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Check out my BROOTALZ! Suhr Riot demo...


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the price isn't too horrible considering he's got the fancy relay switching and stuff. Does it have a midi jack for the "remote switching" (btw, nobel pedals have been doing that for a long time) What exactly is the "battery indicator" part tho?



Yeah, it's a bit pricey, but this is the only high-gain pedal I've ever played that feels and sounds the way I want it to for heavy stuff. As you know, I've been to the moon and back, and this really kinda captures "the tone I have in my head."


The battery meter is cool. When you turn on the pedal, it'll flash three times if the battery need to be changed.

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I will say though, that for $45, my quirky little (it's kinda big) Rocktron Metal Planet sounds pretty good still, better than most other high gain pedals I've owned (Rezza, Crunchbox, and a bit less with OCD, DLS, Push). The MP has no noise at all, and I run my Diamond EQ/Boost after it, to add some warmth, which it's lacking.

As Robo said, no subsititute for a large heavy tube amp that does this kinda thing better than a pedal can, but for many of us, it ain't practical.

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Guitars only!

Hearing the guitars solo'd shows (and people have to remember) how important bass is for this kind of music. Many don't realize the bass and guitars are extensions of each other, and get frustrated because their amp/pedal/rig doesn't offer stuff way down on the bottom.



True. People not used to playing live tend to forget that, and don't realize they actually get lost in the mix because of too much bass and too little mids.

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