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OT: Dietary changes


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capes saved mine.

also, he says he's on a total dairy diet now.


Actually yes. I feeled depressed, down and not fit for months. Of course did my sex life suffer from that. And as confusing as it sound, cheese, milk and butter were the physical reason for this. I wouldn't believe it either if it did not happen to me.

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I don't really get why your cutting your meat in general so drastically. I stopped eating Beef in May and haven't really looked back at all. I had no real reason to cut back my beef, it something in my head was like "YOU WANNA GET HEALTHY MOTHER {censored}ER? WELL LAY OFF YOUR FRIEND THE COW." I'd like to think its made a difference. I stick to mostly Tuna or Turkey or ham for lunch and chicken, fish and lean ham for dinner.

You'll be back, they'll all be back...


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With that avatar, ha ha.


Operator, you say you don't work out anymore. Maybe you need to move around a bit. I don't know where you live in New York and what the status is on open space, but I love just walkin' through wilderness, picking up logs and throwing them into marshes so I can walk across them, climbing trees, picking up old ass beer cans that pop out of the mud, etc.


That's how I get off. With my new school classes, I'm sitting on my ass a lot and just not moving and studying and it sucks. Feel immensely better when I get to move around.


Mi too sense.

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I'm still confused. Are you eating only dairy, or no dairy at all? Because it sounds like you're eating straight up dairy and no other food.

Which sounds glorious.



Ah, sorry, now I understand. In german, 'diet' is mainly used to say what you're omitting. I eat no dairy products. Sorry for the confusion! It is infact the opposite of glorious since I can't have any cheese - no pasta gorgonzola, which really makes me cry. I usually kill for that.

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what about dairy for bone strength? my bones breaking all the time and {censored} would make me feel bad, id assume. sally fields claims her body was stealing nutrients from her bones. i dont wanna be like that.



There's plenty of calcium sources in the fruit and vegetable*world.

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I was diagnosed as a type I diabetic in my early thirties, which drastically changed my diet and my outlook on foods. I went from never looking at a food label to reading nutritional info on every item I pick up in a supermarket.

The easiest way I've found to stay on track is to look for foods that compensate for the lost foods. In my case, I replaced sweets with fruits or no-sugar-added treats. I replaced all soda with diet soda or water - which was difficult at first, but gradually my taste changed so that now sugar filled drinks taste awful to me. Before I never took vitamins, but now take B12 and vit D (with calcium) and try to get a good walk in after any heavy meals. I find walking after a big meal is the biggest help in burning off excess calories and sugars and feeling refreshed instead of bogged down by food.

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^word. I walk 4+ miles everyday after work. I've found the key is to pack an ipod with new music or an audiobook and take a massive bong rip right as you head out the door. Turns a boring walk into a mystical adventure

+1000. I work an office job and am currently mixing my band's EP. All that equals to a lot of sitting and slouching. Neither of which make me feel better. During the summer, I started running with my girlfriend, and started feeling a lot better during the week, getting a light jog or even just an evening stroll around the neighborhood. Now that it's colder, I probably won't go for full blown runs, but a nice walk with the ipod and a jaysky and all of a sudden exercise becomes fun.

On a slightly more serious note, as far as the cutting out meat part, definitely just CUT DOWN on red meat, as opposed to 86ing it entirely. When I started dating my gf last year, I dropped 25 lbs in a matter of 3 months, and I think there are two big reasons to that. First, she's a pescatarian, so I found myself eating more seafood than I ever have (I used to hate any and all seafood with the exception of fried fish and clam chowder, which aren't that great for you anyways) and cut down a lot on my red meat and fast food intake. The second was that for the first time in my life I was having sex on a regular basis. It's the best kind of exercise. So, in summation, get high, walk outside, have sex. Pretty much foolproof.

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