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Fulltone MDV-2 worth it?


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I have a Voodoo Lab Micro Vibe that I like, but I just got a bonus at work and have been thinking about a Fulltone MDV-2:




Two questions:


- Will it sound significantly different?

- Is having a foot controller useful? If I had it, would I use it? I would like to think so, but just want to see how folks around here use theirs.


And on a related note: Do vibes typically go after dirt, or before?

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I really liked my mini Deja Vibe- with the added foot control, that would be pretty cool. If your a vibe user than I don't see anything wrong with making the jump. Fulltone's vibes are pretty awesome. I sold mine off because it became my once a month pedal, but now I kinda miss it, so it will probably be coming back soon.


I used mine before my dirt just cause I read that Trower uses his up front. I could do a super cover of Bridge of Sighs with a Deja - OCD combo.

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I had a Micro Vibe, then went to a MDV, then to a MDV2.

If you use vibe a lot, then go ahead and get the MDV2. If not, the MV holds it's own against the MDV and MDV2.



Thanks, then it sounds like tonewise it's probably not worth it for me. But what about the ability to control the speed with the pedal? Is it super-cool, or something that I'll probably never use?

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I wouldn't say that it is super cool. Honestly, at first, I was worried about getting the same setting twice. A knob is a little easier, atleast I think so. However, I find that you get the feel of the pedal and with the light indicating the speed. It's fairly easy to replicate your settings.


I get a cool effect by suddenly slowing the speed down. But I wouldn't buy it just cause of that.

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