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What's your favorite looper?


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I've had the RC-20XL and I didn't like it because the footswitch felt horrible, and I had a hard time synching up loops. The Line6 DL-4 is much easier for me to use because I prefer shorter action switches, but the loop sample time is short at only 14 seconds.


Any suggestions?

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Favorite looper that I use: SMM/H

favorite looper that I don't use because it's overkill at the moment: 2880



I have an SMM/H, but once again, it's only okay.


I think I'll give the Headrush or a Boomerang a shot, then.

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gibson echoplex digital pro, but thats a large chunk of change. the ehx 16 second delay reissue is pretty nice too for loop manipulation, but no undo. i've heard great things about the original lexicon jamman, but they are hard to find. for a looper on the cheap i would try to score an akai headrush e1 off craigslist or the bay (i have seen em go as low as 50 bucks)

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it can be noisy, but it's only noticeable on certain amps... you hear a white noise in the background when I use my AC15 in triode mode, but other amps are fine.


This is true. I used to get a buzz when I used it with my dad's blues jr. But now I have a Jazz Chorus and I have no noise whatsoever coming from my pedals.

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At the moment I have:
ZVEX lofi loop junky
EHX 16 Second Digital Delay
EHX Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai

...and I have an EHX 2880 coming in the mail.

All 4 are very different. I've used the SMMH the most, and so far I find it to be the best balance of easy-to-use and loaded-with-features. But the ZVEX wins hands-down for ease-of-use, and the EHX 2880 will inevitably win for loaded-with-features.

Other points:
- The ZVEX is analog, and has a great vibrato.

- The SMMH is in stereo, and has all the hazarai that can be used on the loops.

- The 16 Sec DD has a great modulation section for flanger/chorus with both rate and depth controls. It also is unique in that it combines some of the best features from the SMMH and the 2880.

- The 2880 doesn't have a delay, but it has looping features that go way beyond the others (4 track stereo panning and level control, memory card storage, midi IN/OUT, etc.)

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I had a DD-20 and have a SMMH. The DD-20 was a little easier b/c you pressed down at the end of the loop - where on the SMMH you hold the button down and let UP at the end of the loop. I haven't mastered the SMMH yet, but plan on doing some significant practice to get it right...

I think the Timbender is looking pretty sweet and from what I've read, it's sort of like the Boss RC stuff where it will make up for off timing.

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