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Tell me how you attach your crybaby-style wah to your board! (please)

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err. velcro?



OK, but what do I do about the big rubber washers that surround the screws on the bottom? They make it a bit difficult to mount flush to the board, using velcro. Can I remove the rubber? Sorry if this sounds stupid, its just stumping me a bit, compared to my other pedals (boss, dod, etc). I usually just remove the rubber and use velcro with those...

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Remove the rubber feet and velcro that {censored}er to the board. Ooooor you could simply use a piece of iron with two holes in it and screw it onto the board, that's what I used to do when I had a wooden pedalboard.

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Remove the rubber feet and velcro that {censored}er to the board. Ooooor you could simply use a piece of iron with two holes in it and screw it onto the board, that's what I used to do when I had a wooden pedalboard.



Thanks, good ideas. I knew it had to be something simple, but I just couldn't picture it.

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You might find that the mounting screws don't screw down tight to the baseplate without the rubber feet in place, which will mean the base wobbles, and may get damaged.

You can buy these:

or you could make your own if you're handy with a saw and a drill...



Awesome, thank you!

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Depending on your board, you could also drill out indentations for the rubber feet. Personally, I just stuck the velcro over the rubber feet- it only grabbed the board in two places, but as long as I didn't try to intentionally shake it loose, it was pretty solid.

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