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Best defense rifle or shotgun


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12 or 18 gauge shotgun. Without a doubt in my mind. I have a Browning semi-auto gas 12 gauge.
Forget racking the slide to scare off the intruder. I don't want them to know I have a firearm so they can just start shooting everywhere in the house blindly. Too much of a chance of my family or myself being hit by that crap.
If I am going to pull out the shotgun, I AM going to shoot you. NO QUESTIONS. Neutralize the threat. You aren't in MY house to do me and my family good deeds. You are a dead man or woman.


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Shotgun, preferably 12 gauge with a short barrel. Rifles are only good if you plan on shooting someone 300 yards before they get to your house. A nice revolver, such as a .357 mag, are also great. They don't jam and are a little safer than semi-autos.

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i have many guns and i have an 870 shotgun with a short barrell but it my 9mm with 15 in the clip next to my bed......because it all head shots im taking if someone comes in......gots to take them down fast

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Originally posted by Bob Savage

With a shotgun, you're less likely to kill a friend or family member in the other room if you miss your target.



unless you use buckshot. that stuff will go through all kinds of stuff. you need birdshot for indoor use.

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Originally posted by MitchSchaft

Go with the shotgun and use birdshot in the house. I'd do #7 or #6. I guarantee you the birdshot will penetrate walls, but not nearly as bad as buckshot. Go with a 22" barrel as well.

Also, keep in mind that if you're in a position where you have to aim a firearm at somebody don't mess around. Shooting beanbags, or bull{censored}, will bring you a lawsuit for sure. Do what you have to do to stop the threat.



And by that, you mean shoot to kill, and empty all of the rounds in the weapon.

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Depends on if what your shooting is close up or you need more accuracy for distance. My favorite was the M 16A2 and M203 grenade launcher combo. God I miss having them on my person. Thats the main part of the Marine's that I miss. Close up I say shotgun with bird or buck shot depending on your marksman skills. Where as the rifle will require more shooting skills for accuracy. My experience anyways.

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Originally posted by peppy

First you say "then buckshot" and then "a shotgun will not generally be fatal". You squarely shoot someone at ranges inside the home with buckshot and there's an excellent chance it will be fatal.

Yeah and then miss, and your nieghbor will be picking it out of their walls the next day, buck shot is to heavy for inside of a home, use bird shot, remember your distances you are working in here at going to be at touching distance a lot of the times, and hardly ever over about 20 feet. Rifle is a great idea if you don't mind shooting someone several blocks away.

Regardless of what ever you choose for home defense, you are still responsible of where that load ends up once you pull the trigger.

I would also imagine from a liability stand point, the bird shot would be a "easier: one to defend bird shot is meant for very very small game, as appossed(sp?) to that big bad double ought buck shot, that is used in "assualt" guns, or hunting "large" game.

These are all points that one has to unfortunately consider now adays in our sue crazy society, you shoot the bad guy, his family turns around an sues you for lose of income :freak: mental pian and suffering, yadda yadda yadda. personally I say blow the {censored}er away and bury him in the back yard, or feed him to the nieghbors cats :D

Thes oppinions are mine and mine alone (from the great white north where gun control will lead us all to a happy utopian society) yeah right that's why I have a room full of guns :D

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+1 for a shotgun. For home defense, your best bet is an IC (Improved Cylinder) choke. This will help spread your pattern out faster. Giving you a little margin for poor aim.

The thing to remember is that the gun is only as effective as the guy holding it. If you aren't comfortable using it and haven't put in the time to become familiar with how it opertates and getting the feel of it, you won't be effective with it no matter what it is.

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Originally posted by peppy

First you say "then buckshot" and then "a shotgun will not generally be fatal". You squarely shoot someone at ranges inside the home with buckshot and there's an excellent chance it will be fatal.



make that 99% chance it will be fatal

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No matter what you pick, the most important piece of equipment you get for it is a light attachment. You don't want to accidently kill your family in the middle of the night thinking they're an intruder.

That said, I'd pick either a 12ga with an 18" barrel (which is either state or ATF mandated shortest barrel length without added paperwork and fees) or a Glock 9mm (Glocks have those handy built-in rails), and get a weapon light for it, preferably a Surefire. Keep in mind most home defense situations will be within 20ft., so rifles are out of the picture.

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Originally posted by RockinIt

Go with a handgun man, a glock will subdue a criminal perfectly, but for added protection I'd go towards one of these.


The bad guy's not going to care how "scary" your gun looks. If you do it right they'll never even see it. Desert Eagles are bulky, have bad recoil, and don't carry as many rounds as something like a little Glock, H&K, or Browning.

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Forget the light attachemnts,lazers, bayonets ect. the most important tool to go with a gun for home defence, is your phone, if you suspect an intruder, dial 911 before you do anything, even if you just dial and leave the phone off the hook, they(police) will come (so will fire and ambulance) this also allows you to build a defence of non leathal modes, before anything else can happen. And suggests that there was in fact a disturbance that you needed assitance with in progress.

If somehting happens, you tried to get help before it happend, if it is nothing, tell the cops you where spooked by some dude peeping in the window, and he ran when he heard the sirens.

Edit: I should go through an d fix my spelling errors, but I am to tired :bor:

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Originally posted by murch33

The bad guy's not going to care how "scary" your gun looks. If you do it right they'll never even see it. Desert Eagles are bulky, have bad recoil, and don't carry as many rounds as something like a little Glock, H&K, or Browning.



I'm not trying to scare him, I'm trying to blow the {censored}er away!


Lets put all your points into perspective, shall we?


Bulky, and shotguns aren't?

Recoil...pretty damn bad for a handgun, I doubt a shotty would be any better.

Shotguns don't exactly have 20 shells.


I also suggested the Glock. a nice compact glock like a G28 or something would be great.

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Originally posted by DeathMonkey

Set yourself on fire and run at him screaming.

I've said it before, I will say it again,

Anyone who depends on a firearm as home defense is a {censored}ing moron.

Moron, reporting for duty.


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get a good pointy metal axe and pierce this intruder when he tries to get in.

man, if i would live in a place where i'd need a GUN to protect my family i'd move away as fast as i can!!!

i'm so glad i live in europe-
i mean course we also have lunatics and criminals around but at least VERY few of them would carry a shotgun when they try to steal my amp....

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For close quarters work, most rifles will run into problems when it comes to reflexive fire situations...thus, a shotgun is a better choice if you're on a budget but be sure and pick the right load. (i.e. don't shoot dove shot...use buck shot, slugs, or one of the special self defense loads that are just wicked)

However, for me my Kimber Warrior .45 stays by the bed in the nightstand and that {censored}er packs one hell of a wallop.

but then again if I used that, I wouldn't get to use my KA-BAR


semper fi


edit: OH YEAH, I ALMOST FORGOT. Buy a Surefire lighting system either mounted or use the rogers/surefire or Harries flashlight assisted shooting techniques with your pistol.

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What you need is a stinger missile launcher... never know when the king of England might start getting in your face again :thu:

Or youd could always crank a mesa 100 watt fullstack to 10 and play the first few power chords of master of puppets :p :p

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