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Talk me into/out of Selling my Jubilee...


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ill trade you my VT22 for it that way you can sound just like Josh Homme

He uses the VT-40's way more often. And that the tone I'm after. You couldn't get that vt-22 to break up, ever. LOL.

Is it an early model? If so, congrats! Very cool amp!

I've decided to keep it. No work today, though. We're all snowed in here in TN. When I talk to the boss, Parah Salin, I'll get back at you :thu:

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If you need money and can get someone to pay a good price (definitely over $1000), then sell it. Otherwise, like anything, if you use it and you get some value from it, keep it. I really don't think they're going to lose value - I mean, they were already sort of reissued it as that Slash sig in the 90's(?) and that didn't kill their value or anything. I used to have a 2553 (not silver, but same amp - whatever) that I thought was my dream amp that I ended up selling cause I could never turn it up loud enough and I was able to sell it in the absolute crappiest time of the economy/ebay and I was still able to make a small profit. I haven't regretted it at all.

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It is simple. Are you a collector, or a player? If you're a player and you use it in any significant way, KEEP IT. It is a signature piece of gear with a SPECIFIC tone. If you sell it you will always look back and go "Damn, I'd have used the jube here. Shoulda never sold it. The one that got away."


If you are a player and are looking for a specific thing and are willing to kill children to get it, and the jube ain't quite 'it', then by all means dump the jube. Get what you want. You might get a pang now and then, but you won't regret it. But you gotta KNOW WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT WHAT YOU WANT!!!!!


If you want to keep it for 'collector's' purposes then look at it as an investment. And when you sell it, only buy something collectable that will pay off dividends later.


If you want to sell it to get some more stuff you are gonna try out...um...don't. If you sell it to buy stuff, KNOW EXACTLY THE TONE YOU WANT and buy the stuff that will get it. If you are not sure, you'll be sorry you sold it.

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and that's the 50 watt version...



No way is that amp worth that much. There is someone on here (Blackwater I think) selling his in just as good of a condition for $2,000 shipped. Even at that price I wouldn't be interested because then it becomes me buying it as a collector instead of a player.

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and that's the 50 watt version...



What is this listed for? I can't access eBay from work. Recently I've seen Silver Jubs listed and sell for anywhere between 1800-2200, regardless of output (maybe a little less for the short head). The non-Silver 2555s I've seen for less... maybe 1500-1700 range.


OP, how much would you consider selling yours for?

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those amps are not worth 3 grand or even 2 grand... dont look at what people post them for on ebay. Look for how much they actually sell for in completed items. They regularly sell for 1200 to 1500 dollars. That is a fair price for one. Anyone paying over 2 grand needs their head checked.

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Don't you play a Krank?

krank, sunn, carvin, blackheart.

depends on what mood im in how loud i wanna be and if im playin bass or guitar. FWIW the krank is eq'd and dialed in to where its a nasty heavy grit tone and let over drives get to the bro0tz. fuzz through the krank channel with gain uber low are {censored}ing huge sounding. :p

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krank, sunn, carvin, blackheart.

depends on what mood im in how loud i wanna be and if im playin bass or guitar. FWIW the krank is eq'd and dialed in to where its a nasty heavy grit tone and let over drives get to the bro0tz. fuzz through the krank channel with gain uber low are {censored}ing huge sounding.

I'd rather have a Jube or even a DSL than any amps those companies make :o

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