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Fulltone Catalyst Anyone?

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This pedal never seemed to catch on here, not sure why. I've heard it's a cross between fuzz and overdrive. Come to think of it, not sure I've heard clips of it. I know Tonefactor doesn't have one, not sure if PGS does or not.

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I've had mine for a while and actually dig it enough that it's part of my standard board.

Think fuzzy OCD. Not crazy, definitely not BM like or anything. Kind of subtle - the kind of fuzz you'd use for fuzzier (than OCD) rhythm playing. Tame - but in a good way.

Right now it's my basic fuzz - I usually put a stunt fuzz (SP, Hyprion, Large Beaver) after it. Mastodon first (another permanent thing for me).

Seems like a good recording pedal - although I've yet to record with it. Bought it - dug it - am keeping it.


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