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HCFX Photography Contest


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Hello HCFX,


I have noticed there is quite an interest in both pedals and photography on this forum. I was thrilled when I won BOTB's coolest photo poll and I decided to try and give back to such a neat online community. Thus, I introduce to you the HCFX Photography Contest. This would be the first one for HCFX (I think HCEG has one) so I'm going to try to keep the rules simple and hopefully it can become an annual event like BOTB.




- 1 photograph per contestent

- Photograph must have been taken by you

- There will be no specific topic/theme, just your best photograph you've taken since the beginning of 2011

- Entries should be sent to hcfx.photo.battle@gmail.com

- Please include your username in the message subject line of the entry

- Deadline: March 1st 2012


How judging & voting will work:


- I will take the best five photographs in my opinion (maybe more depending on the amount of entries)

- The public will vote for the best photograph for a week and the winner will be the entry with the most votes

- To keep it as objective as possible during voting, I will not reveal the identities of the entries, but it might be obvious who photographed what due to differences in styles/technique as observed in the "post photographs you've taken" thread




It's not the greatest prize, so hopefully this won't bring out the competitive worst in everyone.




Entries so far: thefool, slushpup69, hiwatter, tomvandeven, turd furgison, goldenglove, vince, deeohgee, grueller, subs, goodhonk, joeyowen, neilrocks25, saturnine10, xautumnsashesx

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About the prize:


It's a Fuzz Face clone I made with NOS AC128 transistors, tropical fish capacitors, and a NOS Sprague electrolytic axial capacitor. The large knob is output, the top right knob is fuzz (with a switch to deactivate the battery), the bottom right knob is bias. It's pretty neat and has a bright white led. I kept it pretty simple.


Gut shot:



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Whoa, thanks for the compliments on the pedal. I was thinking of making a run as an HCFX exclusive pedal (hence the name). Just one quick question, would it still be attractive with modern components, or does it need the vintage mojo components?



the vintage components make me drool, modern ones wouldn't, I can not lie

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