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OT: NTD (Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Content)

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I saw a guy on my lunch break just now. Older guy, maybe mid-to-late 40s, dressed like a typical suburban dad. Walking along with two kids. Had tattoos everywhere, covering his arms, his neck, everywhere but his face. It was an odd image.

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Dude, they do amazing work and Dave was awesome and really good at making the first tattoo experience easy.


They are really cool, I'm trying to remember which one is Dave. It's been probably 8-10 years since i've been there, and I used to get Tat's from one of the Owners, short (everyone's short to me though :facepalm:) italian looking dude with glasses. I used to go to Insane Ink is Leesburg when James worked there, my next tat is going to be from a friend who tat's in brunswick, really awesome dude, fellow musician and wicked as hell bass player (his rig would blow your mind).

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I saw a guy on my lunch break just now. Older guy, maybe mid-to-late 40s, dressed like a typical suburban dad. Walking along with two kids. Had tattoos everywhere, covering his arms, his neck, everywhere but his face. It was an odd image.



he probably just stole those kids and will raise them as members of his illicit biker gang and make them wear dad jeans even before theyre ready.

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I saw a guy on my lunch break just now. Older guy, maybe mid-to-late 40s, dressed like a typical suburban dad. Walking along with two kids. Had tattoos everywhere, covering his arms, his neck, everywhere but his face. It was an odd image.





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Awesome tattoo dude! That was one of my favourite books in my early teens.





Just watched this the other day, really awesome. I don't have a ton of tattoos yet (2/3 sleeve) but I figure by the time I'm a dad I'll have a fair bit, it seems more and more common place.

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Awesome tattoo dude! That was one of my favourite books in my early teens.

Just watched this the other day, really awesome. I don't have a ton of tattoos yet (2/3 sleeve) but I figure by the time I'm a dad I'll have a fair bit, it seems more and more common place.



The whole series got me through a bunch of rough patches in my early teens, and "don't panic" has become a bit of a personal motto, so I felt it was fitting. On the dads with tattoos front, by the time I'm at that point, (I'm 18 now), I hope I have more and it's a tad more accepted.

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speaking of which i just saw on my bike ride to work this morning in toronto an early 30s looking dad with a youngish wife walking with their maybe 5-6 year old son. he had pretty much full sleeves done iirc. but looked like a cool enough dad to have :cool: i'd say it is in fact becoming more and more common place. only thing im worried about is what happens when youre like 65 and have full sleeves :confused: and think to yourself 'blimey, younger me was a fucktard!'

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I put in some hours in at Banana Republic. It's extremely common to see dudes decked out casual/preppy and covered in tats. And who cares if you're covered in tats when you're 70? You're going to look like {censored} anyway. Who are you trying to impress?

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I would never get a tattoo because have you ever watched America's Most Wanted or I (Almost) Got Away With It? They identify and catch dudes on the run by their tats. I never know when I will be the subject of a nation wide man hunt. I WILL NOT get caught from my tattoos, because I don't have any.




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