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OT:Who here is looking forward to higher taxes thanks to Obama's new healthcare plan?


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Hey guys I heard Obama is half robot and robbed a liquor store and Sarah Palin resigned from the governor's office because she embezzled millions of dollars and that was after Bush had an affair with Condoleeza Rice.

Listen I'm too busy to look up anything to prove to you guys that the above is true, so just take my word for it ok?



But even worse, he's one o 'dem MUSSSLIMS ain't he?



....Soulless leeches. [/amurrica]

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"This morning I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the Public Power Monopoly regulated by the US department of energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the Weather Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration determined the weather would be like today using satellites designed, built and launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I did this while eating my breakfast of US Department of Agriculture inspected food and taking drugs determined safe by the Federal Drug Administration.

At a time that has been kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the US Naval Observatory, I got into my National Highway Traffic Safety Administration approved automobile and set out to work on roads built and maintained by local, state and federal departments of transportation. I checked my mail delivered by the US Postal Service and dropped the kids of at public school, then stopped for fuel of a quality regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency.

After work I drove my NHTSA car on DOT roads back home, which has not burned down because of state and local building codes and a fire marshal

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yeah, obama totally came out of nowhere. the whole president of the harvard law review and senate career are mainstream media fabrications okay



in fact, he didn't exist right up until roughly about fifteen months ago when a cargo plane from kenya airdropped a suspiciously black-man-shaped package into illinois

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"This morning I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the Public Power Monopoly regulated by the US department of energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the Weather Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration determined the weather would be like today using satellites designed, built and launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I did this while eating my breakfast of US Department of Agriculture inspected food and taking drugs determined safe by the Federal Drug Administration.

At a time that has been kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the US Naval Observatory, I got into my National Highway Traffic Safety Administration approved automobile and set out to work on roads built and maintained by local, state and federal departments of transportation. I checked my mail delivered by the US Postal Service and dropped the kids of at public school, then stopped for fuel of a quality regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency.

After work I drove my NHTSA car on DOT roads back home, which has not burned down because of state and local building codes and a fire marshal

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"This morning I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the Public Power Monopoly regulated by the US department of energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the Weather Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration determined the weather would be like today using satellites designed, built and launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I did this while eating my breakfast of US Department of Agriculture inspected food and taking drugs determined safe by the Federal Drug Administration.


At a time that has been kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the US Naval Observatory, I got into my National Highway Traffic Safety Administration approved automobile and set out to work on roads built and maintained by local, state and federal departments of transportation. I checked my mail delivered by the US Postal Service and dropped the kids of at public school, then stopped for fuel of a quality regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency.


After work I drove my NHTSA car on DOT roads back home, which has not burned down because of state and local building codes and a fire marshal

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What I don't get is that people on both sides would rather throw insults at each other at these town hall meetings instead of actually trying to find common ground and bringing real ideas to the table. I don't agree with the plan as it is proposed, but I DO think we need to do something in this country to make health care more affordable for people. I personally believe it needs to start with tort reform, regulation of insurance both to doctors and to patients, and regulation of big pharmacy. Those would go a long way.


As for it raising our taxes, I don't know if it would or not. We pay it already to a degree with increased insurance and doctor costs, which is why I posted the paragraph above. I think they (the costs) would even out if we do this the way it needs to be done. Heck, even if it doesn't even out, but it comes even close and health care coverage is improved, then it's still win.

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What I don't get is that people on both sides would rather throw insults at each other at these town hall meetings instead of actually trying to find common ground and bringing real ideas to the table. I don't agree with the plan as it is proposed, but I DO think we need to do something in this country to make health care more affordable for people. I personally believe it needs to start with tort reform, regulation of insurance both to doctors and to patients, and regulation of big pharmacy. Those would go a long way.

As for it raising our taxes, I don't know if it would or not. We pay it already to a degree with increased insurance and doctor costs, which is why I posted the paragraph above. I think they (the costs) would even out if we do this the way it needs to be done. Heck, even if it does, but it comes even close and health care coverage is improved, then it's still win.

100% agree on all points.:thu:

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Paying more taxes... check

Paying no insurance premiums.... check

Netting about even personally but with a more just system.... check

Pissing off conservatives.... check

I really can't think of anything bad about it.

As a conservative, heck a VERY conservative, I am not against health care reform, I just don't agree that the proposal as it stands will work as they say it will. I think it could be done better. That said, I think you're right about the cost, if we do this right the cost should just about even out, and the system should work better for everyone. I don't see any sort of tort reform in the current proposal, however, or any regulation on what doctors pay for insurance, or what we pay for insurance, nor do I see any regulation on big pharmacy. I think we absolutely need those in order to make any plan work. That's the reason I am against the proposal as it currently stands. However, I have to give Obama and those who are working with him on this props for at least trying, which is more than anyone else up to this point has done. He just needs to drop the "we have to get this done now" and take up the "we just need to get this done right" attitude.

Most on both sides of the situation simply would rather throw insults instead of bringing ideas to the table. Also, to clarify, I'm not accusing you of throwing insults, because, frankly, you're right for the most part, there are a LOT of conservatives who are just against the whole thing yet don't or won't say why, they simply refuse to try to deal with anyone on the opposite side of the political fence, which in my mind is not very bright.

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As a conservative, heck a VERY conservative, I am not against health care reform, I just don't agree that the proposal as it stands will work as they say it will. I think it could be done better. That said, I think you're right about the cost, if we do this right the cost should just about even out, and the system should work better for everyone. I don't see any sort of tort reform in the current proposal, however, or any regulation on what doctors pay for insurance, or what we pay for insurance, nor do I see any regulation on big pharmacy. I think we absolutely need those in order to make any plan work. That's the reason I am against the proposal as it currently stands. However, I have to give Obama and those who are working with him on this props for at least trying, which is more than anyone else up to this point has done. He just needs to drop the "we have to get this done now" and take up the "we just need to get this done right" attitude.

Most on both sides of the situation simply would rather throw insults instead of bringing ideas to the table. Also, to clarify, I'm not accusing you of throwing insults, because, frankly, you're right for the most part, there are a LOT of conservatives who are just against the whole thing yet don't or won't say why, they simply refuse to try to deal with anyone on the opposite side of the political fence, which in my mind is not very bright.



Excellent post.


I agree that the current proposal doesn't appear to be ideal and that tort reform should really be part of it.


I should have clarified that I don't want to piss off ALL conservatives. Some of my closest family members and friends are also very conservative. But the ones that are the most distressed about the reform are the ones I am happy to see upset.

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FWIW, I didn't take it that you wanted to piss off all conservatives, it didn't read that way to me. But hey, at least SOME of us can be civil and talk about it. You should see the discussion board on my local newspaper.... :facepalm: There are about 3 or 4 bringing ideas, and about 2 dozen just calling them names and insulting....

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I actually laughed out loud when I saw the protest on the news here.


Maybe it is not possible for an outsider (European in this case) to understand the situation in America. I really don't.


It seems like a lot of people there are afraid of change, without understanding that there has got to be change to make things better.


Ok, maybe the original plan has some flaws, but that's only normal when you're trying to reform something as immense as the health care system of millions of people... You've got to try something new, that's better at the core, and let the details grow over the years. If you're afraid of doing that, you'll never get anywhere.

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I loved the Sarah Palin quote; "If Stephen Hawking was British, he's be dead already". I'm not sure what category of fail that falls under, but she failed pretty hard.


I know the UK system isn't perfect, there's millions of pounds wasted because of bad management and lots of other problems, but the idea of healthcare that is free at the point of use is an excellent one.


You'll get urgent treatment when you need it, less urgent stuff you'll have to wait a while for (too long, but that's another issue), but you'll get it eventually, and you'll get it for free. It doesn't matter if it's a course of antibiotics or a

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i don't want health insurance I want health care



What an unfortunate username. You're right, though, this bout of reform is going to benefit the health insurance industry more than everyone, basically ensuring that they'll remain an American institution well into the future instead of go by the wayside on the path to humane and efficient health care for everyone.


Why Americans seem to be so against health care I don't know. Very, very, very successful narrative control on the part of the Republican party basically guaranteeing that a large bloc of the population will vote against their best interests time and time again for spurious ideological reasons. A nation of "{censored} you, I got mine!" (Which isn't at all to say that Democrats would do it right if only they had the balls; they're as much in the pockets of the health care industry as anyone else, especially so-called "blue dog" Dems like my Congresspeople)

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