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OT: The difference between Biden and Palin


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WOAH, source?? That's some great fodder!



It's out there, I read it. She railroaded a sports complex thingy that, though the town supposedly wanted, was never - and is currently not - economically viable.


I'll find that source, if Nick isn't already.



the Anchorage Daily News points out,

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WOAH, source?? That's some great fodder!



It's all over the place.


She built an indoor sports complex (conveniently in time for her son to play high school hockey) that went millions of dollars over budget. I suppose it's debatable whether or not an aging community of 7,000 people needed a brand new sports complex, but who am I to judge? She's proven!

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Just because Palin is a retard, doesn't mean that Biden is worth the dingleberrys sitting in my crack right now.

He's voted against net neutrality on many occasions and is in bed with the RIAA and MPAA.

Those may not be issues for some, but internet dorks and musicians should be worried.

BTW I'm done with the lessor of two evils bs, i'm voting third party.





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Biden is known for stepping on his dick. Palin is the master of saying nothing.


Both McCain and Obama are corporatists. Big deal.


Sadly, I am voting for whomever is less likely to declare Marshall Law and more likely to deal a new deal. You know if the {censored} hits the fan.


I am tired of small insecure men aspiring to be dictator.




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As mentioned above, how is she proven? Yes, she's done a good job in Alaska. What else?

That is more than any of the other candidates have done... She is the second person on the ticket.

None of the other have balanced a budget, or took on "big oil", as she has done. Obama has done nothing that has produced any results, other than sitting in on the most unpopular senates in modern history. No bills with his name on the top... he has sponsored legislation, which is the same as "sign this", and nothing to do with writing anything into the body of legislation

Some presidents are elected for one singular trait such as foreign policy or energy. At least the inexperience is second in command on the republican ticket, where as the democrats have the inexperience at the top. If this was turned around, the democrats would be saying the same thing.

I also think that it is funny that everyone is saying that a vote for Mccain is 4 more years of Bush. They would say the same thing if any republican were running for office. McCain is about as far away from Bushes style of leading as anyone can be.

How about the fact that Obama voted with his party 97% of the time... meaning he is a cog in the wheel of the failed democrat led congress, not a leader of it.

Just a few observations from someone who doesnt have a dog in the fight, but likes to point out the obvious


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As mentioned above, how is she proven? Yes, she's done a good job in Alaska. What else?

That is more than any of the other candidates have done... She is the second person on the ticket.

None of the other have balanced a budget, or took on "big oil", as she has done. Obama has done nothing that has produced any results, other than sitting in on the most unpopular senates in modern history. No bills with his name on the top... he has sponsored legislation, which is the same as "sign this", and nothing to do with writing anything into the body of legislation

Some presidents are elected for one singular trait such as foreign policy or energy. At least the inexperience is second in command on the republican ticket, where as the democrats have the inexperience at the top. If this was turned around, the democrats would be saying the same thing.

I also think that it is funny that everyone is saying that a vote for Mccain is 4 more years of Bush. They would say the same thing if any republican were running for office. McCain is about as far away from Bushes style of leading as anyone can be.

How about the fact that Obama voted with his party 97% of the time... meaning he is a cog in the wheel of the failed democrat led congress, not a leader of it.

Just a few observations from someone who doesnt have a dog in the fight, but likes to point out the obvious



Please. Don't have children. Just. Don't.

You're doing the same idiotic question dodge that your beloved Palin does. Answer the {censored}ing question, or GTFO.

How has Palin proven herself to be qualified as a Vice President?

She HASN'T done a good job in Alaska, so don't even bring that up. She's under investigation for fraud and abusing her power as governor, and she ran even her teeny-tiny town of 6000 some people into massive debt.

Point out this proof that she is such a good and ready leader.

As far as saying that McCain isn't like Bush, I believe he has voted with Bush something like 96% of the time. Kind of hard to be different when you stand for the same exact ideals and principles.

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I think they're all (90%) idiots! They should be fired, some put in jail.
Activate term limits, two terms and your out. Get back to what the constitution allows. Half of what goes on with government/states is unconstitutional, such as this bail out plan. Can you imagine what the framers of this country would say if they could meet before congress?

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I think they're all (90%) idiots! They should be fired, some put in jail.

Activate term limits, two terms and your out. Get back to what the constitution allows. Half of what goes on with government/states is unconstitutional, such as this bail out plan. Can you imagine what the framers of this country would say if they could meet before congress?



Ron Paul'd


I completely agree though.

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Please. Don't have children. Just. Don't.

You're doing the same idiotic question dodge that your beloved Palin does. Answer the {censored}ing question, or GTFO.

How has Palin proven herself to be qualified as a Vice President?

She HASN'T done a good job in Alaska, so don't even bring that up. She's under investigation for fraud and abusing her power as governor, and she ran even her teeny-tiny town of 6000 some people into massive debt.

Point out this proof that she is such a good and ready leader.

As far as saying that McCain isn't like Bush, I believe he has voted with Bush something like 96% of the time. Kind of hard to be different when you stand for the same exact ideals and principles.

I am just trying to be devils advocate....

So anyone that proposes a new facility that goes over budget, like say, the big dig, is a bad politician. The powers that be are opening a light rail line here in Charlotte, and they have went over budget, by almost 500 million dollars.

20 million long term debt is just a catch phrase, that means nothing... the math used in doing those calculations is oh so skewed, in so many ways. They would have to figure that the complex got no revenue, double the price of the building costs, etc. My parents easily spent $5000 on sports teams I played on when I was younger, whether it be little league, soccer, football, baseball. That is the only thing to do in a small town.

How about Obama buying property at below value from a convicted felon? I am sure he was not aware that the deal was shady...:rolleyes:

I can regurgitate all the talking points that either side has to say, but I dont think ad hominem attacks are called for..


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I think they're all (90%) idiots! They should be fired, some put in jail.

Activate term limits, two terms and your out. Get back to what the constitution allows. Half of what goes on with government/states is unconstitutional, such as this bail out plan. Can you imagine what the framers of this country would say if they could meet before congress?




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So anyone that proposes a new facility that goes over budget, like say, the big dig, is a bad politician.

Dude, the Big Dig has been a disaster, but we're really lucky it has achieved a level of success.

(not including the woman who died in the tunnel, really sad :cry:)

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No not a Ron Pauler, but I wish their were alot more people like him in government. Our government has swayed far away from its intended purpose and misaligned itself with the people of this great land.



All about special interests now. :poke:

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Just show me some tangible proof that anything Obama has done has benfited anyone....

I am sure you can find something in one of his books, fawning over his "accomplishments".

The only people he has helped were those with connection in the Chicago political machine. Now if they get in his way, he will throw them under the bus. (Wright, Rezko, Phlager)

BTW, I already have children, 4 of them


Please. Don't have children. Just. Don't.

You're doing the same idiotic question dodge that your beloved Palin does. Answer the {censored}ing question, or GTFO.

How has Palin proven herself to be qualified as a Vice President?

She HASN'T done a good job in Alaska, so don't even bring that up. She's under investigation for fraud and abusing her power as governor, and she ran even her teeny-tiny town of 6000 some people into massive debt.

Point out this proof that she is such a good and ready leader.

As far as saying that McCain isn't like Bush, I believe he has voted with Bush something like 96% of the time. Kind of hard to be different when you stand for the same exact ideals and principles.

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