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NPD: I'm now a Helium Addict!


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Definitely a very happy NPD! I have actually had this for a couple of weeks now, got it just in time to record some guitar parts for our bands new EP (clips when it's done!) which sounded frikkin hot with this thing. Only managed to really fully explore it in the last day or so though.


I've always been a bit weird with fuzz/octave fuzz pedals, most of them sound like crap in my hands, but this is something else entirely. Feels like more of a tight heavy distortion with an octave layer above it, rather than muddy fuzz. It was damn hard to put my guitars down yesterday!

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Lol cheers guys,


should have the EP ready by the end of the month so I'll be posting stuff up around these parts as soon as. I used it in conjunction with the Digitech Synth wah a lot, those two are best buddies at the moment.

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