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OT: And people think the USA is the problem on this planet?


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Originally posted by EaRSh0T

great job at tryin to get everyone killed dumbass

take yr war mungering elsewhere:wave:

haha USELESS muslims thats good keep thinking Christianity is the ONE AND ONLY religion, as they have sed "religion ruled the dark ages". Keep up your crusade there buddy i think ppl are buyin it:thu:


you haven't a clue what the hell you are talking about, fool. I don't belong to a Jesus club, so go f-yourself. You can sing your anti-religous nutcake song to someone else, my beliefs have nothing to do with religion asshole.


Here's a news flash for you: there are dirty maggots on this planet that have been killing people in the name of thier God, primarily Jews, but every now and then it's us and others. They've actually been doing it for several decades, but so long as it was "over there" everybody seemed ok with it. They could kill marines in barracks in Israel, blow up embassies in Egypt and Africe, kill our sailors when they blew a hole in the side of the USS Cole, nobody got too worked up about it, certainly not enough to actually do anything about.


We were all apparantly too busy with our pathetic lives to give a {censored} about fanatical religous freaks who were all too willing to strap bombs to themselves and kill themselves and everyone around then in the name of GOD. Children, women. Not soldiers, people going about their business. It's been happening since I was a kid. I watched as footage of dead Israeli's were ferried back and forth to hospitals as muslim fanatics killed in the name of their God. I didn't really give it much thought, much like yourself. Indifferent is a good term. It wasn't me, so who cares?


Fast forward to 9/11/2001. BOOM! In 4 instances of insanity that day changed everything, or should have anyways. Now it's dead Americans on American soil. If that day doesn't tell you it's time to fight, I feel sorry for you. You are too caught up in your pathetic little life to realize that if we keep ignoring this worldwide problem like we've been doing for 30+ years, pretending it's going to go away when Bush is out or whenever, then you can be sure there will be another 9/11. And another. And another. Because you can't negotiate away their fundamentalism. You can't sip tea with them, learn to understand them, and then they will embrace you and your differences. They won't. They will simply continue to kill us and anyone else who isn't like them.


So what I'm going to do is get pissed when I see fools like this maggot in Iran. I'm going to support politicians who realize that it's time to kill them first before they kill us at least until they demonstrate an ability to get along with the other kids in the playground. That's what I'm going to do. If you don't like it, tough {censored}.

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You're 100% SPOT on here! I aplaud your efforts to convince the sleeping majority here.


I've been severely frustrated with this country's lack of resolve since 9/11. I live in NY and constantly wonder which day will be the next big hit...For anyone to think that it's not going to happen, is a fool.


It will...and perhaps on that day, if I'm not dead, I will see americans act like americans and not like the crybabys.


Way to go SkidMarx!! It lifts my heart to see someone who's got it right on this subject!!!

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Originally posted by strangegrey


You're 100% SPOT on here! I aplaud your efforts to convince the sleeping majority here.

I've been severely frustrated with this country's lack of resolve since 9/11. I live in NY and constantly wonder which day will be the next big hit...For anyone to think that it's not going to happen, is a fool.

It will...and perhaps on that day, if I'm not dead, I will see americans act like americans and not like the crybabys.

Way to go SkidMarx!! It lifts my heart to see someone who's got it right on this subject!!!


well, thanx. But I gotta tell you, I still get dismayed when I see people respond the way Earshot did. He thinks I'm gonna get people killed by saying this stuff. So willing to just pretend that if we just stop fighting them the problem will go away! What's worse is we have politicians who think so too. John Kerry, the man who wanted to be president, he remarked during the presidential campaign that he "longed for the days when terrorism was nothing more than a nuisance". Can you imagine a US Senator whimsically recalling the "good old days" when terrorists were only killing Jews, US Marines, Navy sailors, and US embassy employees, not to mention numerous foreign civilians working in those embassies? Can you imagine? I wonder if the victims of those incidents and the families of the dead feel like it was nothing more than a nuisance?


Senator Kerry and everyone else who is still whining about this war simply don't get it. They don't understand that this problem has gone on far too long and will continue if we do not fight. Or worse, they DO understand and are just more than willing to return to the pre 9/11 posture that caught us with our pants down the first time around. Well, so long as that is the position of Kerry and friends et al, I will work my ass off to see that him and those like him never see the inside of the White House ever again. And in 2006 I aim to see that John F Kerry's tenure as a US Senator from my home state ends once and for all. And the same goes for fatso Kennedy. Can't wait.

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ok lets not pretend like the majority of muslims are our friends.

Yes only the extremist activitly seek to blow us up, but most muslims hate us and while most dont directly pull the trigger, they just look the other way and dont really care.


I mean in america you have got at least half who wish we werent in iraq and what not. In arab countries how many people do you see in the streets holding signs stop the violence with the west or Israel?????


like next to none, because MOST hate us.

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So if 100,000 people had a march in Washington to call for the extermination of all sand-niggers would you want the UN to come in and do something about it? So they had a March in Iran to call for the death of Jews. SO WHAT? It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to know how much the Arabs and Jews hate eachother over there. There will never be peace in the Middle East so long as there is such strong devotion to different religeons in that part of the world.

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Originally posted by macmax

and maybe i forgot, {censored} terrorism!!!they are the scum of this earth!!!!

let's just redirect our fight where it needs to be done!!!!


I'd say a rogue state that sponsored and supported terrorists and terrorist organizations was a hell of a place to start. We could not afford to allow Saddam to remain in charge in Iraq, don't you understand that?

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Originally posted by danyeo

So if 100,000 people had a march in Washington to call for the extermination of all sand-niggers would you want the UN to come in and do something about it? So they had a March in Iran to call for the death of Jews. SO WHAT? It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to know how much the Arabs and Jews hate eachother over there. There will never be peace in the Middle East so long as there is such strong devotion to different religeons in that part of the world.


Your analogy doesn't hold water Danny, because not only was it not 100,000 but MILLIONS nationwide who marched in Iran. And you conveniently set aside the fact that the PRESIDENT of Iran was at the head of the pack. That would be like Bush or Clinton leading a march calling for the death of all Muslims. Not just the bad ones, ALL muslims, just as the president of Iran called for the deaths of ALL Jews, men women and children. Would you stand for it or suggest "so what"? You think that's no big deal? Uh-huh. Not one of your stellar moments intellectually, Danny.

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Originally posted by Aineias


understand them? What are you out of your mind? Are they making any effort to understand us or the Jews they wish to annhilate? no. Where is your condemnation for them? You seem to be implying that they have a legitimate complaint and are justified in their objective to kill all Jews. All you do when you do that is empower them to kill. You really highlight the point of this entire post when you concluded your tirade with "How America can be improved for the better", this despite your attempts to pass it off as humor. It is the attitude of most of the world and a great number of your own countrymen that it is AMERICA who is the problem, not countries like Iran. All I can say is get your head out of the way when the {censored} hits the fan, and it will. If you aren't willing to join the fight then at least step aside so that we can do the work that needs to be done. How many more decades of attacks on civilians by suicidal lunatics is it going to take to get you to understand that there is no other way to get them to stop than killing them first? Stop excusing them. This is OUTRAGEOUS and the simple fact that their seat remains in the UN is all the evidence anyone should need to see that the world has it's head up it's collective ass. Why are they still there? They have no place in the UN and they should have been IMMEDIATELY escorted of the premises and out of my country. Can you offer me any reasonable explaination as to why they have not been?


PS - if you feel like the USA has not earned respect after consideration of everything we have done outside of this war and in the 20th century alone, then you are being an ignoramus. I'm afraid you have lost your objectivity. I wonder if you would have that same attitude if 3000 Englishmen were killed and two of your greatest landmarks were destroyed in the process? Criticism is easy. Supporting your friends and allies is the hard part and I for one am greatful that Tony Blair gets it despite the fact that people like you don't. I can only hope that some day you will grow old and wise enough to feel ashamed for what you just said about my country.

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Originally posted by danyeo

So if 100,000 people had a march in Washington to call for the extermination of all sand-niggers {snip}


Thanks Denyeo...You just ruined this thread!


It *was* about terrorism. I don't care who or what is perpetuating the terrorism. Religious extremists from ANY religion from ANY race...


Sure, 99.999999% of the worlds terrorists are muslims and/or fighting for muslim born causes...


...but you immediately reduce any credibility you have by using racial slurs like that.


I now give this thread less than a few hours...before it's whacked.

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Its a con,a scam its not real.


first provoke in a way you know will offend everybody except a handful of fanatics dotted round arabia.

Then give the U.S.A the blame .

then you get un sanctions where you can only trade oil for food.

this is the point where the old bank accounts in Switzerland really start to show progress


lastly the people in the streets of teheran or bagdad of wherever start to look hungry so the world bank steps in with aid.


there betting on a winner if you ask me

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Originally posted by SkidMarx

it astounds me that with things like this people still argue that WE are the problem on this planet. It's unbelievable:


where's the f-ing UN? Here we have a president of a nation that seeks nuclear weapons calling for the elimination of an entire nation and the killing of it's people based on religion and the UN has yet to do a damn thing about it. Is it any big surprise that when the last lunatic spewed rhetoric like this they stood by and watched while he murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people? This is outrageous and further proof of how USELESS the UN is. Get them the F out of my country, NOW.


I'm just curious, Scott: what would the UN have to be like / to do (in general, not just in this situation) in order to be "useful"?



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Originally posted by Aineias

Firstly - I'm shocked and apalled at the downright bigoted racism and hatered being expressed by members of this forum. The precise reason that people think the USA is the problem on this planet is because of people like Skidmarx and Boogie666 preaching their blind, ignorant tirades if foolish warmongering as venomously as an radical muslim cleric.

1) - I'm from the UK. Just to get this straight and so people can make fully informed assessments of my views. I opposed the war in Iraq and am deeply ashamed that Britain accompanied America in prosecuting a fundamentally immoral and illegal war

(before you flame me for condemning the war as illegal, the grounds for war are such that it requires evidence of a Clear and Present danger in order to justify a strike against another nation. Whilst Bush was more open about his gung-ho mentality and revenge seeking for the atrocity of 9/11, the British Government falsified documents, data etc and claimed that Iraq was in posession of weapons of mass destruction - still yet to be found and seeming more and more likely not to have ever existed - which could be deployed within a 45 minute time frame. The UK Atorney General retracted his comprehensive document citing 6 major reasons for not going to war with Iraq and replaced it with a single page report allowing war to be declared mere days before war was actually declared)

2) Now that my own political views are clear, I would like to move to commenting upon the matters discussed in this particular thread.

I do not in any way condone the actions of the Iranian Prime Minister or those lunatic protesters who took to the streets calling for the annihation of an entire country. However, given the strife and conflict in the Middle-Eastern region, and the culture of violence which exists there, I would like to make an effort to understand that they may not be wholly responsible for this demonstration (material factors of our environment have a very strong impact on our own development both intellectually and emotionally, if their entire culture is built around violence then it is not surprising that they are more inclined to suggest extremist action such as genocide. THIS DOES NOT MAKE THEIR ACTIONS RIGHT - but it does limit our ability to comment upon a culture we cannot remotely comprehend and it explicitely prohibits the actions of those self-righteous, western, arrogant pigs [not confined purely to those posters who I personally disagree with, such individuals are prevelant in any society] who deem the actions of the protestors to be "wrong".

However, I do feel that the Iranian Prime Minister ought to be above such pathetic, inflammatory and highly irresponsible behavior and do accept the opinions of those who would deem his actions wrong.

3) By this same logic, however, I also stand firmly against those from the more advantaged western culture who similarly ought to be above the type of outburst seen from Skidmark (initially) and Boogie666 (whose bigotery is far more extensive than Skidmarx's who did at least have the decency to reprimand his political ally for the statements condemning ALL muslims).

I have no methods of judging your socio-political and cultural backgrounds. I don't know if you were brought up in violent cultures or suffered from poverty or poor education. While you might take offence at this and consider me patronising, I think that acknowledging your own occupational disadvantages takes far more courage than blind denial. Whie few people are able to triumph in adverse circumstances, many many more fall into the cracks in society and are condemned from an early age to lives of poverty and pain. This is the dialectical-materialist theory of histroy and socail evolution not just the derranged ideas of a madman trolling the HC forums
I do appreciate that the dichotmy of living standards throught the USA is far wider than comparable gaps in the UK or Europe. The events of the New Orleans floods in particular have highlighted the extent of poverty in that particular region and have also highlighted the inept nature of the US Government to cope with any disaster on their own soil. Personally, I feel that this may be a psycholgical problem in that the US administration is unable to cope with the concept that America too is fallible. The sufferings of Londoners at the hands of the IRA and the Spanish at the hands of ETA have at least prepared those governments repsectively for problems on their own soil.

However, this does not excuse one from spouting this blind hatred that simply mirrors the preachings of those Muslim fundamentalists you have all condoned. While some of the comments about the use of Nuclear Weapons are undoubtedly in gest, this militaristic bravado can be very dangerous and clearly there are some people here who cannot distinguish beteen the type of gung-ho action crazy political decisions seen in films and the more measured and rationalistic approach to politics that must be adhereed to in this volatile world in which we all find ourselves.

anyone calling for the widespread invasion of the Middle Eastern so-called "Rogue States" (many of which simply retain their very differnt cultural beliefs and have the ferocity to withstand the widespread Americanisation which plagues Europe and other supposedly advanced regions - this is merely the contemporary version of this problem, British colonialism was equally damaging to the cultural integrity of the African Nations in particular, it just so happens that it is the Americans who are the culprits at this time)...as I said before, anyone calling for the wiespread invasions of these ares needs to reaffirm their grip upnon reality and maybe make an attempt to visit some different sultures and learn tolerance to take the place of your ignorance.

Christian fundamentalism can be equally as damaging as Muslim findamentalism, it just so happens that the Muslim creed is more open to accepting violence so there is a greater volume of Muslim Fundamentaism to be experienced by us all.

Finally, in reply to the comment that the World is hypocritical of the USA in loking to them to solve world disasters but not let them attack these dangerous nations...

America sees itself as the World Leader. In many ways, they are: their education system is highly advanced, as is thier legal system (neither as refined as the British system I feel but every culture has it's own variations). The somewhat absurd level of Nationalism prmoted by "Patriotism" occasionally borders on the levels found in pre-Nazi Germany during Hitler's rise. This can be a great sttrength to a country and is neccessary to advance in the modern world, but it needs to be kept in check by scepticism and pragmatism (read some Bertrand Russel). However, they are fallible as the New Orleans disaster has shown. It is time for America to develop a mroe reaslitic coneption of itself and acknowledge it's own limitiations in Order to more effectively direct it's considerable power and expertise to where it is needed. It is perfectly fair to expect such a world leader to take the heaviest burden in times of crises, but with that acceptance of superiority comes responsibility. America needs to act more rationally and become more accepting of other cultures (many of thses conclusions also apply to Britain and Europe, however, the topic of this thread referred specifically to America).

It is right to feel outrage against tyranny and demand that something ought to be done. However, there needs to be consistency and measured responses. Your own arrogance and ignorance cuases mroe problems than it solves and fighting fire with fire inevitably leads to someone being burnt. So far the americans seem to feel that it is their right to avoid being burnt but thier strong arm bully tactics will not succeed forever. The burden falls upon the people of America to present their country in a way with EARNS the respect of the rest of the world. Only then will people stop critisisig America for it's political actions in interfering with other global regions.

I think that some level of debate in communities is healthy as long as it remains measured. IO hope people will consider my points on their own merits and maybe learn something from what i've said, jsut I I learn from those replies directed back at me.



Oh, wow. This is a truly insightful, perceptive, and articulate post. As you will soon discover, my politico-philosophical brother-in-arms, there is precious little place for such intelligence around here, when it comes to political and/or religious threads. Trust me, I've tried to go down that road before. :)


But let me thank you profoundly for taking the time to post this beautiful response -- it offers more credit than is due, I think, and will likely receive less than it's earned, more's the pity.


In short, nicely done.



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Originally posted by SkidMarx

it astounds me that with things like this people still argue that WE are the problem on this planet. It's unbelievable:


where's the f-ing UN? Here we have a president of a nation that seeks nuclear weapons calling for the elimination of an entire nation and the killing of it's people based on religion and the UN has yet to do a damn thing about it. Is it any big surprise that when the last lunatic spewed rhetoric like this they stood by and watched while he murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people? This is outrageous and further proof of how USELESS the UN is. Get them the F out of my country, NOW.




BUT - Israel can still suck my fat cock.



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