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Last night after I finished eating at a restaurant...


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Q: What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft?

A: A flat minor.

Q: What do you get if you run over an army officer with a steam roller?

A: A flat major.

Q: What is the most religious chord?

A: G sus



Q: What's the definition of the semitone (half step)?

A: When two flutes play at unison.


Q: When was the canon invented?

A: When two violas played the same melody at the same time.


Q: A guitarist and a drummer fall down a cliff. Who crashes on the ground first?

A: The guitarist. The drummer had to stop halfway to ask for directions.

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Bloke rings up his boss and tells him he's sick and can't come into work that day. Boss is a little put out, there's loads of work on and can't do with being a man down. Boss asks 'You sure you can't come in?' Bloke replies 'No, sorry I'm sick'. Boss tries again 'No way you can come in, even for a few hours?'. 'Nope, I would but like I say, I'm really sick' replies bloke. Desperate boss asks ' Jeez, how sick are you?'. Bloke replies 'Well I've just had sex with my sister...'.


what an awesome thread!

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A lion and a giraffe go to a bar and get really {censored}ing wasted. The giraffe gets so drunk he passes out and falls on the floor. The bartender says to the lion "Are you just going to leave that lyin' there?"


The lion jumps over the counter and eats him cause he's a {censored}ing lion!!!!

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