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Ampeg Gemini 1


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I have found that between the hours of 10p - 8a, asking questions on this forum will very seldom be productive. Sometimes funny, sometimes dangerous, often interesting, but never productive.



look at that, and you werent even trying

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It certainly looks cool.



What could be more cool than a blue-tolex covered amp named after spacecraft from the early days of the race to the moon with BOTH "Guitar" and "Accordian" inputs in 2 channels that can be jumpered?


If that ain't the definition of "cool", then what is?

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Jumpering just lets you blend the 2 channels together in weird and interesting ways. Instead of 2 standalone channels, you have something like 8 different ways of jumpering the channels together. For example:

Guitar => Channel 1 Guitar Input; then Channel 1 Accordian Input => Channel 2 Guitar Input. And so on.

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Jumpering just lets you blend the 2 channels together in weird and interesting ways. Instead of 2 standalone channels, you have something like 8 different ways of jumpering the channels together. For example:

Guitar => Channel 1 Guitar Input; then Channel 1 Accordian Input => Channel 2 Guitar Input. And so on.



Ah, I see, thanks!

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I want one but I doubt I'll find one in the UK for a reasonable price. Peter Buck used a Gemini II on REM's Murmur album. The Gemini II has a 15" speaker and more wattage so I'm imagining the Gemini I to sound prety much the same, just quieter and a little lighter.

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