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EHX Poll - Old big boxes vs new diecast

C Fuzz

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i love the look and size of the big box ones. i dont mind having a biger pedalboard with fewer pedals. they just look badass.


im looking at a graphic fuzz, a double muff, and ive been looking for an original pulsar forever. then maybe ill get a dmm.


a complete ehx board. i could totally survive on that.

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Well I like the pedalboard real estate saved by the smaller, newer enclosures... but I like the look of the larger vintage pedals much, much better. Everyone usually says they sound better, and frankly I think they're what EHX is all about and should never discontinue.

Although, if they could just "shrink" the big box pedals down to where the guts would still fit inside but they would look like the older versions with the bent metal boxes, that would be way better than the current XO design IMO.

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I've got a '77-'79 IC Muff + it's one of my ultimate favorite pedals. Also have TONS of respect for NYC Muffs both stock + as a killer lo-$$$ mod platform. Miss my DEM + DMM badly, but traded them towards the ASAT in my avatar. Unfortunately for my sexy big-box EHX, guitar trumps pedals. That said, I just scored a super sweet (albeit, quite noisy!) DEM to replace mine. Just couldn't live w/o it. Would also like a Polychorus. And all the other big old EHX pedals. . .

My old DEM:


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