

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DD-20 is my favorite and the one I use because I rely on a few different delays for the covers we do. Otherwise, I think the DD-3 sounds the best, easy to use, and readily accessable if you need one quick for a show.

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So if I was able to score a DD-3 & DD-5, I'd pretty much be all set in the area of Delay?

I'm currently running an Echo Park but don't know/feel if its meeting all of my needs. Sometimes, it hums and others its got a wicked volume boost.

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when the dd3 came out, people said the dd2 was better (more warm and analog-ish).

When the dd5 came, it was the dd3

then dd6 came out, people said it was too clean and prefer the dd5

since the dd7 is coming, i will say get the dd6 (more warm and analog-ish compares to the dd7)

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I love the DD-2. I came across it by complete chance and picked it up for super cheap and I'm very happy I did...yeah it's warmer than some of the subsequent DD-pedals but it's not like an analog to digital difference. It's still a digital delay, but a cool lower-fi digital delay than the later ones. Overall, it just depends on how many bells and whistles you need.

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So if I was able to score a DD-3 & DD-5, I'd pretty much be all set in the area of Delay?

I'm currently running an Echo Park but don't if its meeting all of my needs. Sometimes, it hums and others its got a wicked volume boost.



If that's the case, just pick up the DD20.

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yeah it's warmer than some of the subsequent DD-pedals but it's not like an analog to digital difference. It's still a digital delay, but a cool lower-fi digital delay than the later ones.

+1 I don't agree w/ anyone who says the DD-2 sounds analog- perhaps those people haven't played w/ a good analog delay :idk: It is however, the best sounding digital delay that I've used- not clinical and cold, just warm and musical.

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I also have a MIJ DD-3 which is great. I've used my friends DD-5 which is nice but the DD-7 has the most features - in a single box, I've played the DD-20 but I know it has more features than the DD-7, but the DD-7 is smaller than the DD-20

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I have a DD-7 and I remember when I first got it thinking it was one of the best sounding delays, I'd ever heard. Cool reverse and warp features, too. (though the reverse sound is better on the Stereo Memory Man Hazarai).

Totally worth the money. They have some on ebay.

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I have a DD-7 and I remember when I first got it thinking it was one of the best sounding delays, I'd ever heard. Cool reverse and warp features, too. (though the reverse sound is better on the Stereo Memory Man Hazarai).

Totally worth the money. They have some on ebay.




Warp? did you mean DD-6? the DD-7 doesn't have the warp...

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since the dd7 is coming, i will say get the dd6 (more warm and analog-ish compares to the dd7)



well, the DD-7 does model the DM2, so you could argue it's more analog-ish than than DD-6.


I like my DD-6, though I've been tempted to send it to Analogman for the mod that helps make it sound less ... clean.


But the DD-7 is not on my "to buy" list instead.

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dd-20. i have a few delays, but lately i've been finding that the dd-20 regularly makes it to gigs. the others sound awesome (and for specific things, sometimes better), but the dd-20 does a number of things pretty damn well

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