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Plimsoul vs. Black Forest OD?

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Plimsoul has more dirt options, it also keeps your original tone intact. The BF is supposed to do the same but its only one type of drive, whereas the Plimsoul is two types. I love my OCD so I would go Plimsoul.



Cool. Without having done much research, I figured they might be slightly different. I am Jonesin for the BF but the Plimsoul sounds kinda sweet too. Should I throw in the Mantra into the conversation?

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I know it's lesser known and older, but I've yet to encounter a light/medium drive that was more versatile than the NOC3 Pure Drive. Had mine for a couple years and despite the countless swwet lookin ODs that come out, I am 100% gas free.


It can do that semi fuzzy type od... like CCR or something, as well as boosting amp gain, TS style crunch... really whatever you want, and with a socketed IC, 3 way clipping switch, and internal trim pots that change the focus of the bass and treble pots, it's a true beast.


JMO, YMMV, etc..

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I know it's lesser known and older, but I've yet to encounter a light/medium drive that was more versatile than the NOC3 Pure Drive. Had mine for a couple years and despite the countless swwet lookin ODs that come out, I am 100% gas free.

It can do that semi fuzzy type od... like CCR or something, as well as boosting amp gain, TS style crunch... really whatever you want, and with a socketed IC, 3 way clipping switch, and internal trim pots that change the focus of the bass and treble pots, it's a true beast.

JMO, YMMV, etc..


That does look very nice. Add it to the list, :p.

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I heard a band recently where the rhythm guitarist had a Plimsoul as his only dirt. He went completely undetected in the mix. Not necessarily the pedal's fault, of course.





Mike Sullivan from Russian Circles uses one and he sounds really clear. Then again, he's playing through a 300-watt Verellen Meat Smoke amp, a Les Paul, and in a three-piece band. It's pretty unlikely that his sound is a result of the Plimsoul alone.

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Oh, make no mistake, the Pure Drive has zero HCFX cred. I even have a robo'd one and still, nada.




Weird man, that jam looks like it would attract at least a couple of second looks. Not sure what gives...


I wouldn't mind trying one out although they aren't exactly cheap. Hot Robo version btw.

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Well I mean, the thread I posted got a solid handful of "hey, that's neat" kind of posts, but I never hear anyone talk about it. It's either Klon, Tim, an actual TS9, some vintage thing, or whatever the current flavor of the week is, seems to be the BF at the moment.


I realize I sound condescending when I say "flavor of the week" and I don't mean to be. Those pedals get popular like that because they're frickin awesome, but rarely do they stand the test of time (in terms of popularity, of course, not talking {censored} about build quality).



But yeah, it's a very solid pedal, I can make a {censored}ty demo at some point and show a few settings. I only have my phone camera, but it actually sounds pretty ok for a phone. What kind of sounds are you looking for? Low gain OD, really light fuzz, boosting a dirty amp?


Also, yeah, it isn't a cheapie, but I have zero buyer's remorse. I can always get the sound I like, no matter what guitar or amp, and it's got so much range (as fr as lower gain sounds go).

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Well I mean, the thread I posted got a solid handful of "hey, that's neat" kind of posts, but I never hear anyone talk about it. It's either Klon, Tim, an actual TS9, some vintage thing, or whatever the current flavor of the week is, seems to be the BF at the moment.

I realize I sound condescending when I say "flavor of the week" and I don't mean to be. Those pedals get popular like that because they're frickin awesome, but rarely do they stand the test of time (in terms of popularity, of course, not talking {censored} about build quality).

But yeah, it's a very solid pedal, I can make a {censored}ty demo at some point and show a few settings. I only have my phone camera, but it actually sounds pretty ok for a phone. What kind of sounds are you looking for? Low gain OD, really light fuzz, boosting a dirty amp?

Also, yeah, it isn't a cheapie, but I have zero buyer's remorse. I can always get the sound I like, no matter what guitar or amp, and it's got so much range (as fr as lower gain sounds go).



I hear you. I don't think you sound condescending, there does seem to be a tendency to flip flop through gear.


I wound up going with the BF and I like it a lot, although I could see it not being as versatile as others -- It's more of a fuzz/OD than the Plimsoul appears to be. That being said, I dig it so far so I can't complain.

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