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Why the FZ-5 hate? COSM, so?

C Fuzz

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Is it just a snob thing like Tube is better than Solid State? The Octavia mode awesome, on its own and works well with other dirt, can be kinda pretty or real frickin nasty! The FuzzFace mode is really cool with lower gain into an OD. I have not messed with the Meastro? mode much yet, seems really something different than I am used to. I know I have only had it for 3 days but it seems great. Does the COSM really matter to you? I like this pedal!

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i must admit to being put off but the fact it was a digital pedal simulator. however, that is my failing and my prejudice and the pedal is probably great, but if i want a fuzz face i would probably get one rather than a modeller.

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I would try one, nothing against COSM. Just picked up a Boss BR-600 digital recorder, and thathas COSM built into it. SHould be a fund toy. The problem with this Boss Fuzz, is that the older models were fairly well received, and they weren't digital.


Also, lots of competition, from pedals that don't cost much more, like the MXR Classic 108 which is great. Or Monsterpiece.

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I use modellers all the time (PODxt and GNX3000) but I've yet to hear a dirt modeller that sounds as good as the real thing, so I wouldn't want to use it with my main effects chain.


There's nothing snobbish about it, much like there's nothing snobbish about the thought tubes are better than solid state. I think Pepsi is better than Coke and that's not snobbish either. It's just all opinion, so you buy what you want.

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No one on here would be able to tell the difference.



That sounds like an overstatement if I've ever heard one.


I like COSM effects for messing around at home with headphones or recording home demos, but there is no way in hell they sound exactly like the pedals they purport to model. Which isn't to say that they can't be made to sound good; it's just not the same.

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Its because they sound {censored}in horrible and grainy and they have no warmth or soul


last time I picked up one of my pedals is was a cold lump of metal with no soul.....the only negative I see is that it's pretty expensive for what is a modeling pedal, they could have put 10 different Fuzz/Distortion models in it and I doubt it would cost anymore to make?? :idk:

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I disagree with modelling a fuzz pedal seeing as fuzz pedals can be made so cheaply. I liked the fuzz models on my GT-8, and they were kind of better behaved than a real fuzz, but who wants a well behaved fuzz?


Give it a few years of no one buying them, and then they will be sought after.

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Try a double-blind test. Thanks for playing.


If you're happy with the FZ-5 then more power to you :thu: but why should that be at the expense of long tried and tested (and often cheaper) alternatives for other people? I frequently use a fuzz that is a third of the price of the FZ-5 in the UK so how is that snobby?


But I'm more than happy to do a blind test. You (or with you being so far away, an elected British forum member you trust) bring an FZ5 and

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If you're happy with the FZ-5 then more power to you :thu: but why should that be at the expense of long tried and tested (and often cheaper) alternatives for other people? I frequently use a fuzz that is a third of the price of the FZ-5 in the UK so how is that snobby?


But I'm more than happy to do a blind test. You (or with you being so far away, an elected British forum member you trust) bring an FZ5 and

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Well it's not impractical - in fact using a new effect with your own equipment is the only way you can tell if something is right for you or not. Listening to clips or hearing someone else play tells you nothing. For a double blind challenge what do you suggest? Uploaded 128kb digitized MP3s? The challenge to me is if I can tell the difference (and if I can whether I like the difference) when I'm playing in terms of sound, feel and response from my gear. If it was just about what sounded good in a clip I'd be using my PODxt exclusively and have a healthier bank account.

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Unfortunately, your double-blind challenge is rather impractical.

I made no mention of snobbiness, or other fuzzes. I was mostly dismissing claims that digital simulations of sounds have an inseparable 'digital' quality to them, and suggesting that in any practical situation, the difference between the simulation and the original would be unperceivable.

I got my fuzz to use, not abuse, so effects due to impedance issues are of no concern to me, but if that's how you use your fuzz, then certainly the disparity between the intention of the simulations and the practical design of a Fuzz Face will be relevant.



This thread is useless without (at the very least) clips.


You're acting like the rest of us have never given a digital modeler a chance which (for myself, anyway, and for many here, I suspect) is simply not true. I've tried them, probably hundreds of times (I had a Boss BR-8 for several years) and there were some good sounds, but they absolutely did not sound like their pedal equivalents. This had nothing to do with impedance issues; they just didn't sound the same.


Until you have a double-blind test ready for the rest of us to take, that argument is specious at best and worthless in general.


If the FZ-5 is completely totally {censored}ing awesome, I suspect we'll be hearing more and more about it. There are a few 'sniffer-killer cheap pedals that get consistently championed around here, and people are getting more and more comfortable with digitial delays, etc. If the FZ-5 really sounds that great, it will be successful, COSM or no.


Feel free to PM me when that happens.

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