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Delay Idea

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I just had this idea that might work with a stereo delay and I was wondering if it would work...





Basically, I'm hoping that I can get an octave up delay with the above wiring...but will it work?


can you use this method to essentially create an effects loop in any delay or am I missing something pretty obvious?

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If you want to process the delayed signal with another pedal and send it back into the delay, it would be best if you could eliminate the dry signal from that part of the loop, so a delay-only output would help. Otherwise, the direct signal will cause squealing feedback all the time.

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yeah, I tried it and it didn't quite work the way I had it set up in the pic... that just led to either feedback or something similar to running the micro pog before the delay (and the micro pog worked normally when the delay was off)

... but then I had an idea..

My echo park has a few modes that sums the two inputs and divides the results into stereo, so I set it up like this


and for some reason, it works great now

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If you want to process the delayed signal with another pedal and send it back into the delay, it would be best if you could eliminate the dry signal from that part of the loop, so a delay-only output would help.


And there's at least a few delays with "wet only" outputs, so that shouldn't be too hard to do. There's also some delay pedals (such as the Diamond Memory Lane) that have effects loops that allow you to process just the delays with an external pedal. Or you could just run two delay pedals - one pre-POG, one post POG. :idea:

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I was wondering.. Say if you took a DD-3 with the keeley effect loop mod. And put the micro pog in the loop. And set the micro pog to pure octave up [or octave down] signal....


The repeats would increase / decrease by one octave for every repeat, am right?

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yeah, i'm pretty sure that's right.

... so what's the cheapest option for a delay with an fx loop?



Robert Keeley-modded DD-3 is probably the cheapest and the simplest. The only others I can think of are the Memory Lane and the Moogerfooger; though there're always stereo delays with the 'kill dry' option, like the DD-20.

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Moog had this idea before you did
Their MoogerFooger analog delay has an FX loop

The idea's been around for a bit - there were a few units out there back in the day, the HD-1500 comes immediately to mind, Anderton's old "Digital Delay cookbook" configurations made use of externalized regen loops on some nits

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oh also-would the delays increase by one octave each time, or would the continuously be one octave above the OG signal?



If you put it in a regen loop - its going to jump an octave on each cycle through the delay's regen path -- you can set this up intenrally on some units with flexible routig like a Qverb 2


in the original design up top, the treament is just "nested" between two delay lines

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thanks for this thread. i just spent an hour making noises with my behringer echo machine. just put output b into effects and into input a. and input b out into the world and no instrument connect but i could put it into input b.


crazy noises, my ears hurt now. it was fun

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