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Best defense rifle or shotgun


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Originally posted by MetalHed

For what it's worth:

People who keep a gun in their home are 58% more likely to get shot than someone who doesn't.

You are 10 times more likely to shoot a family member than an intruder.

I'm not anti-gun, I've been shooting since I was about 8 years old, but the idea of keeping a gun for "home defense" is usually not quite as good of an idea as some people would think.

Do you live in an area where you have frequent armed intruders?

It's usually safer to move to a better area than try "fighting fire with fire".



You get those figures where? Reminds me of the infamous Kellerman study which has since been refuted a few times. I've had guns in every house I have lived in since I was born (I'm old) and no family member has been shot. My dad had the same experience as have several friends. Surely with those stats above one of us would have suffered a gunshot wound by now. Hmmm.....I think those stats aren't too accurate now are they? As to your last two sentences....a lot of people plainly can't afford to just "move to a better area"....you an elitist?

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Originally posted by MetalHed

For what it's worth:

People who keep a gun in their home are 58% more likely to get shot than someone who doesn't.

You are 10 times more likely to shoot a family member than an intruder.

I'm not anti-gun, I've been shooting since I was about 8 years old, but the idea of keeping a gun for "home defense" is usually not quite as good of an idea as some people would think.

Do you live in an area where you have frequent armed intruders?

It's usually safer to move to a better area than try "fighting fire with fire".



These stats won't be backed up because they are made up. Growing up in CA I bought into a lot of BS regarding guns and gun ownership because I didn't know any better. Once I was exposed to guns and started looking up the actual statistics I did a relatively quick turnaroud.

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Originally posted by murch33

The bad guy's not going to care how "scary" your gun looks. If you do it right they'll never even see it. Desert Eagles are bulky, have bad recoil, and don't carry as many rounds as something like a little Glock, H&K, or Browning.


How many rounds do you need?.. If you need to reload- you prob need some shooting lessons..

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Originally posted by FLYING V 83

I have a Model 94 saddle carbine chambered in .357 Magnum that I keep stoked with Magsafes.

Nine rounds, short 16" barrel, no shotgun overspray to worry about.




that is a pretty effective very low key stealth assult rife.... good choice ,,,, 357 lever rifles are a good man stopper out to 100 yards ..... you combine that with a dillon 550 and a good stash of reloading materials , some 2400,, some unique and small pistol primers ...,, and you are well prepped for the break down of law and order .....The ammo works in your 357 handguns as well ...... its an ideal set up. It will take small game as well as smaller deer ......and can also shoot lead bullets or JHPs .. depending on the load . rat

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Originally posted by strangegrey

Give this man a cigar...perfect for home defense...and depending on what you load it with, you can use it to disable an intruder (knee cap) or kill him.

Thanks, make it a Cuban and you got a deal. :)

I have a black 870 Express Magnum with tactical stock (pistol grip on a full stock) and 7 round extension magazine. I think I paid less than $300 brand new, and maybe 40 bucks for the new stock.
I happened across a box of wonderful little critters in a pawn shop in Renton, WA that I keep it loaded with... they're reduced recoil 00 buckshot shells that are usually reserved for law enforcement, but I found just one box hidden behind some birdshot shells. 9 pellets, and half the kick you'd expect from a 12 gauge shell. Barely punches paper at 50 yards, but will tear ass on anything under 10, which is about the range at which you'd most likely be trading shots with a bad guy. I think I have about 16 out of 24 left, I had to try them out just to know what they felt like. Smooth.

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if you cant shoot a pistol..then a shotgun is the all around best
high powered rifles go through walls and the neighbors house

if you use a pistol...dont get anything less than a 9mm..

personally i like the 40 cal myself..more power than a 9mm and lest kick than a .45 , easier to get on target and its what most law enforcement officers use.

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Depends entirely on what kind of range (distances) you have to work with,and if you are in an apartment or house in one of these postage-stamp subdivisions -or out in the sticks.
Apt/Postage Stamp= shotgun- either .12 Remi 870 or Remi 1187 (semi-auto) . .410 Mossberg -loaded with 000 buck.
Rural-or large property with minimal downrange hazards=Vepr AK-47.

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