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OT: Do you have OTD?


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Obsessive Tone Disorder?:eek:


If you're here, there's probably a good chance you do!


And IF so, doesn't it just SUCK bigtime?:cry:


Stuck with the need to use only certain equiptment

(tube amps, analog pedals, etc) to satisfy your OTD.



I pity the fools!:wave:

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not really, in a sense.

i have it when it comes to gear i have in the moment. i can very very rarely afford a new piece of gear, so i have to make the most of what i have in that moment, and that's all of my philosophy when it comes to gear. since i use cheap guitars, etc., there's usually a learning curve to balance everything out and learn how to make the best of what i have.

if you mean... like... becoming obsessed about flipping gear to find "THE" tone, then no, definitely no, and that doesn't get in my way to make my music at all.

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learn how to make the best of what I have.



Now that's a great philosophy!



What if this was all you had. (I ask of whomever)





I've got that Multi-FX going into a 32-watt 2.1 system, and it

frickin' ROCKS!

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