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So why is it of for women..?


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Originally posted by freeRadical

Only pussies hit women. Glad you're not like that. Go to the bar like you wanted to, til she cools down. Why do women get to..... and you don't? Who told you life, much less marriage was fair?



Yeah. I let people assault me too, 'cause dang it, life ain't fair.

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Originally posted by moronmountain

Um I never said he should hit her. OMFG I said he should have her arrested for documentation reason for the upcoming divorce. My ex wife hit me a couple times and I didn't do anything about it. I got f'd over in the divorce and I never touched her or cheated on her. F being pregnant as an excuse. I'm guessing this chick is a pain in the ass even when she's not pregnant.


Sorry, I didn't mean to give the impression I was jumping on you specifically, or implying that you'd suggest violence.

I was trying to differentiate why it's not right for men to hit women. It's not just a matter of a double standard. Double standards certainly exist, but they are not a good reason for avoiding in-kind responses to bull{censored} behavior.

Even when it's just petty nonsense I still think responding in kind is a bad idea. It usually just pisse em off more, if for no other reason than because you took the bait, plus they are totally non-productive responses and will do little to resolve a problem or prevent future events.

Unfortunately your situation was so much more serious than what has been described so far; it's not hard to appreciate where you are coming from.

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Originally posted by vegas_jay

You have to hit them with a double dose to be sure you knock out both the mother and the baby.


That was class..

Anyways, unlucky. Doesn't seem to good. Seriously, if they're all for equality, they should be slapped back. :p

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Originally posted by Gaf-Yag-A-Ton

That would NOOOTTTTTT happen in the middle east where men are still men. When a saudi arabian woman throws a tantrum and tries to smack..........she runs back to kitchen instead and takes her rage out on food in a pan. Hard stirring. Loud pan scraping. Slamming fridge. Breaking eggs with bare hands.

So the answer to the question "why?"??

Because you are western. Us western males are girlies and our girlies are males. YOU BETTER DOOOOOO WHAT S(HE) SAYS.



We had a similar arrangement at the commune where I grew up -- the women were allowed to feel rage but they had to channel it productively (like into making dinner). I can't get behind the whole bombing/violence trip, but those Middle Easterners may be a little ahead of us when it comes to the two sexes living in harmony.

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Originally posted by Marin Timmy

We had a similar arrangement at the commune where I grew up -- the women were allowed to feel rage but they had to channel it productively (like into making dinner). I can't get behind the whole bombing/violence trip, but those Middle Easterners may be a little ahead of us when it comes to the two sexes living in harmony.



Harmony? LOL!


Define harmony, please...

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We thought by "freeing women" from natural roles (that took 1000's of years ot evolve) we would be improving our society...but all it did was create a world where women dont need males.... so divorce is thru the roof as is the crime rate due to the lack of a motherly nurturer in the home.
Gone are 15% american divorce rates...... back when the genders stuck to traditional roles.

You can't elevate women... without removing power from males. Weve been dethroned in the west.
We are finished. We now are a being with a strong instinct to be a leader (as programmed by evolution... or designed by god)..... but are forced to submit to females. We are now only allowed to be equal to females... or less than her. If you are above her.... you are sexist (and a heathen cause thats not what the bible says is the role of the husband).

Edit correction: the role of the husband IS that of leader... if you believe in the bible.

(i'm agnostic).

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Originally posted by Gaf-Yag-A-Ton

We thought by "freeing women" from natural roles (that took 1000's of years ot evolve) we would be improving our society...but all it did was create a world where women dont need males.... so divorce is thru the roof as is the crime rate due to the lack of a motherly nurturer in the home.

Gone are 15% american divorce rates...... back when the genders stuck to traditional roles.

You can't elevate women... without removing power from males. Weve been dethroned in the west.

We are finished. We now are a being with a strong instinct to be a leader (as programmed by evolution... or designed by god)..... but are forced to submit to females. We are now only allowed to be equal to females... or less than her. If you are above her.... you are sexist (and a heathen cause thats not what the bible says is the role of the husband).

(i'm agnostic).



Oh shut the {censored} up already.

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Originally posted by Josh Savoy

Oh shut the {censored} up already.



There are 2 types of males.


males who spend their lives pandering to females. He makes anti male divorce laws... and anti male workplace laws. Pander pander. And males who spend their lives pandering to males (middle east).He makes laws that are beneficial to males.


One of those has MAJOR.. identity crisis.

I can tell from your tone..... which one you are... ..... subdominant wussy.



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Originally posted by Gaf-Yag-A-Ton

There are 2 types of males.

males who spend their lives pandering to females. He makes anti male divorce laws... and anti male workplace laws. Pander pander. And males who spend their lives pandering to males (middle east).He makes laws that are beneficial to males.

One of those has MAJOR.. identity crisis.

I can tell from your tone..... which one you are... ..... subdominant wussy.

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Dear god in heaven.

Thank you... for ordering males to be .. the leader.

That means "sexist" males who believe man is king of his castle..... dont have to feel guilty.

Forgive these subdominant males who refuse to see themselves as part of a great gender that was born to lead. They were brainwashed by women to think that way.... one of the consequences of males giving women the children after a divorce. She successfully brainwashed males to be..... anti males who are pro males. These males have an indentity crisis. They dont' know what they are so they identify more with women. Heterosexual gays. Male on outside. Woman inside.

Damn. I'd give her a standing ovation for that achievement...but women are too invisible to me to know in which direction to stand.

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Originally posted by Gaf-Yag-A-Ton

Dear god in heaven.

Thank you... for ordering males to be .. the leader.

That means "sexist" males who believe man is king of his castle..... dont have to feel guilty.

Forgive these subdominant males who refuse to see themselves as part of a great gender that was born to lead. They were brainwashed by women to think that way.... one of the consequences of males giving women the children after a divorce. She successfully brainwashed males to be..... anti males who are pro males. These males have an indentity crisis. They dont' know what they are so they identify more with women. Heterosexual gays. Male on outside. Woman inside.

Damn. I'd give her a standing ovation for that achievement...but women are too invisible to me to know in which direction to stand.



"Lesser is the man who thinks in terms of dominance."

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you know something. Gay males..... who believe in the MALE gender and believe in laws that benefit MALES because we are MALES..... are higher up on the scale than males whose entire life structure is that of.... pander. Panderer to female.

I've changed.

This year... I no longer hold the doors open for women at the stop and shop (other than my girlfriend).

I open the door for ME.. and walk thru first.. just like i would if she were a male.
If they want to be males... its time for them to BEEEE males. No more girlie door chivalry treatment.

And no more "women and children first" when the ship goes down.

It is now.... "children first..... women... you better climb over males to get to the lifeboat". If the genders are soooo equal.. why the {censored} is the male value of life so unequal.

I'm rethinking the order of things.
I'm.... a different kind of male.

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Originally posted by Josh Savoy

"Lesser is the man who thinks in terms of dominance."




prove that in a laboratory.


Males are LESSER now that they are SUBDOMINANT.


Inference: "males are greater when they are subdominant and submissive and pushed over".

I hate it when people quote masterminds with low IQs.

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Dear god,

In my next life...... please don't make me a white american male again. They have become women on the inside. The white male has become the "uncle tom" of the gender world. Woman's obedient houseboy.

Make me a saudi arabian... so I can live in saudi arabia..... the disneyland of male hood where my dinner will be done on time and I can can have 10 wives.. one for each day of the week (and all 10 at once on the weekend). I promise not to kill any americans.

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Originally posted by Gaf-Yag-A-Ton

prove that in a laboratory.

Males are LESSER now that they are SUBDOMINANT.

Inference: "males are greater when they are subdominant and submissive and pushed over".

I hate it when people quote masterminds with low IQs.



You are speaking in generalizations. Men who act subdominant, prefer to be subdominant. Dominance itself is just a mental assurement. You're placing way too much weight in it.

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Originally posted by Josh Savoy

Dominance itself is just a mental assurement. You're placing way too much weight in it.



No. Dominance is a state of being... and the more i study saudi arabian males ... the more i'm beginning to realize how little weight your above statement has. And how unmale we have become. I think arabs are an AMAZING man when they arent killing us infidels. They truly are..... the last remaining ....... MAN. The only man on earth who truly still panders... TO MAN. Not to WOMAN.


Dominance... is only a mental assurement.. in societies where men have surrendered dominance.

In societies where males are the king god of all things kingly..... dominance..... is a golden treasure. And very real. Ask a saudi arabian woman if dominance is just a "mental assurement". She will laugh in your face. (with your permission of course).


I am now anti anti males. Males who are compelled to screw the male gender are my solemn enemy.

I'm tired of males making stupid anti male laws that screw males.


"your wife cheated on you with your best friend and this means...... SHE GETS THE KIDS"-some stupid anti male male long ago.


Females have feminists watching out for females. Males have nothing. All male advocates.... are "sexist".

Anyways. I am not sexist. I am a MALE SUPREMACIST.

(until I invent a cuter word).


The western male of today: his role? Reproduction.

The western male of yesterday: his role? power, authority, leadership, respect, reproduction, bread winner, dominance.


I think yesterdays male.... was way more masculine.

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Originally posted by Gaf-Yag-A-Ton

well.... thats what happens. Us western men have turned women into men. We have no more power. Our only role is to make babies. now. You can't stand up to a woman... because that would make you a balless sexist. So you have to take their bull{censored} like a balless coward. (beats being a manly sexist)

That would NOOOTTTTTT happen in the middle east where men are still men. When a saudi arabian woman throws a tantrum and tries to smack..........she runs back to kitchen instead and takes her rage out on food in a pan. Hard stirring. Loud pan scraping. Slamming fridge. Breaking eggs with bare hands.

So the answer to the question "why?"??

Because you are western. Us western males are girlies and our girlies are males. YOU BETTER DOOOOOO WHAT S(HE) SAYS.



So... your mom cheated on your wussy daddy with a saudi guy, right? And you watched?

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