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Whats your favorite virtual Synth and why?


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My favorites would have to be Korg LE Digital, Poizone,Vanguard, Imposcar and Oddity. I do like predator, but I haven't used it enough to feel 100% comfortable with it.


I can be too practical at times, those being my favorites because they all cost around 100$, have a GUI that's easy on the eyes (except the LE) and have a nice wide open sound.

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Why did you put a question mark at the end of your topic title then?



The question was about VIRTUAL synths, not synths in general. :) There's lots of hardware synth discussion on the forum I was hoping to get some more feel for what users think are the best virtual synths.


Thanks for all the replies so far. I'm trying to learn all I can about all these.



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The thing with Reaktor is that's it's TOTALLY modular, but not in the traditional sense one would think of in terms of modular analogs for example.


Patch cords are practically impossible in Reaktor, but mod matrixes can be Marianas Trench deep.


There is a certain boilerplate "look" to a "typical" Reaktor GUI, which can be customized to any degree. For example, the Synthi ensemble started off looking like a typical plain vanilla module panel, and wound up being this:




Rock steady, stable, infinite programmability & patch storage.


All of this doesn't even count for the fact that there are dozens of Reaktor boffins only too willing to upload their ensembles to the general public (read: registered Reaktor users) free of charge.



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The thing with Reaktor is that's it's TOTALLY modular, but not in the traditional sense one would think of in terms of modular analogs for example.

Patch cords are practically impossible in Reaktor, but mod matrixes can be Marianas Trench deep.

There is a certain boilerplate "look" to a "typical" Reaktor GUI, which can be customized to any degree. For example, the Synthi ensemble started off looking like a typical plain vanilla module panel, and wound up being this:


Rock steady, stable, infinite programmability & patch storage.

All of this doesn't even count for the fact that there are dozens of Reaktor boffins only too willing to upload their ensembles to the general public (read: registered Reaktor users) free of charge.




I've read a little bit about Reaktor, mostly about people getting caught in that matrix. :) I think I may need to investigate further based on the comments so far.




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Pigg-ness, what do you mean "
patch cords are near impossible with Reaktor
"? Aren't all the virtual Reaktor modules connected with virtual patch cords?

Edit: I'm guessing you meant it from a GUI perspective, yes?



Yes....Reaktor is NOT VIRTUAL patchCORD friendly, to say the least.

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The great thing about Reaktor, is that you DON'T have to master programming it before tweaking to your heart's content. It's NOT Max/MSP.


No, but you can get as nitty-gritty as Max/Msp in Reaktor if you want to get into really low-level programming, the capability is there if one wants to get that obsessive-compulsive/anal-retentive. :freak:


I've only just scratched Reaktor's surface but much prefer the macro-modular side of it. ;)

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