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Batman would not approve


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Well guess what?! Batman phoned me on the Batline and said that he doesn't care. What do you think about that Mr Pimp?



Makes sense....


Batman killed his parents for the money. The whole "killed by a bad guy" thing is an elaborate cover up DC comics helped propagate.

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"Only a fool looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart!"

As far as Btaman goes... I think Christian Bale was feeling over shadowed by Heath Ledger so he had to do something to build up some street cred. Usually a DUI or getting caught w/ coke & a hooker will do but apparantly Mr. Bale is taking it to new levels.

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" LONDON - Christian Bale has denied allegations of assault made by his mother and sister, hours after he was arrested, questioned by London police and released.


The 34-year-old star of "The Dark Knight" spent four hours at a police station, but was not charged. British media had reported that Bale's mother and sister complained he had assaulted them at the Dorchester Hotel in London on Sunday night.


Representatives for Bale released a statement today denying that an assault took place.


A woman thought to be Bale's sister Sharon told reporters "it's a family matter" from her home in Corfe Mullen, 110 miles southwest of London. A man who answered the door at the home of his mother Jenny Bale in nearby Bournemouth said she did not want to comment."


i stopped reading after "British media...."

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Why do I feel like the British Polices version of what "assault" is, is dramatically different from what "Johnny Arkansas" and the cops who pull his drunk ass off his 'propurtay' consider assault to be.

"Oh dear, mum. That shepards pie was ghastly. I say, did you learn to cook in a lue?"

"Oh Christian, you could not act your way out of bed in the morning"

"That's it mum, I'll give you a right bit of talking to.... after I finish my tea."


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Why do I feel like the British Polices version of what "assault" is, is dramatically different from what "Johnny Arkansas" and the cops who pull his drunk ass off his 'propurtay' consider assault to be.

"Oh dear, mum. That shepards pie was ghastly. I say, did you learn to cook in a lue?"

"Oh Christian, you could not act your way out of bed in the morning"

"That's it mum, I'll give you a right bit of talking to.... after I finish my tea."


Well, the motherland of football/soccer hooligans (and sport hooligans in general) and skinheads got to have wussy citizens... :facepalm:

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Christian is Welsh born, so it would've been more like:


Sister: Now that you've done another film, give us some money for my ten kids, all by different fathers. I would get a job but I'm only 15


Christian: {censored} off sis, and give us a fag


Mum: Don't you tell your {censored}ing sister to {censored} off. You haven't got fags on you have you? You said you didn't in the macdonalds drive thru.


*various insults and fighting ensue, both women leave threatening to take Christian on Jeremy Kyle*



Sorry Wales.

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