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The best modulation pedal EVER!!!!!!!!


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Well I'm sure most if not all here will disagree with that statement.. maybe I should say... this is my favorite modulation pedal ever.


From what I know.. This was made for 3 years, each year having a differant paintjob, the first 2 being made in the USA and the last in China.. This here is a version 1.


I picked up a version 3 a few years ago off ebay and didn't like it.. I believe it was because at that point I NEVER played clean, this pedal begs to be played clean. I play clean probably 75% of the time now.


The setting shown in the pic I just took is only one of many... basically sounds great at ANY setting. Sooo warm and lush sounding.. can add so much to so many differant styles. Some settings even a modulated wah type sound.


Is there ANY pedal that can sound like this.. I have tried so many vibe/phaser/tremolo pedals and none of them have the sound quality this does.

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So many of those '90's DOD pedals get a bad rap. I worked for DOD during this era and we made so many cool and crazy pedals back then. Guitarists really didn't get that we were trying to push the envelope and make something new. The reaction from guitarists at the time was overwhelmingly negative, but now you see boutique guys doing what DOD was doing 20 years ago.

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So many of those '90's DOD pedals get a bad rap. I worked for DOD during this era and we made so many cool and crazy pedals back then. Guitarists really didn't get that we were trying to push the envelope and make something new. The reaction from guitarists at the time was overwhelmingly negative, but now you see boutique guys doing what DOD was doing 20 years ago.



That is a shame... I LOVE DOD!! There are some pics of me from 1993 in disney land with my parents wearing a DOD t-shirt... I need to find those!!

Digitech could easily re-issue this pedal and it would do well I bet... or even better..DOD should come back!!!!!! With the way pedals are more popular than ever I bet DOD would do great if they made a comeback!!

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Dod made some strange pedals some wonderful and some disgusting, the vibrothang is wonderful. As for anything that sounds like it the Catalinbread Pareidolia sounds like it may cover some similar ground but thats just my view from hearing a few online demos.

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So many of those '90's DOD pedals get a bad rap. I worked for DOD during this era and we made so many cool and crazy pedals back then. Guitarists really didn't get that we were trying to push the envelope and make something new. The reaction from guitarists at the time was overwhelmingly negative, but now you see boutique guys doing what DOD was doing 20 years ago.



What a shame. There are so many cool, weird DOD pedals.

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To me the epitome, and exemplars, of the crazy DOD pedals are the: Punkifier, BuzzBox, Gonkulator, MeatBox and VibroThang. One of the best solos I ever cut was with the Punkifier into a '68 Bandmaster. Literally sounded like a synth on the verge of exploding.


I love each of these pedals but to drive the point home, we used to get tons of hate mail from guitarists over these very same pedals. Even today when you see the "Worstest Pedalolz EvAR!!!111!11" threads every single one of the above pedals are on the list! :D

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I'm your Huckleberry, what do you want to know?



Well, this may be too big/broad of a question but: Metal X/Corrosion/Big Pig (FX70, FX70C, FX70P), Thrash Master (FX59), Metal Maniac (FX58), American Metal (FX56). Are they minor variations on a distortion sound, or very different distortions?

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How does the VFX Vibro Thang compare to the two earlier versions? I know production was moved to China, and graphics are different, but is it the same circuit?


There is a shop by my house, basically makes its money on band rentals and lessons, and they have a display case of all NEW old Boss, Danoelectro and DOD (plus some REALLY old ZOOM stuff, remember that pink and grey star trek looking processor? That have one) they are all ridiculously over priced for what they are, but a new DOD never abused for $80 over a used scratched up one for $50, might be worth it.



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I don't suppose this is you?


No, but I love the twine holding down the pedals!





Well, this may be too big/broad of a question but: Metal X/Corrosion/Big Pig (FX70, FX70C, FX70P), Thrash Master (FX59), Metal Maniac (FX58), American Metal (FX56). Are they minor variations on a distortion sound, or very different distortions?



The 70,70C, 70P are all the same circuit just different graphics and enclosures for different retailers. The FX56, FX58, FX59 are all variations on a similar circuit, however it would be a mistake to think that component value changes = minor variations. Changing the EQ and gyrators in these pedals yields pretty different sounding distortions.

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